Discussion list for the Small-Angle Scattering community
The archive of sa_scat is located at the URL:
sa_scat is moderated, open and owned by the IUCr Commission on Small-Angle Scattering.
Messages are arranged in reverse order (most recent at the top). The format of the dates is dd/mm/yy.
- Index by theme (thread index)
- [SA_Scat] EOIs open for Small Angle Scattering Workshop 2025 inSydney [SEC=OFFICIAL] From: SOKOLOVA, Anna via sa_scat (20/02/25)
- [SA_Scat] 3-year research fellowship at the Institut Laue-Langevin(ILL), Grenoble, France From: Frank Gabel via sa_scat (14/02/25)
- [SA_Scat] Changes to the sa_scat administrators From: Stephen King - STFC UKRI via sa_scat (20/12/24)
- [SA_Scat] 3-year research fellowship at the Institut Laue-Langevin(ILL), Grenoble, France From: Frank Gabel via sa_scat (18/12/24)
- [SA_Scat] SANS instrument scientist at SINQ/PSI From: Stephen King - STFC UKRI via sa_scat (16/12/24)
- [SA_Scat] Joint Postdoc Position at Sapienza University & ISIS onSimultaneous SANS-DLS From: Stephen King - STFC UKRI via sa_scat (16/12/24)
- [SA_Scat] SANS instrument scientist position at the ESS From: Stephen King - STFC UKRI via sa_scat (02/12/24)
- [SA_Scat] Job openings at the ESRF From: Narayanan Theyencheri via sa_scat (27/11/24)
- [SA_Scat] Two SANS instrument scientist positions at the ILLGrenoble From: SCHWEINS Ralf via sa_scat (27/11/24)
- [SA_Scat] Delft neutron and positron beam time available From: Stephen King - STFC UKRI via sa_scat (25/11/24)
- [SA_Scat] PDRA in Condensed Matter Physics From: Stephen King - STFC UKRI via sa_scat (14/11/24)
- [SA_Scat] Announcing SasView 6.0.0 From: Stephen King - STFC UKRI via sa_scat (25/10/24)
- [SA_Scat] Virtual BioSAXS Workshop - 12/10/2024 to 12/13/2024 From: Jesse Hopkins via sa_scat (06/09/24)
- [SA_Scat] Postdoctoral researcher on transthyretin amyloidosis atLund University Medical Faculty From: Trevor Forsyth via sa_scat (29/08/24)
- [SA_Scat] mRNA therapeutics: postdoctoral position in structuralcharacterization using neutrons, X-rays and electron microscopy From: Trevor Forsyth via sa_scat (29/08/24)
- IDF Alert: Guidelines for Citizen Safety From: =?utf-16?b?//5JAEQARgAgAEEAbABlAHIAdAA=?= (04/08/24)
- [SA_Scat] CBMS Structural Biology Workbenches From: Stojanoff, Vivian via sa_scat (25/07/24)
- [SA_Scat] GISAS instrument survey to attempt standardisation From: =?utf-8?q?H=C3=B6rmann=2C_Anja_via_sa=5Fscat?= (18/07/24)
- [SA_Scat] Zoom webinar link for the John White symposium - live now From: Stephen King - STFC UKRI via sa_scat (18/07/24)
- [SA_Scat] UK Neutron Review 2024 - Community Consultation From: Stephen King - STFC UKRI via sa_scat (16/07/24)
- [SA_Scat] Senior Technical Officer Position available@EMBL HamburgUnit From: Margret Fischer via sa_scat (11/07/24)
- [SA_Scat] Postdoc position at SAXSMAT beamline P62 From: Haas, Sylvio via sa_scat (11/07/24)
- [SA_Scat] =?utf-8?q?Open_PhD_Position_in__=22Conformation_and_fu?==?utf-8?q?nction_of_proteins_at_homogeneous_and_nanostructured_interfaces?==?utf-8?q?=22_at_Universit=C3=A9_Grenoble_Alpes_-_Institut_Laue_Langevin?==?utf-8?q?=2C_France?= From: Stephen King - STFC UKRI via sa_scat (25/06/24)
- [SA_Scat] Release Announcement: ATSAS-4.0.0 From: Daniel Franke via sa_scat (25/06/24)
- [SA_Scat] 3-year PhD position in Small Angle Neutron Scattering From: Frank Gabel via sa_scat (21/06/24)
- [SA_Scat] Scientific Software Developer for ISIS/PSI SANS Project(2-year) From: Stephen King - STFC UKRI via sa_scat (07/06/24)
- [SA_Scat] EMBO SAXS/SANS practical course Grenoble, France,September 2024 From: Stephen King - STFC UKRI via sa_scat (04/06/24)
- [SA_Scat] Integrated Structural Biology course 2024, Sweden,September 2-13 From: Wojtek Potrzebowski via sa_scat (27/05/24)
- [SA_Scat] EMBO SAXS/SANS practical course Grenoble, France,September 2024 From: Frank Gabel via sa_scat (06/05/24)
- [SA_Scat] Reminder to register: John White Symposium : 18th - 19thJuly 2024 From: Stephen King - STFC UKRI via sa_scat (25/04/24)
- [SA_Scat] Invitation to participate in person NSLS II & CFNworkshop #3 From: Stojanoff, Vivian via sa_scat (23/04/24)
- [SA_Scat] ICACS & SHIM 2024 Conference From: Shankar Dutt via sa_scat (22/04/24)
- [SA_Scat] Position as RUCSAXS x-ray facility manager/researchengineer, Roskilde University, Denmark From: Dorthe Posselt via sa_scat (18/04/24)
- [SA_Scat] SAS workshop at the ACA meeting, July 7th 2024 From: Jesse Hopkins via sa_scat (17/04/24)
- [SA_Scat] *Deadline for Travel Award*: Structural Biology Workshop,June 10-12, 2024, Arlington, VA From: Meilleur, Flora via sa_scat (09/04/24)
- [SA_Scat] Invitation to SAS2024 From: Ilavsky, Jan via sa_scat (04/04/24)
- [SA_Scat] Immediate Post-Doctoral Opening on ChemMatCARS at APS From: Stephen King - STFC UKRI via sa_scat (28/03/24)
- [SA_Scat] =?utf-8?q?WE-Heraeus_Workshop_on_Bridging_Length_Scale?==?utf-8?q?s_in_Magnetism_=E2=80=93_Diffuse_Scattering_from_the_Atomic_to_?==?utf-8?q?the_Mesoscale?= From: Stephen King - STFC UKRI via sa_scat (28/03/24)
- [SA_Scat] SANS data scientist at the ESS From: Judith Houston via sa_scat (25/03/24)
- [SA_Scat] EMBO SAXS/SANS practical course Grenoble, France,September 2024 From: Frank Gabel via sa_scat (22/03/24)
- [SA_Scat] Vacancy Instrument Scientist SANS permanent position 32to 40h From: Stephen King - STFC UKRI via sa_scat (15/03/24)
- [SA_Scat] 17 years of scattering-related information From: Pauw, Brian Richard via sa_scat (15/03/24)
- [SA_Scat] Australian Centre for Neutron Scattering at ANSTO: twoinstrument scientists positions opened [SEC=OFFICIAL] From: SOKOLOVA, Anna via sa_scat (09/03/24)
- [SA_Scat] mRNA therapeutics: postdoctoral position in structuralcharacterization using neutrons, X-rays and electron microscopy From: Trevor Forsyth via sa_scat (05/03/24)
- [SA_Scat] Postdoctoral researcher on transthyretin amyloidosis atLund University Medical Faculty From: Trevor Forsyth via sa_scat (05/03/24)
- [SA_Scat] Save the Date : John White Symposium : 18th - 19th July2024 From: Stephen King - STFC UKRI via sa_scat (22/02/24)
- [SA_Scat] Training in Neutron Techniques (TNT) 2024 on Small AngleScattering and Reflectometry From: Stephen King - STFC UKRI via sa_scat (21/02/24)
- [SA_Scat] Staff Scientist in biological small-angle x-rayscattering at Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource From: Tsutomu Matsui via sa_scat (21/02/24)
- Re: [SA_Scat] Postdoctoral position in automation for reflectometryat liquid surfaces From: Karen Edler via sa_scat (18/02/24)
- [SA_Scat] Postdoctoral position in automation for reflectometry atliquid surfaces From: Karen Edler via sa_scat (18/02/24)
- [SA_Scat] Structural Biology Workshop, June 10-12, 2024, Arlington,VA From: Meilleur, Flora via sa_scat (15/02/24)
- [SA_Scat] Post-doc fellow at Lund University and the EuropeanSpallation Source - SANS From: Stephen King - STFC UKRI via sa_scat (07/02/24)
- [SA_Scat] Post-doc fellow at Lund University and the EuropeanSpallation Source - SANS From: Judith Houston via sa_scat (29/01/24)
- [SA_Scat] SANS Instrument Scientist position on GP-SANS at ORNL From: Stephen King - STFC UKRI via sa_scat (15/12/23)
- [SA_Scat] Postdoc opening at ID02 beamline, ESRF From: Narayanan Theyencheri via sa_scat (15/12/23)
- [SA_Scat] Call for abstracts open - Neutrons and Food 7 From: Stephen King - STFC UKRI via sa_scat (01/12/23)
- [SA_Scat] Prof Dr Stefan Egelhaaf From: Stephen King - STFC UKRI via sa_scat (27/11/23)
- [SA_Scat] Future Perspectives on Neutron Scattering From: Stephen King - STFC UKRI via sa_scat (16/11/23)
- [SA_Scat] 2nd French-Swiss SANS for Soft Matter Meeting From: Stephen King - STFC UKRI via sa_scat (16/11/23)
- [SA_Scat] =?utf-8?q?Bridging_Length_Scales_in_Magnetism_-_17_Jun?==?utf-8?q?_=E2=80=93_20_Jun_2024?= From: Stephen King - STFC UKRI via sa_scat (10/11/23)
- [SA_Scat] Machine Learning Conference 2024 in Munich From: Roth, Stephan via sa_scat (09/11/23)
- [SA_Scat] Dr George D Wignall From: Stephen King - STFC UKRI via sa_scat (27/10/23)
- [SA_Scat] FASEM2024 : Save the date and register! From: Stephen King - STFC UKRI via sa_scat (26/10/23)
- [SA_Scat] Call for access to Synchrotron Beamline Facilities,2024 - EMBL Hamburg, Germany From: Clement Blanchet via sa_scat (16/10/23)
- [SA_Scat] FW: Reminder: CanSAS workshop 16th - 18th October :Abstract deadline and registration From: Stephen King - STFC UKRI via sa_scat (13/09/23)
- [SA_Scat] Professor John White From: Stephen King - STFC UKRI via sa_scat (19/08/23)
- Re: [SA_Scat] Next canSAS workshop from 16-18 October 2023 inGrenoble, France From: Stephen King - STFC UKRI via sa_scat (15/08/23)
- [SA_Scat] 2 Vacancies for SANS Instrument Scientists at ISIS From: Stephen King - STFC UKRI via sa_scat (14/08/23)
