Distribution list of the IUCr COMCIFS Core Dictionary Maintenance Group
The archive of coreDMG is located at the URL:
coredmg is unmoderated, private and owned by the Coordinating Secretary of COMCIFS. Subscribers to the list are strictly limited to the members of the COMCIFS Core Dictionary Maintenance Group and those IUCr officials (viz. President, General Secretary and Treasurer, and Executive Secretary) who request membership of the list.
Possible contributions to the discussion by non-subscribers should be sent to the Coordinating Secretary, who will consider their suitability for redistribution within the list.
Brian McMahon, COMCIFS Coordinating Secretary, 5 January 1998
Threads are arranged in reverse order (most recent at the top), but the messages within each thread are arranged by date.
- Addition of Electron Diffraction related data names to Core (James H via coreDMG)
- New items relevant to radiation damage (Brian McMahon via coreDMG)
- James H via coreDMG
- Message not available
- James H via coreDMG
- Brian McMahon via coreDMG
- Crystal mosaicity (Brian McMahon via coreDMG)
- New dictionary: multiblock CIF (James H via coreDMG)
- New core dictionary release for your consideration (James H via coreDMG)
- Allow default values for site symmetry in the geometry categories? (James H via coreDMG)
- Add ADP beta factor data names? (James H via coreDMG)
- New data names to capture the results of atomic composition analysis (James H via coreDMG)
- Ambiguity in atom_site.disorder_group value -1 (Robert Hanson via coreDMG)
- Bollinger, John C via coreDMG
- Robert Hanson via coreDMG
- Bollinger, John C via coreDMG
- Robert Hanson via coreDMG
- Bollinger, John C via coreDMG
- Robert Hanson via coreDMG
- Bollinger, John C via coreDMG
- Brian McMahon via coreDMG
- Bollinger, John C via coreDMG
- Robert Hanson via coreDMG
- Bollinger, John C via coreDMG
- Robert Hanson via coreDMG
- James H via coreDMG
- Robert Hanson via coreDMG
- James H via coreDMG
- Brian McMahon via coreDMG
- Proposal to define data names for atomic analysis information (James H via coreDMG)
- _database.dataset_doi - any problems if this might be a DOI for rawdata? (James H via coreDMG)
- Purely calculated structural data in CIF (Mike Hoyland via coreDMG)
- Suggestions for microsymposium topics for IUCr 2023 (James H via coreDMG)
- What does it mean for _diffrn_ambient_temperature and_cell_measurement_temperature to be different? (James H via coreDMG)
- Proposal to disallow SU from _diffrn_refln_counts_* data names (James H via coreDMG)
- Using _atom_site_disorder_* data names to describe compositionaldisorder? (James H via coreDMG)
- Precise format for _audit_support.funding_organization_DOI (James H via coreDMG)
- Minutes of 2021 COMCIFS meeting (Brian McMahon via coreDMG)
- New data name _exptl_absorpt.special_details (James H via coreDMG)
- Is anybody willing to review pull requests for the core dictionary onGithub? (James H via coreDMG)
- Laboratory coordinate system (James Hester via coreDMG)
- Relationship between and (James Hester via coreDMG)
- Author roles draft definitions (James Hester via coreDMG)
- Flack parameter reporting enquiry (Mike Hoyland via coreDMG)
- Draft definition for _diffrn_measurement.specimen_adhesive (James Hester via coreDMG)
- FYI:Technical procedure for dictionary development (James Hester)
- Is dispersion included in _refln.F_calc? (James Hester)
- _diffrn_radiation_wavelength.type, xray_symbol (James Hester)
- CCDC/IUCr Journals proposal 4: capturing information aboutexperimental facilities (James Hester)
- CCDC/IUCr Journals proposal 3: Add audit_support category (James Hester)
- CCDC/IUCr Journals proposal 2: Addition of identifiers toAUDIT_AUTHOR and related categories. (James Hester)
- CCDC/IUCr journals recommendation 1: Recognition of scientistsresponsible for data collection (James Hester)
- Proposal of additional CIF data items (Natalie Johnson)
- Two new proposed data names (adhesive specification, temperaturedevice) from the IUCr web pages (James Hester)
- Fwd: Suggesting CIF data item values (Brian McMahon)
- _publ_author_name is not a good key for _publ_author (James Hester)
- Adding datanames covering database information (James Hester)
- Expanding the role of CITATION category (James Hester)
- RE: Please consider the following new default values. (Brown, David)
- Referring to raw data from a processed data CIF (James Hester)
- Additional fields for _audit_author; author roles (James Hester)
- unsbuscribe (Howard Flack)
- Providing a definition for the deprecated _symmetry_cell_setting (James Hester)
- Fwd: New DDLm attribute and core dataname to control datanameredefinition (James Hester)
- Latest version of cif_core for review (James Hester)
- core_cif review note: _diffrn.crystal_id removed (James Hester)
- New dataname _audit.schema and associated proposal (James Hester)
- Status of updated version of DDLm core cif (James Hester)
- Update to audit_conform in new core_cif (James Hester)
- Updated version of DDLm core cif after merging symmetry dictionary (James Hester)
- Moving symmetry dictionary into DDLm (James Hester)
- Core CIF dictionary in DDLm (James Hester)