- Re: [SA_Scat] Next canSAS workshop from 16-18 October 2023 inGrenoble, France From: Stephen King - STFC UKRI via sa_scat (28/07/23)
- [SA_Scat] Course: Solution scattering from biologicalmacromolecules (registration deadline: 4 September 2023) From: Clement Blanchet via sa_scat (26/07/23)
- [SA_Scat] Opportunity: Join the SAXS Team at EMBL Hamburg as anARISE/Marie-Curie Fellow (Deadline: September 30, 2023) From: Clement Blanchet via sa_scat (07/07/23)
- [SA_Scat] ARISE fellowship position, deadline: September 30, 2023 From: Stephen King - STFC UKRI via sa_scat (06/07/23)
- [SA_Scat] Announcing SasView 5.0.6 From: Stephen King - STFC UKRI via sa_scat (28/06/23)
- [SA_Scat] UK SAS Conference - Diamond Light Source, 11-13 Sept 2023 From: Terrill, Nick \(DLSLtd,RAL,LSCI\) via sa_scat (08/06/23)
- [SA_Scat] CBMS Lecture Series - Jin Montclare - May 17 13:30 (EDT) From: Stojanoff, Vivian via sa_scat (12/05/23)
- [SA_Scat] PhD Position in Biomolecular Small-Angle NeutronScattering in Oxford From: Najet Mahmoudi - STFC UKRI via sa_scat (09/05/23)
- [SA_Scat] PhD position in Art, Soft Matter and Neutron Scattering From: Najet Mahmoudi - STFC UKRI via sa_scat (03/05/23)
- [SA_Scat] Next canSAS workshop from 16-18 October 2023 in Grenoble,France From: Narayanan Theyencheri via sa_scat (21/04/23)
- [SA_Scat] CBMS workbench: Structural Biology From: Stojanoff, Vivian via sa_scat (20/04/23)
- [SA_Scat] One week left to register for ECCo 2023 (Early CareerColloid Network 2023) From: Gregory Smith - STFC UKRI via sa_scat (19/04/23)
- [SA_Scat] Call for access to Sirius Synchrotron Beamlines, Campinas,Brazil From: Stephen King - STFC UKRI via sa_scat (18/04/23)
- [SA_Scat] BornAgain 20.0 From: Stephen King - STFC UKRI via sa_scat (30/03/23)
- [SA_Scat] Beamline Scientist Position (SAXS/WAXS and BioSAXS)Available at the ANSTO Australian Synchrotron [SEC=OFFICIAL] From: CLULOW, Andrew via sa_scat (30/03/23)
- [SA_Scat] UltraScan Solution Modeler (US-SOMO) Updates From: Emre Brookes via sa_scat (20/03/23)
- [SA_Scat] Registration open for ECCo 2023 (Early Career ColloidNetwork 2023 Meeting) From: Gregory Smith - STFC UKRI via sa_scat (20/03/23)
- [SA_Scat] 3-year post-doc on GI X-ray scattering From: Pauw, Brian Richard via sa_scat (06/03/23)
- [SA_Scat] Postdoc and PhD position in quantum skyrmions at theUniversity of Luxembourg From: Stephen King - STFC UKRI via sa_scat (24/02/23)
- [SA_Scat] Machine Learning in Scattering Workshop, April 17/18 2023 From: Stephen King - STFC UKRI via sa_scat (23/02/23)
- [SA_Scat] IUCr Congress SAS sessions - abstract deadline Feb 21! From: Stephen King - STFC UKRI via sa_scat (06/02/23)
- [SA_Scat] Vacancy for Post-Doctoral Research Associate - USAXS From: Smith, Andy \(DLSLtd,RAL,LSCI\) via sa_scat (31/01/23)
- [SA_Scat] CBMS workbench structural biology - January 31st toFebruary 2nd From: Stojanoff, Vivian via sa_scat (20/01/23)
- [SA_Scat] Shapespyer and MuSSIC launch workshop From: Stephen King - STFC UKRI via sa_scat (18/01/23)
- [SA_Scat] Reminder: CBMS Lecture Series - January 18, 2023,13:30 (EST) From: Stojanoff, Vivian via sa_scat (18/01/23)
- [SA_Scat] Vacancy for Assistant/Associate/full Professor SoftMatter Research with Neutrons From: Wim Bouwman - TNW via sa_scat (13/01/23)
- [SA_Scat] Postdoctoral Position in Biomolecular Small-Angle X-rayScattering in Montpellier From: pau bernado via sa_scat (10/01/23)
- [SA_Scat] ATSAS 3.2 From: Clement Blanchet via sa_scat (06/01/23)
- [SA_Scat] Delft Technology Fellowship Soft Matter research withneutrons From: Wim Bouwman - TNW via sa_scat (03/01/23)
- [SA_Scat] ISIS SANS User Group Meeting, 30/31 Jan 2023 From: Stephen King - STFC UKRI via sa_scat (15/12/22)
- [SA_Scat] Two postdoc positions in structural enzymology From: Meilleur, Flora via sa_scat (14/12/22)
- [SA_Scat] Reminder: Call for access to Synchrotron BeamlineFacilities, 2023 - EMBL Hamburg, Germany From: Sarah Marshall-Bensch via sa_scat (02/12/22)
- [SA_Scat] Neutron Scattering for a Sustainable Society - 2023Gordon Research Conference (GRC) on Neutron Scattering - Ventura, CA, USA From: Stephen King - STFC UKRI via sa_scat (29/11/22)
- [SA_Scat] RUCSAXS x-ray facility manager post From: Dorthe Posselt via sa_scat (13/11/22)
- [SA_Scat] Call for access to Synchrotron Beamline Facilities, 2023 From: Clement Blanchet via sa_scat (04/11/22)
- [SA_Scat] Postdoctoral researcher on transthyretin amyloidosis atLund University Medical Faculty From: Trevor Forsyth via sa_scat (27/10/22)
- [SA_Scat] 3rd International SAXS excites Symposium - Change of Dates From: Stephen King - STFC UKRI via sa_scat (18/10/22)
- [SA_Scat] SANS Instrument Scientist at ESS - Fixed Term From: Stephen King - STFC UKRI via sa_scat (13/10/22)
- [SA_Scat] Reminder: CBMS Structural Biology Workbench From: Stojanoff, Vivian via sa_scat (15/09/22)
- [SA_Scat] CanSAS evening session From: Judith Houston via sa_scat (13/09/22)
- [SA_Scat] Postdoc Position University of Luxembourg From: Andreas MICHELS via sa_scat (12/09/22)
- [SA_Scat] GISAXS2022 / Abstract deadline extended: 1st October 2022 From: Roth, Stephan via sa_scat (12/09/22)
- [SA_Scat] Postdoctoral researcher at Lund MedicalFaculty/CureVac/Institut Laue-Langevin From: Trevor Forsyth via sa_scat (09/09/22)
- [SA_Scat] Group/Team leader position available@EMBL Hamburg From: Margret Fischer via sa_scat (08/09/22)
- [SA_Scat] GISAXS2022 / Registration now open From: Roth, Stephan via sa_scat (29/08/22)
- [SA_Scat] CBMS Structural Biology Workbench September 27 to 29 -Registration open From: Stojanoff, Vivian via sa_scat (25/08/22)
- [SA_Scat] =?windows-1252?q?Northern_Lights_on_Food_=96_Mastercla?==?windows-1252?q?ss_III_=28X-ray_and_neutron_scattering=29?= From: Gregory Smith - STFC UKRI via sa_scat (12/08/22)
- Research and Strategy From: Research (12/08/22)
- [SA_Scat] CanSAS-XII update From: Judith Houston via sa_scat (27/07/22)
- [SA_Scat] ANSTO SAS Workshop - Expression of interest is now open[SEC=OFFICIAL] From: CLULOW, Andrew via sa_scat (26/07/22)
- [SA_Scat] Invitation to complete the DeuNet 2022 Survey From: Stephen King - STFC UKRI via sa_scat (04/07/22)
- [SA_Scat] Postdoctoral Associate Position at CNPEM / LNLS From: Stephen King - STFC UKRI via sa_scat (04/07/22)
- [SA_Scat] Workshop GISAXS2022 / Abstract submission open From: Roth, Stephan via sa_scat (30/06/22)
- [SA_Scat] PhD studentship - SAXS/XPDF studies of hierarchical MOFformation From: Smith, Andy \(DLSLtd,RAL,LSCI\) via sa_scat (09/06/22)
- [SA_Scat] Announcing ATSAS 3.1 From: Dmitri Svergun via sa_scat (09/06/22)
- [SA_Scat] Announcing SasView 5.0.5 From: Stephen King - STFC UKRI via sa_scat (09/06/22)
- [SA_Scat] Senior Technical Officer Position@EMBL Hamburg available From: Margret Fischer via sa_scat (02/05/22)
- [SA_Scat] Neutrons and Food 6: Invitation of "listen-only"registration From: Stephen King - STFC UKRI via sa_scat (28/04/22)
- [SA_Scat] Workshop GISAXS2022 at DESY - first announcement /save-the-date From: Roth, Stephan via sa_scat (26/04/22)
- [SA_Scat] open postdoc position: Pollack Lab Cornell University,Using x-ray scattering to reveal the structural dynamics ofbiological macromolecules and their complexes From: Lois Pollack via sa_scat (25/04/22)
- [SA_Scat] Registration open for SAS 2022 From: Stephen King - STFC UKRI via sa_scat (19/04/22)
- [SA_Scat] CBMS Lecture Series - Karen Anderson, April 20,2022 @13:30 EST From: Stephen King - STFC UKRI via sa_scat (13/04/22)
- [SA_Scat] Community contributions solicited for the data analysisround robin, deadline 24th of April From: Pauw, Brian Richard via sa_scat (12/04/22)
- [SA_Scat] SANS Instrument Scientist Vacancy at ANSTO From: Stephen King - STFC UKRI via sa_scat (11/04/22)
- [SA_Scat] CanSAS workshop at SAS2022 From: Judith Houston via sa_scat (06/04/22)
- [SA_Scat] SAXS Excites 2022 - New Dates From: Stephen King - STFC UKRI via sa_scat (06/04/22)
- [SA_Scat] SAS2022 - Registration now open! From: Stephen King - STFC UKRI via sa_scat (01/04/22)
- [SA_Scat] Time to register for Lipid Bilayers at ESS - BESS 2022 inLund 13-15 June - abstract submission closes 31 March! From: Tommy Nylander via sa_scat (21/03/22)
- [SA_Scat] EMBO SAXS/SANS practical course Grenoble, France,June 2022 From: Gabel Frank via sa_scat (15/03/22)
- [SA_Scat] PhD Vacancy - Small-angle neutron scattering onlight-responsive emulsions (Cambridge/ISIS) From: Gregory Smith - STFC UKRI via sa_scat (09/03/22)
- [SA_Scat] SAS2022 - Abstracts now invited (Resend) From: Stephen King - STFC UKRI via sa_scat (07/03/22)
- [SA_Scat] SAS2022 - Abstracts now invited From: Stephen King - STFC UKRI via sa_scat (07/03/22)
- [SA_Scat] Postdoctoral Position at University of Cologne From: Stephen King - STFC UKRI via sa_scat (22/02/22)
- [SA_Scat] PhD Position in Adelaide,Australia - Interfacial Crystallisation in Food Formulations[SEC=OFFICIAL] From: CLULOW, Andrew via sa_scat (21/02/22)
- [SA_Scat] UK Neutron Scattering award,BTM Willis Prize 2022 - nominations open From: Gregory Smith - STFC UKRI via sa_scat (21/02/22)
- [SA_Scat] Reminder: CBMS Lecture Series;Jochen Hub Wednesday February 16 13:30 pm (NY time zone) From: Stojanoff, Vivian via sa_scat (14/02/22)
- [SA_Scat] A 50th Birthday Celebration for D11! From: Stephen King - STFC UKRI via sa_scat (10/02/22)
- [SA_Scat] CBMS Lecture Series - February 16,2022 - 13:30 New York time zone From: Stephen King - STFC UKRI via sa_scat (10/02/22)
- [SA_Scat] Small-angle Scattering Seminar Series YouTube Channel From: Stephen King - STFC UKRI via sa_scat (09/02/22)
- [SA_Scat] Vacancy for Research Software Engineer at ISIS (SasView) From: Stephen King - STFC UKRI via sa_scat (27/01/22)
- [SA_Scat] Data Analysis Round Robin (DARR) - Still looking forcontributions in exchange for co-authorships until end of March From: Pauw, Brian Richard via sa_scat (27/01/22)
- [SA_Scat] SAS2022, Campinas, conference announcement From: Florian Edouard P. Meneau via sa_scat (24/01/22)
- [SA_Scat] PhD fellowship at the Niels Bohr Institute From: Stephen King - STFC UKRI via sa_scat (24/01/22)
- [SA_Scat] SASBDB online workshop From: Dima Molodenskiy via sa_scat (24/01/22)
- [SA_Scat] PhD position in Belgium, SAS in porous materials From: Cedric Gommes via sa_scat (24/01/22)
- [SA_Scat] Job vacancy: post-doctoral fellow in time-resolved andin-situ neutron scattering methods From: Stephen King - STFC UKRI via sa_scat (20/01/22)
- [SA_Scat] Webinar on the study of lipid structures in membranes andfood formulations From: Gregory Smith - STFC UKRI via sa_scat (19/01/22)
- [SA_Scat] Neutrons and Food 6 - Call for presentations From: Stephen King - STFC UKRI via sa_scat (17/01/22)
- [SA_Scat] Job vacancy: Post-doctoral fellow in neutron surfacescattering From: Stephen King - STFC UKRI via sa_scat (12/01/22)
- [SA_Scat] EMBO SAXS/SANS practical course Grenoble, France,June 2022 From: Gabel Frank via sa_scat (11/01/22)
- [SA_Scat] CBMS Workbenches - February 2 to 4 From: Stojanoff, Vivian via sa_scat (07/01/22)
- [SA_Scat] Open PhD study position - Pickering emulsions From: Stephen King - STFC UKRI via sa_scat (22/12/21)
- [SA_Scat] Job Opening: Beamline Scientist at the SAXS/WAXS Beamline,Australian Synchrotron [SEC=OFFICIAL] From: KIRBY, Nigel via sa_scat (22/12/21)
- [SA_Scat] Small-angle Scattering Seminar Series from the AdvancedPhoton Source From: Stephen King - STFC UKRI via sa_scat (21/12/21)
- [SA_Scat] New canSAS working group: SESANS Reproducibility From: Gregory Smith - STFC UKRI via sa_scat (14/12/21)
- [SA_Scat] Round Robin on X-ray Scattering data analysis From: Pauw, Brian Richard via sa_scat (06/12/21)
- [SA_Scat] 3rd International SAXS excites Symposium & Non-AmbientXRD Workshop From: Stephen King - STFC UKRI via sa_scat (24/11/21)
- [SA_Scat] Postdoc position University of Copenhagen with emphasison scattering From: Benjamin Boyd via sa_scat (19/11/21)
- [SA_Scat] ISIS Online SANS Training Course 2022 From: Stephen King - STFC UKRI via sa_scat (15/11/21)
- [SA_Scat] Nature Primer: Small-angle X-ray and neutron scattering From: Stephen King - STFC UKRI via sa_scat (15/10/21)
- [SA_Scat] CBMS Lecture Series - October 20 - Lee Makowski From: Stojanoff, Vivian via sa_scat (15/10/21)
- [SA_Scat] REMINDER: Call for access to Synchrotron BeamlineFacilities, 2022 - EMBL Hamburg, Germany From: Clement Blanchet via sa_scat (11/10/21)
- [SA_Scat] Job Opening: Senior Support Scientist at I22 (DiamondLight Source) From: Terrill, Nick \(DLSLtd,RAL,LSCI\) via sa_scat (08/10/21)
- [SA_Scat] Vacancy for Research Software Engineer at ISIS (SasView) From: Stephen King - STFC UKRI via sa_scat (30/09/21)
- [SA_Scat] Call for Abstracts for SXNS16 From: Stephen King - STFC UKRI via sa_scat (28/09/21)
- [SA_Scat] CBMS Workshop - SAXS and MX - October 11 to 13, 2021 From: Stojanoff, Vivian via sa_scat (25/09/21)
- [SA_Scat] Special JAC Issue on Magnetic SANS - Call for Papers From: Stephen King - STFC UKRI via sa_scat (20/09/21)
- [SA_Scat] "Better with Scattering" - introductory materials scienceX-ray scattering course, 29th of November to 2nd of December From: Pauw, Brian Richard via sa_scat (15/09/21)
- Re: [SA_Scat] P12 User Meeting, 1-2 November, 2021 From: Clement Blanchet via sa_scat (15/09/21)
- [SA_Scat] P12 User Meeting, 1-2 November, 2021 From: Clement Blanchet via sa_scat (15/09/21)
- [SA_Scat] Call for access to Synchrotron Beamline Facilities,2021 - EMBL Hamburg, Germany From: Clement Blanchet via sa_scat (15/09/21)
- [SA_Scat] CBMS Lecture Series - 22 September - Chris Brosey From: Stojanoff, Vivian via sa_scat (14/09/21)
- [SA_Scat] The new SAXSMAT beamline P62 (PETRA III,DESY) is accepting user proposals From: Haas, Sylvio via sa_scat (05/08/21)
- [SA_Scat] bug warning on BornAgain for transmission GISAS From: Stephen King - STFC UKRI via sa_scat (22/07/21)
- [SA_Scat] S4SAS Conference 2021 From: Terrill, Nick \(DLSLtd,RAL,LSCI\) via sa_scat (22/07/21)
- [SA_Scat] S4SAS Conference 2021 - Register today! From: Terrill, Nick \(DLSLtd,RAL,LSCI\) via sa_scat (21/07/21)
- [SA_Scat] PhD in Novel methods for determination of the structureof large biomolecular complexes using small-angle X-ray scattering From: Stephen King - STFC UKRI via sa_scat (21/07/21)
- [SA_Scat] Job opening: Beamline Scientist at BioCAT (18ID at theAPS) From: Jesse Hopkins via sa_scat (20/07/21)
- [SA_Scat] Job opening: Postdoctoral position at the MIT NuclearReactor From: Stephen King - STFC UKRI via sa_scat (14/07/21)
- [SA_Scat] Group/Team leader position available@EMBL Hamburg From: Margret Fischer via sa_scat (28/06/21)
- [SA_Scat] FW: Annual meeting of the Open Reflectivity StandardsOrganisation From: Stephen King - STFC UKRI via sa_scat (09/06/21)
- [SA_Scat] Online Course on Neutron Scattering Applications inStructural Biology (HANDS2021) From: Meilleur, Flora via sa_scat (27/04/21)
- [SA_Scat] Post doctoral fellow position in polarised SANS with LundUniversity (joint project with ESS) From: Stephen King - STFC UKRI via sa_scat (22/04/21)
- [SA_Scat] Magnetic SANS Workshop From: Andreas MICHELS via sa_scat (22/04/21)
- [SA_Scat] =?windows-1252?q?New_book=3A_Small=96Angle_Scattering?==?windows-1252?q?=3A_Theory=2C_Instrumentation=2C_Data_and_Applications?= From: Stephen King - STFC UKRI via sa_scat (13/04/21)
- [SA_Scat] =?windows-1252?q?New_book=3A_Small=96Angle_Scattering?==?windows-1252?q?=3A_Theory=2C_Instrumentation=2C_Data_and_Applications?= From: Stephen King - STFC UKRI via sa_scat (13/04/21)
- [SA_Scat] Invitation to contribute to Special Issue "BiologicalSmall Angle Scattering Techniques and Applications" From: Qian, Shuo via sa_scat (27/03/21)
- [SA_Scat] Available post-doctoral position and Ph.D. study position From: Adrian Rennie via sa_scat (26/03/21)
- [SA_Scat] Ph.D. Study Opportunity in Uppsala From: Adrian Rennie via sa_scat (15/03/21)
- [SA_Scat] PostDoc (f/m/d) Inverse Imaging Problems From: Nico Hoffmann via sa_scat (11/03/21)
- [SA_Scat] Vacancy Notice: Director of the ISIS Pulsed Neutron &Muon Source From: King, Stephen \(STFC,RAL,ISIS\) via sa_scat (02/03/21)
- [SA_Scat] Virtual Workshop "Strategy for future EMBL researchinfrastructures in the Life Sciences in Hamburg", 29-30.3.2021 From: Al Kikhney via sa_scat (18/02/21)
- [SA_Scat] PDRA Post in 3D SAXS From: Terrill, Nick \(DLSLtd,RAL,LSCI\) via sa_scat (12/02/21)
- [SA_Scat] SAS2022 - new dates From: King, Stephen \(STFC,RAL,ISIS\) via sa_scat (29/01/21)
- [SA_Scat] 725. WE-Heraeus-Seminar on magnetic SANS - 30 May - 03June 2021, Tutzing From: Sabrina Disch via sa_scat (26/01/21)
- [SA_Scat] PhD position in research with magnetic nanoparticles From: Sabrina Disch via sa_scat (25/01/21)
- [SA_Scat] Beamline Scientist position available@EMBL Hamburg From: Margret Fischer via sa_scat (22/01/21)
- [SA_Scat] Postdoctoral researcher/temporary scientist open at theCoSAXS beamline at MAXIV Laboratory/Lund University Sweden From: King, Stephen \(STFC,RAL,ISIS\) via sa_scat (15/01/21)
- [SA_Scat] PDRA and PhD posts From: Terrill, Nick \(DLSLtd,RAL,LSCI\) via sa_scat (13/01/21)
- [SA_Scat] =?utf-8?q?TODAY=3A_14=3A30_UTC_=2815=3A30_Berlin_time?==?utf-8?q?=29_last_online_=23theLightStuff_lecture=3A_=E2=80=9CControllin?==?utf-8?q?g_the_orderliness_and_pore_size_of_mesoporous_silica_COK-12?==?utf-8?b?4oCd?= From: Pauw, Brian Richard via sa_scat (27/11/20)
- [SA_Scat] Beamline Scientist BioSAXS - Australian Synchrotron[Closing Date 29 November] From: Duncan McGillivray via sa_scat (25/11/20)