- Core CIF dictionary 2.4.5 released (Brian McMahon)
- Core CIF dictionary version 2.4.4 released (Brian McMahon)
- ATOM_SITES and ATOM_TYPE threads started; review update (James Hester)
- Core CIF review is up and running! (James Hester)
- Major coreDMG tasks in 2014: reviewing coreCIF and the new DDLmdictionary (James Hester)
- Chairmanship of the COMCIFS core Dictionary Maintenance Group (David Brown)
- Revised version of draft twinning dictionary for your approval (James Hester)
- Discussion on a new item for the core CIF dictionary (David Brown)
- Draft CIF twin dictionary for approval (David Brown)
- Tony Linden
- George M. Sheldrick
- Message not available
- James Hester
- Tony Linden
- David Brown
- Additional modifications to core CIF for SHELXL2012 (Brian McMahon)
- Draft changes to Core data names for multiplicity etc. (Brian McMahon)
- Core CIF dictionary version 2.4.2 released (Brian McMahon)
- Additional fast-track definitions (Brian McMahon)
- coreCIF Items for fast track approval (David Brown)
- Restraints CIF dictionary version 1.0 released (Brian McMahon)
- Message not available
- David Brown
- Brian McMahon
- Items for fast track approval (David Brown)
- Extensions t0 the core CIF dictionary (David Brown)
- Draft CIF dictionary for rgid body description (David Brown)
- Addendum to CIF restraints and constraints (David Brown)
- CIF dictionary for Restraints and constraints (David Brown)
- [Fwd: Re: New fast-track definitionproposal: _diffrn_radiation_wavelength_nominal] (David Brown)
- Fast track proposal approved. (David Brown)
- Fast track proposal for an addition to the Core CIF dictionary (David Brown)
- Approval of the CIF methods Dictionary Definition Language (David Brown)
- Announcement: CoreCIF dictionary version 2.4 released (Brian McMahon)
- Deadline for coreCIF restraints is near (David Brown)
- Items for the coreCIF dictionary relating to restraints (David Brown)
- CIF coreDMG discussion #9 (David Brown)
- Discussion paper #9 (David Brown)
- CIF coreDMG #8 (David Brown)
- coreCIF.dic-2.4 Discussion List #8 (David Brown)
- [Fwd: Re: 4 new proposed data items for the core CIF DIC] (Howard Flack)
- CIF dimensionless units (Howard Flack)
- core_CIF_2.4 Discussion #7 (David Brown)
- core CIF discussion #6 (David Brown)
- CIF Core DMG Discussion #5 (David Brown)
- coreCIF dictionary 2.4 Discusision #4 (David Brown)
- IUPAC workshop on XML and IChI (I. David Brown)
- cif_core_2.4 discussion 1 (I. David Brown)
- New version (2.3) of core CIF dictionary available (Brian McMahon)
- update (I. David Brown)
- Comments on CIF core changes for 2.3 (Haltiwanger, Curt)
- Approval of CIF core changes for 2.3 (Brian McMahon)
- Re: Core CIF revisions (I. David Brown)
- Re: CIF core revision list 6 _exptl_crystal_recrystallization_method (Howard Flack)
- Re: CIF core revision list 6 _exptl_crystal_density_meas_temp_lt (Howard Flack)
- Re: CoreCIF revision 2.3 / density (Howard Flack)
- Re: CoreCIF revision 2.3 _refine_ls_extinction_method: (Howard Flack)
- Re: CoreCIF revision 2.3 ATOM_TYPE_SCAT (Howard Flack)
- CoreCIF revision 2.3 (I. David Brown)
- CIF core revision list 6 (I. David Brown)
- Comments on list #5 (Haltiwanger, Curt)
- CIF core dictionary revisions List #5 (I. David Brown)
- Core CIF: Fourth round of proposed changes (I. David Brown)
- Round 3 of CIF core revision (I. David Brown)
- Second round of proposed changes (I. David Brown)
- Review of coreCIF.dic (part 1) (I. David Brown)
- CIF-core: Proposed revisions (I. David Brown)
- Item 5.2 (I. David Brown)
- review of core CIF dictionary (I. David Brown)
- CIF core dictionary (I. David Brown)
- Request for new data name _citation_database_id_CSD (Brian McMahon)
- CIF description of twinning (Brian McMahon)
- Rigid-group identification (Brian McMahon)
- Some additional data items for the REFINE category (Brian McMahon)
- CoreCIF dictionary version 2.2 released (Brian McMahon)
- Re: valence items (Sydney R Hall)
- [Query re: cif_core 2.1 definitions] (Brian McMahon)
- Re: proposal for AS & AC related items (Howard Flack)
- Re: proposal for twin terms (Howard Flack)
- proposal for valence items (I. David Brown)
- membership of the dmg (I. David Brown)
- comments on coreCIF.dic 2.1 (I. David Brown)
- Approval requested for CIF Core 2.1 (Brian McMahon)
- Resolution limits (I. David Brown)
- Expressions for R factors (Brian McMahon)
- Printing of multiple geometry values (Brian McMahon)
- Minor rewording of some definitions (Brian McMahon)
- Transfer from msCIF: refine_ls_class category (Brian McMahon)
- Transfer from msCIF: diffrn and exptl_crystal items (Brian McMahon)
- Attenuator (I. David Brown)
- cylinder length (I. David Brown)
- Permitting new physical units? (Sydney R Hall)
- F(000) (Brian McMahon)
- Neutron diffraction experiments (Brian McMahon)
- Modus operandi of COMCIFS Core Dictionary Maintenance Group (Brian McMahon)
- Resolution as an indicator of data completeness (George M. Sheldrick)
- Enumeration ranges (Brian McMahon)
- Absolute structure (Howard Flack)
- Dictionary version numbering (Brian McMahon)
- Core CIF - revision to accommodate Acta C Notes for Authors (Brian McMahon)
- CIF abbreviations (I. David Brown)