- [SA_Scat] Test message - please ignore From: Brian McMahon via sa_scat (24/11/20)
- [SA_Scat] PhD position on "Structure-Property of Quantum DotSuperlattices" (Nanoscience) at Groningen From: King, Stephen \(STFC,RAL,ISIS\) via sa_scat (24/11/20)
- [SA_Scat] New Position Available From: Terrill, Nick \(DLSLtd,RAL,LSCI\) via sa_scat (24/11/20)
- [SA_Scat] Diamond-II: Support for the X4SCM Flagship Beamline From: Snow, Tim \(DLSLtd,RAL,LSCI\) via sa_scat (20/11/20)
- [SA_Scat] FRIDAY 14:30 UTC: online lecture on neutron scatteringfor nuclear materials characterization From: Pauw, Brian Richard via sa_scat (12/11/20)
- [SA_Scat] DESY Online Workshop: Small Angle X-ray Scattering forMaterials Research at the new beamline P62 From: Haas, Sylvio via sa_scat (09/11/20)
- [SA_Scat] Friday 15:30 Berlin time (14:30 UTC): online lecture onspin- and magnetic structures in nanoparticles as studied via SANS From: Pauw, Brian Richard via sa_scat (29/10/20)
- [SA_Scat] Today, 15:30 Berlin time (13:30 UTC),lecture on inelastic and quasi-elastic neutron scattering onnanoporous materials From: Pauw, Brian Richard via sa_scat (23/10/20)
- [SA_Scat] decodeSAXS (3D model reconstruction) server From: Haiguang Liu via sa_scat (22/10/20)
- [SA_Scat] Diamond-II Webinar: New X4SCM Flagship Beamline Proposal From: Snow, Tim \(DLSLtd,RAL,LSCI\) via sa_scat (21/10/20)
- [SA_Scat] Vacancy for a Sample Environment Development Scientist atthe Diamond Light Source From: King, Stephen \(STFC,RAL,ISIS\) via sa_scat (20/10/20)
- [SA_Scat] Call for access to Synchrotron Beamline Facilities,2021 - EMBL Hamburg, Germany From: Sarah Marshall-Bensch via sa_scat (14/10/20)
- [SA_Scat] =?utf-8?q?Friday_15=3A30_Berlin_time_=2813=3A30_UTC=29_?==?utf-8?q?online_lecture=3A_=E2=80=9CThe_path_to_LoKI_=26_SANS_at_the_ESS?==?utf-8?b?4oCd?= From: Pauw, Brian Richard via sa_scat (07/10/20)
- [SA_Scat] =?windows-1252?q?CNL=27s_First_Virtual_Neutron_Scatteri?==?windows-1252?q?ng_School_from_November_30_=96_December_4=2C_2020?= From: King, Stephen \(STFC,RAL,ISIS\) via sa_scat (01/10/20)
- [SA_Scat] =?utf-8?q?Friday_15=3A30_Berlin_time_=2813=3A30_UTC=29_?==?utf-8?q?online_lecture=3A_=E2=80=9CEffects_of_annealing_and_pressure_on?==?utf-8?q?_the_Grazing_Incidence_X-ray_Scattering_of_Conjugated_Polymer_b?==?utf-8?q?lends_used_in_Organic_Solar_Cells=E2=80=9D?= From: Pauw, Brian Richard via sa_scat (30/09/20)
- [SA_Scat] FRIDAY 13:30 UTC: online lecture on studyingself-assembly of amyloid fibrils using SAXS by Dr. Tim Snow From: Pauw, Brian Richard via sa_scat (21/09/20)
- [SA_Scat] virtual P12 User Workshop, 17-18 November, 2020 From: Clement Blanchet via sa_scat (08/09/20)
- [SA_Scat] Postdoctoral Research Associate in Large-Scale Structures From: Qian, Shuo via sa_scat (21/08/20)
- [SA_Scat] Open Position in Small Angle Neutron Scattering From: Leighton Coates via sa_scat (13/08/20)
- [SA_Scat] Vacancy for a SANS Instrument Development Scientist atORNL From: Stephen King - UKRI STFC via sa_scat (20/07/20)
- [SA_Scat] Vacancy for a Computational Instrument Scientist inSmall-Angle Neutron Scattering at ORNL From: Stephen King - UKRI STFC via sa_scat (17/07/20)
- [SA_Scat] Friday afternoon: online lecture on studyingnanostructure formation in thin films with GISAXS From: Pauw, Brian Richard via sa_scat (14/07/20)
- [SA_Scat] Two Group Leader positions available@EMBL Hamburg From: Margret Fischer via sa_scat (01/07/20)
- [SA_Scat] Online Course on Neutron Scattering Applications inStructural Biology From: Meilleur, Flora via sa_scat (11/05/20)
- [SA_Scat] EMBL Online Course - Solution Scattering from BiologicalMacromolecules - May 5th, 9:20 AM CEST From: Al Kikhney via sa_scat (29/04/20)
- [SA_Scat] theLightStuff online lecture series,lecture #3: Friday 17th, 15:30 UTC From: Pauw, Brian Richard via sa_scat (16/04/20)
- [SA_Scat] Oak Ridge Neutron Sources: Rapid Access for COVID-19Research From: Urban, Volker S. (27/03/20)
- [SA_Scat] SANS postdoc position at Lund University, Sweden From: Stephen King - UKRI STFC (07/03/20)
- [SA_Scat] Diamond Vacancy - Sample Environment Development From: Terrill, Nick (DLSLtd,RAL,LSCI) (06/03/20)
- [SA_Scat] 725. WE-Heraeus-Seminar on magnetic SANS - 07-11 June2020, Bad Honnef From: Sabrina Disch (03/03/20)
- [SA_Scat] fully funded 3 year postdoc position at HZDR From: Nico Hoffmann (29/02/20)
- [SA_Scat] Post-Doctoral Researcher Vacancy From: =?utf-8?Q?Benjamin_Ab=C3=A9cassis?= (17/02/20)
- [SA_Scat] Undergraduate Summer Student Placement in SAS DataAnalysis at ISIS From: Stephen King - UKRI STFC (14/02/20)
- [SA_Scat] Neutrons in the Environment and Life Sciences Workshop -HANDS 2020 From: Meilleur, Flora (14/02/20)
- [SA_Scat] 2nd call for Abstracts for SXNS16 From: Stephen King - UKRI STFC (10/02/20)
- [SA_Scat] Third and last call: Bombannes Summer School on"Scattering Methods applied to Soft Condensed Matter" - 30 years From: Stephen King - UKRI STFC (05/02/20)
- [SA_Scat] postdoc position in the Svergun group, EMBL Hamburg,P12 beamline From: Clement Blanchet (03/02/20)
- [SA_Scat] Researcher position using time-resolved SAXS at StockholmUniversity From: Stephen King - UKRI STFC (21/01/20)
- [SA_Scat] Postdoc position: Computational Algorithms combiningSAXS/WAXS and Crystallography for Drug Discovery From: Grant, Thomas (10/01/20)
- [SA_Scat] Announcement: "Better with Scattering" workshop in Berlin,16-19 March 2020 From: Stephen King - UKRI STFC (19/12/19)
- [SA_Scat] SAXS beamline scientist position at PETRA III From: Stephen King - UKRI STFC (16/12/19)
- [SA_Scat] TWO instrument scientist vacancies in SESANS/POLSANS/SANSat ISIS From: Stephen King - UKRI STFC (12/12/19)
- [SA_Scat] Second call: Bombannes Summer School on "ScatteringMethods applied to Soft Condensed Matter" - 30 years From: Stephen King - UKRI STFC (26/11/19)
- [SA_Scat] SAXS beamline scientist position at PETRA III From: Stephen King - UKRI STFC (21/11/19)
- [SA_Scat] Soft Matter Postdoc Opportunity at NIST From: Stephen King - UKRI STFC (07/11/19)
- [SA_Scat] [Second Notice] BioSAXS2019 workshop at SSRL/SLAC From: Tsutomu Matsui (06/11/19)
- [SA_Scat] Call for access to Synchrotron Beamline Facilities,2020 - EMBL Hamburg, Germany From: Clement Blanchet (30/10/19)
- [SA_Scat] Postdoctoral researcher on the development of a newRheo-SAXS sample environment From: Stephen King - UKRI STFC (23/10/19)
- [SA_Scat] BioSAXS2019 workshop at SSRL/SLAC From: Tsutomu Matsui (11/10/19)
- [SA_Scat] BioCAT's Everything BioSAXS 5 workshop - Nov. 5-7 From: Jesse Hopkins (03/10/19)
- [SA_Scat] GISAXS2019 - Program now online and Abstract deadline From: Roth, Stephan (30/09/19)
- [SA_Scat] Vacancy for a SCIENTIST at ILL - (ref 19/40) From: Stephen King - UKRI STFC (27/09/19)
- [SA_Scat] GISAXS2019 / Abstract of speaker now online! / Abstractdeadline 1st October 2019 From: Roth, Stephan (02/09/19)
- [SA_Scat] EMBO course on methods for biological macromolecules insolution, October 2019, Santiago de Chile From: Al Kikhney (08/08/19)
- [SA_Scat] PostDoc position at MLZ From: Stephen King - UKRI STFC (18/07/19)
- [SA_Scat] Model reconstruction using machine learning methodsdirectly from SAXS From: Haiguang Liu (10/07/19)
- [SA_Scat] send out postdoc position From: Toney, Michael (21/06/19)
- [SA_Scat] EMBO SAXS/SANS course Grenoble, France, September 2019 From: Gabel Frank (11/06/19)
- [SA_Scat] GISAXS2019 - Abstract Deadline 1st October 2019 From: Roth, Stephan (03/06/19)
- [SA_Scat] Research Fellow, Scattering in Soft Matter From: Stephen King - UKRI STFC (10/05/19)
- [SA_Scat] S4SAS 2019 - June 6-7 From: (24/04/19)
- [SA_Scat] HFIR/SNS Advanced Neutron Diffraction and ScatteringWorkshop - HANDS 2019 From: Meilleur, Flora (22/04/19)
- [SA_Scat] REGISTRATION: next canSAS XI meeting in Freising / Germany From: Frielinghaus, Henrich (15/04/19)
- [SA_Scat] Neutrons for membrane biophysics From: Stephen King - UKRI STFC (02/04/19)
- [SA_Scat] GISAXS2019 at DESY - first announcement / Registrationand abstract submission open From: Roth, Stephan (27/03/19)
- [SA_Scat] Open SANS Post-doc position on the Bio-SANS Beamline,Oak Ridge National Laboratory From: Urban, Volker S. (26/03/19)
- [SA_Scat] =?windows-1252?q?EMBO_practical_course_on_=93Practical_?==?windows-1252?q?Integrative_Structural_Biology=94_to_be_held_from_Nov_3-?==?windows-1252?q?9=2C_2019?= From: Stephen King - UKRI STFC (21/03/19)
- [SA_Scat] EMBO Workshop " Tools for Structural Biology of MembraneProteins@EMBL Hamburg, 7-9th October 2019 From: Margret Fischer (20/03/19)
- [SA_Scat] EMBO practical course SAXS/SANS Grenoble, France,September 2019 From: Gabel Frank (15/03/19)
- [SA_Scat] HFIR/SNS Advanced Neutron Diffraction and ScatteringWorkshop - HANDS 2019 From: Meilleur, Flora (04/03/19)
- [SA_Scat] ESS Support Laboratory Opens Pilot Call for Deuteration &Crystallisation Proposals From: Stephen King - UKRI STFC (27/02/19)
- [SA_Scat] Postdoc/temporary scientist on CoSAXS, MAX IV From: Stephen King - UKRI STFC (20/02/19)
- [SA_Scat] SasView 5.0.0-Beta2 released & 4.2.1 point release From: Stephen King - UKRI STFC (20/02/19)
- [SA_Scat] Postdoctoral scientist for scattering experiments at highmagnetic fields at Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin From: Stephen King - UKRI STFC (29/01/19)
- [SA_Scat] Job advertisement TUM-FRM II, instrument scientist SANS-1 From: Stephen King - UKRI STFC (23/01/19)
- [SA_Scat] CanSAS XI Meeting in Freising / Germany From: Stephen King - UKRI STFC (23/01/19)
- [SA_Scat] HFIR/SNS Advanced Neutron Diffraction and ScatteringWorkshop - HANDS 2019 From: Meilleur, Flora (23/01/19)
- [SA_Scat] Vacant postdoctoral position in biological physics atChalmers University of Technology From: Stephen King - UKRI STFC (23/01/19)
- [SA_Scat] Scientist (f/m/diverse) (Anomalous-) Small-Angle X-rayScattering Beamline (P62) From: Haas, Sylvio (23/01/19)
- [SA_Scat] SAXS excites 2019 From: Stephen King - UKRI STFC (23/01/19)
- [SA_Scat] Post doc in molecular biophysics focused on BayesianModeling of SAS data From: Wojciech Potrzebowski (23/01/19)
- [SA_Scat] SANS scientific associate position at the NIST CNR From: Stephen King - UKRI STFC (23/01/19)
- [SA_Scat] Reminder: Call for access to Synchrotron BeamlineFacilities, 2019 - EMBL Hamburg, Germany From: Sarah Marshall (23/01/19)
- [SA_Scat] Postdoc (f/m/diverse) opening for the P03/MiNaXS beamline From: Roth, Stephan (23/01/19)
- [SA_Scat] Postdoc in nanoparticle flow characterisation - KTH/DESY From: Roth, Stephan (23/01/19)
- [SA_Scat] Call for access to Synchrotron Beamline Facilities,2019 - EMBL Hamburg, Germany From: Sarah Marshall (23/01/19)
- [SA_Scat] FW: [Neutron] ORNL / Neutron Sciences Job Posting - R&DStaff - SANS Instrument Scientist / NB50693632 From: Stephen King - UKRI STFC (23/01/19)
- [SA_Scat] ORNL / Neutron Sciences Job Posting - Senior R&D Staff -SANS Instrument Scientist / NB50693637 From: Stephen King - UKRI STFC (23/01/19)
- [SA_Scat] SasView 4.2.0 released! From: Stephen King - UKRI STFC (23/01/19)
- [SA_Scat] BornAgain School and User Meeting announcement From: Yurov, Dmitry (23/01/19)
- [SA_Scat] Postdoc position in the modeling of self-assemblyprocesses from SAS data From: Wojciech Potrzebowski (23/01/19)
- [SA_Scat] Everything BioSAXS 4 Workshop at BioCAT From: Jesse Hopkins (23/01/19)
- [SA_Scat] PhD Position in Structural Biology with University ofKeele & Institut Laue-Langevin From: Stephen King - UKRI STFC (23/01/19)
- [SA_Scat] Reminder: Deadline registration Sept.1 2018,JCNS Workshop 2018 From: Stephen King - UKRI STFC (23/01/19)
- [SA_Scat] ISIS Large-Scale Structures User Group Meeting - 1 & 2November 2018 From: Stephen King - UKRI STFC (23/01/19)
- [SA_Scat] Important updates incl. international travel support forNeutrons and Food conference From: Stephen King - UKRI STFC (23/01/19)
- [SA_Scat] Neutrons and Food 5 - 1 week left to register at EarlyBird rate From: Stephen King - UKRI STFC (23/01/19)
- [SA_Scat] postdoc position at the LiX beamline of NSLS-II From: Yang, Lin (23/01/19)
- [SA_Scat] Vacancy for a SANS Instrument Scientist at ISIS From: Stephen King - UKRI STFC (23/01/19)
- [SA_Scat] Neutrons and Food - Early Bird registration closes inless than 3 weeks From: Stephen King - UKRI STFC (23/01/19)
- [SA_Scat] PhD position in research with magnetic nanoparticles From: Sabrina Disch (23/01/19)
- [SA_Scat] PostDoc position for building a SAXS option for the D22instrument at ILL From: Stephen King - UKRI STFC (23/01/19)
- [SA_Scat] Register Now! ACA 2018 - Small Angle Scattering Workshop From: Kushol Gupta (23/01/19)
- [SA_Scat] Neutrons and Food 5: Registration now open;two weeks remaining to submit abstracts and travel support From: Stephen King - UKRI STFC (23/01/19)
- [SA_Scat] Instrument Scientist for LOKI at ESS From: Stephen King - UKRI STFC (23/01/19)
- [SA_Scat] 9th workshop on Neutron Scattering Applications inStructural Biology From: Meilleur, Flora (23/01/19)
- [SA_Scat] SAS2018 : Registration is open,Abstracts deadline extended to April 16 From: Pete Jemian (23/01/19)
- [SA_Scat] EMBO Practical Course on Solution Scattering fromBiological Macromolecules From: Al Kikhney (05/03/18)
- [SA_Scat] 9th workshop on Neutron Scattering Applications inStructural Biology From: Meilleur, Flora (14/02/18)
- [SA_Scat] Research associate (Postdoc) in the field of polarizedneutron scattering on magnetic materials (M/F) From: stephen.king (12/02/18)
- [SA_Scat] ACA 2018 - Small Angle Scattering Workshop From: Kushol Gupta (09/02/18)
- [SA_Scat] SAS2018: Second Meeting Notice From: Pete Jemian (06/02/18)
- [SA_Scat] Postdoc (f/m) Small & Wide Angle X-ray Scattering at DESY From: stephen.king (22/01/18)
- [SA_Scat] SAS2018 : Call for Abstracts From: Pete Jemian (18/01/18)
- [SA_Scat] MPhil/PhD Scholarship at the University of Greenwich, UK From: stephen.king (11/01/18)
- [SA_Scat] Postdoc in Scattering & Tomography at the ALS, Berkley From: stephen.king (09/01/18)
- [SA_Scat] Call for access to Synchrotron Beamline Facilities,2018 - EMBL Hamburg, Germany From: Sarah Marshall (08/01/18)
- [SA_Scat] 2 year PostDoc Position on CoSAXS at MAX-IV, Lund, Sweden From: stephen.king (22/12/17)
- [SA_Scat] Call for access to Synchrotron Beamline Facilities,2018 - EMBL Hamburg, Germany From: Sarah Marshall (11/12/17)
- [SA_Scat] Postdoc position at NCNR/Uni. of Delaware to study thestructure and dynamics of macromolecules in porous media. From: stephen.king (01/12/17)
- [SA_Scat] Job opening: Instrument scientist for advancing ultimate(GI- US/S/W)AXS methods From: Brian Richard Pauw (16/11/17)
- [SA_Scat] Year in Industry placement at Diamond Light Source -Harnessing Cluster Computing for Scientific Data Analysis via Web Services From: stephen.king (24/10/17)
- [SA_Scat] HERCULES 2018-Neutron & Synchrotron European School forPhysics, Chemistry & Biology From: stephen.king (17/10/17)
- [SA_Scat] 2-year Postdoctoral fellowship position -characterisation of ordered surface assemblies of nanomagnets - Universityof Auckland, NZ From: Duncan McGillivray (25/09/17)
- [SA_Scat] Bombannes Scattering School 2018 - Pre-registration From: stephen.king (03/09/17)
- [SA_Scat] HZB - Call for Proposals for BESSY II and BER II From: Clemens, Daniel (30/08/17)
- [SA_Scat] Postdoc/Second Responsible in NR/GISANS at MLZ From: stephen.king (23/08/17)
- [SA_Scat] Postdoc Position in USAXS/SAXS/WAXS on APS Beamline 9ID From: stephen.king (22/08/17)
- [SA_Scat] SAXS Round Robin results From: stephen.king (21/08/17)
- [SA_Scat] PhD position at Roskilde University in the field of SoftMatter and GISAS From: Dorthe Posselt (20/08/17)
- [SA_Scat] Neutrons and Food 2018 From: stephen.king (19/08/17)
- [SA_Scat] 2 PhD positions involving SANS at Greenwich University, UK From: stephen.king (07/08/17)
- [SA_Scat] Postdoctoral Researcher for CoSAXS at MAX IV From: stephen.king (25/07/17)
- [SA_Scat] Additional job opening for a Ph.D. student,to work on orienting systems and SAXS/WAXS From: Brian Richard Pauw (05/07/17)
- [SA_Scat] Job opening for a python programmer (with a side-task inrobotics) From: Brian Richard Pauw (05/07/17)
- [SA_Scat] Postdoc position in Physical Chemistry at the PharmacyDepartment, Uppsala University From: stephen.king (17/06/17)
- [SA_Scat] Petition to form an ACA SIG for Best Practices for DataAnalysis and Archiving From: stephen.king (16/06/17)
- [SA_Scat] Off topic: (well sort of) Please help save SSRL From: Mooers, Blaine H.M. (HSC) (13/06/17)
- [SA_Scat] Walter Haelg Prize 2017 From: stephen.king (12/06/17)
- [SA_Scat] Enhancing the sharing and re-use of small-anglescattering data: NXcanSAS From: Pete Jemian (07/06/17)
- [SA_Scat] CCP-SAS 2017, Cardiff, 19-21 June 2017 From: stephen.king (02/06/17)
- [SA_Scat] Research Associate position at the LiX beamline From: Yang, Lin (02/06/17)
- [SA_Scat] Announcement for a SAXS/SANS course on biomacromolecularsolutions From: Gabel Frank (31/05/17)
- [SA_Scat] Postdoc position at Lund University,Department of Experimental Medical Science From: stephen.king (30/05/17)
- [SA_Scat] Postdoctoral position: Small Angle X-ray Scattering forthe development of microstructurally optimized carbons for next generationbatteries From: stephen.king (29/05/17)
- [SA_Scat] Postdoctoral position in Time-Resolved SANS of proteinself-assembly at Lund From: stephen.king (12/05/17)
- [SA_Scat] NanoDif 2017: Deadline for abstracts May 31, 2017 From: stephen.king (10/05/17)
- [SA_Scat] CCP-SAS 2017, Cardiff, 19-21 June 2017 From: stephen.king (08/05/17)
- [SA_Scat] Postdoc Position in Small Angle X-ray Scattering atStockholm University From: stephen.king (27/04/17)
- [SA_Scat] BioSAXS Essentials 7 From: Richard Gillilan (25/04/17)
- [SA_Scat] job announcement From: Florian Edouard P. Meneau (13/04/17)
- [SA_Scat] LAST CALL: 8th workshop on Neutron ScatteringApplications in Structural Biology From: Meilleur, Flora (13/04/17)
- [SA_Scat] Vacancy Postdoc SANS at Stockholm University - Ref.SU FV-0992-17 From: stephen.king (12/04/17)
- [SA_Scat] Announcing SasView 4.1 From: stephen.king (06/04/17)
- [SA_Scat] New MEMPROT release From: PEREZ Javier (06/04/17)
- [SA_Scat] Hardware postdoc position in the Svergun group,EMBL Hamburg, P12 beamline From: Al Kikhney (03/04/17)
- [SA_Scat] EMBO 2017 Structural and biophysical methods forbiological macromolecules in solution From: Haydyn Mertens (28/03/17)
- [SA_Scat] Postdoctoral Research Associate in Computational NeutronSciences at ORNL From: He, Lilin (22/03/17)
- [SA_Scat] Neutrons in Structural Biology 2017 meeting (7th-9thJune) ILL, Grenoble FRANCE From: stephen.king (21/03/17)
- [SA_Scat] please post this open postdoc From: Toney, Michael (18/03/17)
- [SA_Scat] Deuteration for Neutron scattering - DEUNET workshop,Oxford 15-17 May 2017 From: stephen.king (15/03/17)
- [SA_Scat] Post-doc position in Oslo: Kinetics Pathways ofSelf-assembly/Time resolved Scattering Techniques From: stephen.king (14/03/17)
- [SA_Scat] AUC 2017, the 23rd AUC Workshop & Symposium, 23-28 July From: Olwyn Byron (14/03/17)
- [SA_Scat] SAXS excites, the International SAXS Symposium 2017 From: stephen.king (14/03/17)
- [SA_Scat] 8th workshop on Neutron Scattering Applications inStructural Biology From: Meilleur, Flora (06/03/17)
- [SA_Scat] Postdoc position in the Svergun group, EMBL Hamburg From: Al Kikhney (23/02/17)
- [SA_Scat] Postdoc position in Characterization of liposomal drugformulations by scattering methods in Jan Skov Pedersen's group,Aarhus University From: Jan Skov Pedersen (10/02/17)
- [SA_Scat] 2 Post Doc positions in Lise Arleth's group withSAXS/SANS of Biomolecules and Soft Matter systems From: stephen.king (07/02/17)
- [SA_Scat] =?utf-8?q?PhD_Research_Fellowship_in_Biological_Soft_Ma?==?utf-8?q?tter_-_=E2=80=9CMechanism_of_Antimicrobial_Peptides_seen_by_Neu?==?utf-8?q?tron_Scattering=E2=80=9D?= From: stephen.king (06/02/17)
- [SA_Scat] CAMERA Postdoctoral Fellow in Algorithms for X-RayDiffraction From: stephen.king (02/02/17)
- [SA_Scat] =?utf-8?q?MASTER_CLASS_ON_=E2=80=9CNEUTRON_PRECESSION_T?==?utf-8?q?ECHNIQUES=E2=80=9D_Erice=2C_Italy_1st_-_8th_of_July_2017?= From: stephen.king (30/01/17)
- [SA_Scat] Research Scientist / Postdoctoral Fellow Positions inBeijing CSRC From: Haiguang Liu (27/01/17)
- [SA_Scat] ATSAS 2.8 released From: stephen.king (21/01/17)
- [SA_Scat] EMBO practical course SAXS/SANS Grenoble September 2017 From: Gabel Frank (16/01/17)
- [SA_Scat] Australasian Soft Matter Scattering Workshop 6-9th FebANSTO, Lucas Heights Australia [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] From: GARVEY, Chris (12/01/17)
- [SA_Scat] Reminder: Call for access to Synchrotron BeamlineFacilities, 2017 - EMBL Hamburg, Germany From: Sarah Marshall (11/01/17)
- [SA_Scat] 8th workshop on Neutron Scattering Applications inStructural Biology From: Meilleur, Flora (10/01/17)
- [SA_Scat] Small-angle Scattering Special Issue of JAC From: stephen.king (20/12/16)
- [SA_Scat] Call for access to Synchrotron Beamline Facilities,2017 - EMBL Hamburg, Germany From: Sarah Marshall (13/12/16)
- [SA_Scat] The PANalytical award: only few days before deadline! From: gwilherm.nenert (28/11/16)
- [SA_Scat] Announcing SasView 4.0.1 From: stephen.king (22/11/16)
- [SA_Scat] Reminder: The PANalytical award, deadline approaching From: gwilherm.nenert (14/11/16)
- [SA_Scat] ORNL: General Purpose SANS Instrument Scientist/ NB50601917 From: stephen.king (04/11/16)
- [SA_Scat] CANSAS IX 2017 From: nick.terrill (01/11/16)
- [SA_Scat] Postdoc opening to develop in-situ resonant X-rayscattering at the ALS From: COLLINS, BRIAN (01/11/16)
- [SA_Scat] Reminder: The PANalytical award From: gwilherm.nenert (27/09/16)
- [SA_Scat] Bristol bioSAXS workshop From: kl7278 (26/09/16)
- [SA_Scat] GISAXS2016 - Programme is online From: Roth, Stephan (19/09/16)
- [SA_Scat] Postdoctoral Position on the Small Angle X-ray Scatteringbeamline NCD at ALBA From: Marc Malfois (08/09/16)
- [SA_Scat] EMBO Molecular Machines Conference -- abstract deadline21st September From: Sarah Marshall (05/09/16)
- [SA_Scat] Post-doctoral on Membrane Proteins in Solution Analyzedwith BioSAXS (m/f) From: stephen.king (26/08/16)
- [SA_Scat] Post-doctoral position: self-consistent modelling forneutron scattering applications From: stephen.king (26/08/16)
- [SA_Scat] Announce: US-SOMO revision 3087 From: Emre Brookes (08/08/16)
- [SA_Scat] NIST Standard Reference Material 3600: Absolute IntensityCalibration Standard for SAXS From: Allen, Andrew J (Fed) (03/08/16)
- [SA_Scat] Please check the bids for SAS-2021 From: Daniel Clemens (02/08/16)
- [SA_Scat] Reminder: The PANalytical award 2016 From: stephen.king (18/07/16)
- [SA_Scat] SANS/SESANS Instrument Scientist Position at ISIS From: stephen.king (11/07/16)
- [SA_Scat] Data Analysis Scientist for Materials SAXS at Diamond From: nick.terrill (06/07/16)
- [SA_Scat] Joint PhD position in TR-SAS from Soft Matter inNorway/Germany From: stephen.king (05/07/16)
- [SA_Scat] SANS Research Scientist on D11 at ILL From: stephen.king (04/07/16)
- [SA_Scat] GISAXS2016 - Workshop-Announcement From: Roth, Stephan (30/06/16)
- [SA_Scat] =?utf-8?q?ISMC2016_=E2=80=93_4th_International_Soft_Mat?==?utf-8?q?ter_conference=2C_12_-_16_Sep=2C_Grenoble=2C_3rd_announcement?==?utf-8?q?=3A_preliminary_programme=2C_early_bird_registration_deadline?= From: Peter Lindner (26/05/16)
- [SA_Scat] BornAgain School and User Meeting 2016 From: Gennady Pospelov (19/05/16)
- [SA_Scat] 4th Annual CCP-SAS Project Meeting From: stephen.king (09/05/16)
- [SA_Scat] GISAS Summer School, TU Munich, 17-22 July 2016 From: stephen.king (05/05/16)
- [SA_Scat] Postdoctoral Fellow - BioSAXS, EMBL Hamburg From: Sarah Marshall (04/05/16)
- [SA_Scat] Neutrons and Food : Abstract Deadline 29th April From: Andrew Jackson (27/04/16)
- [SA_Scat] EMBO Practical Course on Solution Scattering fromBiological Macromolecules From: Sarah Marshall (25/04/16)
- [SA_Scat] BioSAXS Essentials 6 Workshop From: Richard Gillilan (12/04/16)
- [SA_Scat] Future Applications of Small-Small Angle Scattering toSoft Matter, May 5 2016 - Poster Deadline Extended From: stephen.king (11/04/16)
- Re: [SA_Scat] ACA 2016 SAS Workshop From: Kushol Gupta (02/04/16)
- [SA_Scat] Hybrid Method Approaches for Structural Biology sessionfor ACA Meeting From: stephen.king (01/04/16)
- [SA_Scat] 2nd Call and Registration Open : Neutrons and Food 4 :May 31st - June 2nd 2016 From: Andrew Jackson (23/03/16)
- [SA_Scat] Postdoc Position in Berkeley From: Peter Zwart (17/03/16)
- [SA_Scat] Launch of the PANalytical award 2016 From: stephen.king (13/03/16)
- [SA_Scat] 7th workshop on Neutron Scattering Applications inStructural Biology From: Meilleur, Flora (09/03/16)
- [SA_Scat] 5th International Symposium on Diffraction StructuralBiology (ISDSB2016) From: stephen.king (05/03/16)
- [SA_Scat] 5th International Symposium on Diffraction StructuralBiology (ISDSB2016) From: Urban, Volker S. (29/02/16)
- [SA_Scat] Call for Abstracts : Neutrons and Food 4 : May 31st -June 2nd 2016 From: Andrew Jackson (25/02/16)
- [SA_Scat] BioSAXS workshop at SSRL, March 28-30, 2016 From: Tsutomu Matsui (06/02/16)
- [SA_Scat] ACA 2016 SAS Session WK05.09 From: Kushol Gupta (05/02/16)
- [SA_Scat] Postdoc position opening at P03/MiNaXS beamline From: Roth, Stephan (05/02/16)
- [SA_Scat] Unofficial Round Robin: how accurate is SAXS? From: Brian Richard Pauw (05/02/16)
- [SA_Scat] Postdoctoral Research Associate in Magnetic NeutronReflectometery at SNS From: stephen.king (04/02/16)
- [SA_Scat] ACA 2016 SAS Workshop From: Kushol Gupta (02/02/16)
- [SA_Scat] Future Applications of Small-Small Angle Scattering toSoft Matter, May 5 2016, Swindon, UK From: stephen.king (01/02/16)
- [SA_Scat] Call for Abstracts: ISMC2016 - 4th International SoftMatter Conference, September 12-16, 2016, Grenoble, France From: Peter Lindner (01/02/16)
- [SA_Scat] Symposium: 40 years of neutron scattering From: stephen.king (29/01/16)
- [SA_Scat] iNEXT workshop on Integrating X-ray crystallography andscattering together with Electron Microscopy From: Haydyn Mertens (27/01/16)
- [SA_Scat] 7th workshop on Neutron Scattering Applications inStructural Biology From: Meilleur, Flora (27/01/16)
- [SA_Scat] =?windows-1252?q?Postdoctoral_Position_=96_Synchrotron_?==?windows-1252?q?scattering_and_analysis?= From: stephen.king (21/01/16)
- [SA_Scat] Australasian Soft Matter Scattering Workshop - 11th &12th Feb. RMIT Universuty Melbourne [SEC=UNOFFICIAL] From: GARVEY, Chris (17/01/16)
- [SA_Scat] Instrument Scientist for PolRef Beamline Oxfordshire, UK From: stephen.king (16/01/16)
- [SA_Scat] Reminder and Submission Deadline Extension to February 15,2016: SAS 2015 Special Issue of the Journal of Applied Crystallography From: Allen, Andrew J (15/01/16)
- [SA_Scat] Liquids Reflectometer Instrument Scientist Position atthe SNS From: stephen.king (13/01/16)
- [SA_Scat] Reminder: Call for access to Synchrotron BeamlineFacilities, 2016 - EMBL Hamburg, Germany From: Sarah Marshall (12/01/16)
- [SA_Scat] Postdoc Researcher in Soft Matter Science/Biophysics atNCNR and University of Delaware From: stephen.king (07/01/16)
- [SA_Scat] EMBO Course on Methods for Biological Macromolecules inSolution, June 2016, Korea From: Sarah Marshall (22/12/15)
- [SA_Scat] Call for access to Synchrotron Beamline Facilities,2016 - EMBL Hamburg, Germany From: Sarah Marshall (21/12/15)
- [SA_Scat] Vacancy: Small-angle Neutron Scattering InstrumentScientist at ISIS - Ref: IRC213757 From: stephen.king (19/12/15)
- [SA_Scat] SasView 3.1.2 - please upgrade From: stephen.king (09/12/15)
- [SA_Scat] REMINDER: Call for bids to host SAS2021 From: Daniel Clemens (08/12/15)
- [SA_Scat] Instrument Scientist Position in China (Mianyang, Sichuan) From: yanminhao (02/12/15)
- [SA_Scat] Internship position at the ILL: Improving SANS dataanalysis software From: stephen.king (27/11/15)
- [SA_Scat] Prize Fellowship in Sustainable Soft Matter From: stephen.king (13/11/15)
- [SA_Scat] Postdoctoral Research Associate - Neutron ScatteringStudies of Large-Scale Structures in QCM at ORNL / NB50525847 From: stephen.king (12/11/15)
- [SA_Scat] Postdoctoral Research Associate in Polarized Small AngleNeutron Scattering at ORNL From: stephen.king (11/11/15)
- [SA_Scat] Gentle reminder: The PANalytical award,Deadline 01st December From: gwilherm.nenert (09/11/15)
- [SA_Scat] SAS-2015 Statistics & Prize Winners, SAS-2018 & beyond From: stephen.king (24/09/15)
- [SA_Scat] SANS job at ANSTO, Sydney. EXTENDED DEADLINE From: stephen.king (23/09/15)
- [SA_Scat] Postdoc / Researcher Position in Beijing ComputationalScience Research Center From: Haiguang Liu (16/09/15)
- [SA_Scat] Reminder: The PANalytical award From: gwilherm.nenert (05/09/15)
- [SA_Scat] Introducing CCP-SAS & Presentations at SAS-2015 From: stephen.king (03/09/15)
- [SA_Scat] BioCAT Advanced SAXS Training Course From: stephen.king (17/08/15)
- [SA_Scat] Job Offer in Berlin: POSTDOCTORAL SCIENTIST (F/M),ASAXS/SAXS From: stephen.king (13/08/15)
- [SA_Scat] SAS2015: Special lunchtime session From: stephen.king (13/08/15)
- [SA_Scat] SAS2015: programme online, Kratky prize,lunch time session on industry relation, Kratky award,and still time to register From: stephen.king (13/08/15)
- [SA_Scat] SAS2015: programme online, Kratky prize,lunch time session on industry relation, Kratky award,and still time to register From: Daniel Clemens (06/08/15)
- [SA_Scat] Open position at the Advanced Light Source SAXS/WAXSbeamline, Berkeley, California From: stephen.king (20/07/15)
- [SA_Scat] Now released: SasView v3.1.0 From: stephen.king (14/07/15)
- [SA_Scat] The PANalytical award From: gwilherm.nenert (28/05/15)
- [SA_Scat] SAS2015: Early bird registration and bid for conferencevenue in 2021 From: Daniel Clemens (19/05/15)
- [SA_Scat] PhD position available in the Soft Matter Physics groupat the Adolphe Merkle Institute From: GUNKEL Ilja (10/04/15)
- [SA_Scat] FINAL REMINDER: Neutrons in Structural Biology From: Meilleur, Flora (06/04/15)
- [SA_Scat] =?windows-1252?q?LiQ2015_=96_Current_frontiers_on_liqui?==?windows-1252?q?d-liquid_interfaces_workshop=2C_Grenoble=2C_Oct_21-23_20?==?windows-1252?q?15?= From: stephen.king (02/04/15)
- [SA_Scat] ABBIX Early Science Meeting From: Yang, Lin (31/03/15)
- [SA_Scat] SRPS6: Abstract submission deadline is approaching From: stephen.king (30/03/15)
- [SA_Scat] REMINDER: SAS2015 abstract submission deadline isapproaching From: Daniel Clemens (23/03/15)
- [SA_Scat] Open post-doc position at the University of Minnesota From: stephen.king (17/03/15)
- [SA_Scat] FW: SRPS6: Extension for Abstract Submission deadline andbest junior contributions awards From: stephen.king (13/03/15)
- [SA_Scat] Post-doc opportunity in polymer nanocomposites at theNIST CNR From: stephen.king (13/03/15)
- [SA_Scat] SAS2015: Extension of abstract submission deadline From: Daniel Clemens (11/03/15)
- [SA_Scat] canSAS-VIII Workshop From: stephen.king (10/03/15)
- [SA_Scat] 3rd International GISAS Conference (GISAS 2015) From: stephen.king (10/03/15)
- [SA_Scat] BornAgain Release 1.0 From: stephen.king (10/03/15)
- [SA_Scat] COST2015 School From: stephen.king (10/03/15)
- [SA_Scat] SRPS6: Registration and call for Abstracts From: stephen.king (10/03/15)
- [SA_Scat] Mailing list problem From: Brian McMahon (10/03/15)
- [SA_scat] ORNL: Postdoctoral Research Associate - NeutronScattering Studies of Large-Scale Structures in QCM / NB50472060 From: stephen.king (28/01/15)
- [SA_scat] Reminder: Call for access to Synchrotron BeamlineFacilities, 2015 - EMBL Hamburg, Germany From: Sarah Marshall (26/01/15)
- [SA_scat] ECNS-2015: Registration and call for abstracts for the VIEuropean Conference on Neutron Scattering opens From: stephen.king (23/01/15)
- [SA_scat] FW: Federal Post$B!>(BDoc toral Fellowship Opening: Joint proj ect between MedImmune & NIST From: Kushol Gupta (21/01/15)
- [SA_scat] ORNL: Postdoctoral Research Associate in BiologicalSmall-Angle Scattering / NB50471104 From: Urban, Volker S. (21/01/15)
- [SA_scat] 30+ new PhD Studentships for 2015 From: Duncan McGillivray (20/01/15)
- [SA_scat] Beamline Scientist vacancy on I22 at Diamond From: stephen.king (15/01/15)
- [SA_scat] Call for bids to host SAS 2021 From: Daniel Clemens (15/01/15)
- [SA_scat] SAS 2015 and IUCr - Guinier Prize - Call for nominees From: Daniel Clemens (15/01/15)
- [SA_scat] 17th Annual US School on Neutron and X-ray Scattering From: stephen.king (13/01/15)
- [SA_scat] EMBO practical course SAXS/SANS Grenoble May 2015 From: Gabel Frank (13/01/15)
- [SA_scat] 6th workshop on Neutron Scattering Applications inStructural Biology From: Meilleur, Flora (12/01/15)
- [SA_scat] ORNL: (Two) Postdoctoral Research Associates - Small andWide Angle Neutron Scattering, Bio System or Soft Matter / NB50469295 From: stephen.king (09/01/15)
- [SA_scat] First Announcement - VI European Conference on NeutronScattering 30th August 2015. 4th September 2015, Zaragoza Spain From: stephen.king (08/01/15)
- [SA_scat] 2 PhDs in Neutron & X-ray Scattering to QuantifyMultiscale Food Structures From: stephen.king (08/01/15)
- [SA_scat] ABBIX Early Science Workshop From: Yang, Lin (07/01/15)
- [SA_scat] PhD & Post-Doc Positions involving NR at LinkopingUniversity From: stephen.king (07/01/15)
- [SA_scat] canSAS-VIII From: stephen.king (05/01/15)
- [SA_scat] Post-Doc Fellowship: Ray tracing for USANS option on SANSinstruments From: stephen.king (22/12/14)
- [SA_scat] Announcing SRPS6 From: stephen.king (19/12/14)
- [SA_scat] Announcing ECNS 2015 From: stephen.king (18/12/14)
- [SA_scat] Call for proposals for neutron experiments in fields upto 26 T From: stephen.king (18/12/14)
- [SA_scat] Call for access to Synchrotron Beamline Facilities,2015 - EMBL Hamburg, Germany From: Sarah Marshall (16/12/14)
- [SA_scat] XVI. International Conference on Small-Angle Scattering(SAS-2015): exhibition and sponsoring From: stephen.king (12/12/14)
- [SA_scat] XVI. International Conference on Small-Angle Scattering(SAS-2015): exhibition and sponsoring From: Daniel Clemens (12/12/14)
- [SA_scat] Software Developer Position@EMBL, Hamburg (Svergun Group) From: margret (05/12/14)
- [SA_scat] Postdoc positions in TReXS at LBL From: stephen.king (04/12/14)
- [SA_scat] Instrument scientist postions at ISIS From: stephen.king (02/12/14)
- [SA_scat] Industrial applications of synchrotron radiation inbiology, June 15-17 2015 From: margret (14/11/14)
- [SA_scat] FW: 2-years Marie Curie Post-Doc Position at CSGI,Florence, Italy From: stephen.king (20/10/14)
- [SA_scat] HERCULES school 2015 From: Gabel Frank (06/10/14)
- [SA_scat] XVI. International Conference on Small-Angle Scattering(SAS-2015) -1st announcement From: Daniel Clemens (02/10/14)
- [SA_scat] Postdoctoral position at MiNaXS/P03, DESY, Hamburg,Germany From: Roth, Stephan (02/10/14)
- [SA_scat] BioSAXS scientist position at SSRL BL4-2 From: Weiss, Thomas M. (10/09/14)
- [SA_scat] Permanent position on SWING beamline at FrenchSynchrotron SOLEIL From: PEREZ Javier (02/09/14)
- [SA_scat] Structural and biophysical methods for biologicalmacromolecules in solution, 4 - 10 May 2015, Taipei, Taiwan From: Dmitri Svergun (26/08/14)
- [SA_scat] Research Fellow at Monash University: Applications ofNanocellulose From: stephen.king (13/08/14)
- [SA_scat] Small Angle Scattering Biological Data Bank, From: Dmitri Svergun (04/08/14)
- [SA_scat] WAXSiS: New web server for SAXS/WAXS calculations basedon explicit-solvent molecular dynamics From: Jochen Hub (08/07/14)
- [SA_scat] JOB VACANCY: SAXS Specialist at Anton Paar GmbH From: stephen.king (03/07/14)
- [SA_scat] Neutrons & Food 3, Paris, July 2014,abstracts submission and registration From: stephen.king (06/06/14)
- [SA_scat] Course reminder: Non-atomic resolution scattering forbiology and soft matter From: Gabel Frank (05/06/14)
- [SA_scat] Announce: US-SOMO revision 2717 From: Emre Brookes (24/05/14)
- [SA_scat] New Version of SasView From: stephen.king (23/05/14)
- [SA_scat] ORNL: Postdoctoral Research Associate in Soft Materials From: stephen.king (15/05/14)
- [SA_scat] Postdoc position to study protein folding with neutronscattering From: stephen.king (25/04/14)
- [SA_scat] HERCULES Specialized Course on "Non-atomic resolutionscattering for biology and soft matter" From: Gabel Frank (25/04/14)
- [SA_scat] Structure and dynamics of confined & interfacial fluids:blending scattering & computer modeling techniques: 16-19 July 2014 From: stephen.king (12/03/14)
- [SA_scat] Late Call for Contributions: Application of ASAXSSymposium at IUCr Congress From: stephen.king (04/03/14)
- [SA_scat] Late Call for Contributions: SAS for Magnetism Symposiumat IUCr Congress From: stephen.king (03/03/14)
- [SA_scat] Job Posting: SANS/USANS Scientist at NIST From: stephen.king (25/02/14)
- [SA_scat] PhD Studentship on Self-Assembly in Deep EutecticSolvents at Bath University From: Andrew Jackson (24/02/14)
- [SA_scat] EMBO practical course on Solution Scattering, Hamburg,27 October - 3 November 2014 From: Dmitri Svergun (23/02/14)
- [SA_scat] Special issue on small-angle scattering [SEC=UNOFFICIAL] From: GILBERT, Elliot Paul (23/02/14)
- [SA_scat] Data Analysis Scientist Post at Diamond Light Source From: Alun.Ashton (18/02/14)
- [SA_scat] Neutrons and Food 2014, 9-11 July 2014 From: stephen.king (14/02/14)
- [SA_scat] Fwd: ACA2014 Albuquerque From: Peter Zwart (11/02/14)
- [SA_scat] Final call: ACA 2014 Abstract Deadline has been extendedto 7 Feb 2014 From: Emre Brookes (02/02/14)
- [SA_scat] Last call - practical course on biomacromolecules insolution From: Annette Eva Langkilde (10/01/14)
- [SA_scat] =?windows-1252?q?BioStruct_=96_X_Call_for_proposal_subm?==?windows-1252?q?ission_for_Transnational_Access_funding?= From: margret (06/12/13)
- [SA_scat] Postdoctoral Contractor at LBL in Development of X-rayMethods for the Study of Polymeric Materials From: stephen.king (05/12/13)
- [SA_scat] Up to 7 Instrument Scientist positions available at ANSTO- closing date 11 December 2013 From: stephen.king (28/11/13)
- [SA_scat] SANS Instrument Scientist at the Bragg Institute,Australia From: stephen.king (25/11/13)
- [SA_scat] SANS Instrument Scientist position at ILL From: stephen.king (18/11/13)
- [SA_scat] A new book about SAS for Particle Characterisation comingsoon From: stephen.king (18/11/13)
- [SA_scat] Special Call for Small-Angle and Reflectometry proposalsat OPAL (in Sydney Australia) - initial deadline 22 November 2013[SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] From: stephen.king (30/10/13)
- [SA_scat] Postdoctoral position available @ EMBL-Hamburg, SAXS From: margret (25/10/13)
- [SA_scat] STFC - ISIS SANS/SESANS Instrument Scientist position From: stephen.king (17/10/13)
- [SA_scat] 1st International Conference on Scattering andDiffraction Techniques for Material Characterization (ICSDTMC 2013) From: stephen.king (01/10/13)
- [SA_scat] 1st International Conference on Scattering andDiffraction Techniques for Material Characterization (ICSDTMC 2013) From: stephen.king (02/09/13)
- [SA_scat] ORNL: Postdoctoral Research Associate in Fiber Diffraction From: stephen.king (02/09/13)
- [SA_scat] GISAXS 2013 - New abstract deadline,final and last extension From: Roth, Stephan (12/08/13)
- [SA_scat] Closure of and a new homes forCCP13 Software & Fibre Diffraction Review From: stephen.king (25/07/13)
- [SA_scat] =?windows-1252?q?2nd_cyber-enabled_collaborative_gradua?==?windows-1252?q?te_course_=93Neutrons_in_Soft_Matter_Science=3A_Complex_?==?windows-1252?q?Materials_on_Mesoscopic_Scales=94?= From: stephen.king (25/07/13)
- [SA_scat] EMBO Global Exchange Lecture Course in 2014- São Paulo, Brazil From: margret (25/07/13)
- [SA_scat] Postdoctoral position From: marc.malfois (23/07/13)
- [SA_scat] Research Assistant Position in SAXS/GISAXS at ELETTRA From: stephen.king (22/07/13)
- [SA_scat] SANS position at the NCNR From: stephen.king (21/07/13)
- [SA_scat] MPhil/PhD Studentship involving SANS at University ofGreenwich From: stephen.king (16/07/13)
- [SA_scat] BSR-2013 News and A call for BSR-2016 bids From: margret (16/07/13)
- [SA_scat] Call for access to Synchrotron Beamline Facilities,autumn 2013 - EMBL, Hamburg, Germany From: margret (04/07/13)
- [SA_scat] Postdoc position at Oak Ridge National Laboratoryavailable From: stephen.king (20/06/13)
- [SA_scat] Postdoctoral Position at University of Tartu (Estonia) incooperation with ESS From: stephen.king (19/06/13)
- [SA_scat] Postdoctoral position available @ EMBL-Hamburg, SAXS From: margret (18/06/13)
- [SA_scat] BSR-2013: Abstract submission deadline is extended until20th June! From: margret (07/06/13)
- [SA_scat] GISAXS2013 - New Abstract deadline From: Roth, Stephan (31/05/13)
- [SA_scat] Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource AssocaiteStaff Scientis - SAXS From: Toney, Michael (31/05/13)
- [SA_scat] Emerging Themes in Analysis of Grazing Incidence SmallAngle Scattering Data From: nick.terrill (28/05/13)
- [SA_scat] Biological Small Angle Solution Scattering Workshop -July 20, 2013 (ACA meeting in Honolulu, Hawaii) From: Angela Criswell (23/05/13)
- [SA_scat] Post-doc position at Synchrotron SOLEIL From: PEREZ Javier (15/05/13)
- [SA_scat] Postdoctoral Position in Soft Condensed Matter at IndianaUniversity From: stephen.king (15/05/13)
- [SA_scat] Abstract submission deadline for BSR2013 is approaching! From: margret (15/05/13)
- [SA_scat] Workshop announcement: GISAXS2013 From: Roth, Stephan (15/05/13)
- [SA_scat] Neutrons in Soft Matter Science - open cyber-enabledcollaborative graduate course From: stephen.king (14/05/13)
- [SA_scat] Project Scientist position at ALS From: stephen.king (14/05/13)
- [SA_scat] Beamline Scientist Position at the ALS From: stephen.king (25/04/13)
- [SA_scat] Emerging Themes in Analysis of Grazing Incidence SmallAngle Scattering Data From: nick.terrill (24/04/13)
- [SA_scat] IUCr Travel Grants Available - (11th InternationalConference on Biological Synchrotron Radiation (BSR), Hamburg, Germany,8-11 Sept 2013) From: margret (27/03/13)
- [SA_scat] Research Associate in Computational Structural Biologyand Chemistry at UCL From: stephen.king (22/03/13)
- [SA_scat] Oak Ridge National Laboratory - Postdoctoral ResearchAssociate in Neutron Scattering from Soft Opto-Electronic Materials From: stephen.king (19/03/13)
- [SA_scat] Oak Ridge National Laboratory - Postdoctoral ResearchAssociate in Structural Biology From: stephen.king (19/03/13)
- [SA_scat] Postdoctoral position available @ EMBL-Hamburg, SAXS From: margret (18/03/13)
- [SA_scat] workshop on grazing-incidence scattering software,9-10 April, Garching From: j.wuttke (13/03/13)
- [SA_scat] Frontiers in Neutron Structural Biology Workshopannouncement From: Urban, Volker S. (13/03/13)
- [SA_scat] ? [SPAM] ASSP workshop on grazing-incidence scatteringsoftware, 9-10 April, Garching From: j.wuttke (13/03/13)
- [SA_scat] Job availability at NIMS for post-docs wanting to doindependent research From: Brian Pauw (01/03/13)
- [SA_scat] SAS2012 papers to the Journal of Applied Crystallography- deadline extended to March 31st [SEC=UNOFFICIAL] From: GILBERT, Elliot Paul (01/03/13)
- [SA_scat] Early bird registration 1st March! 11th InternationalConference on Biological Synchrotron Radiation (BSR), Hamburg, Germany,8-11 Sept 2013 From: Rosemary Wilson (27/02/13)
- [SA_scat] Register now! 11th International Conference on BiologicalSynchrotron Radiation (BSR), Hamburg, Germany, 8-11 Sept 2013 From: Rosemary Wilson (06/02/13)
- [SA_scat] SSRL Workshop on Small-Angle Scattering and DiffractionStudies, March 18 - 20, 2013 From: Carter, Lester G. (05/02/13)
- [SA_scat] Input sought from SAS community on publication guidelinesfor solution studies of biological macromolecules [SEC=UNOFFICIAL] From: GILBERT, Elliot Paul (04/02/13)
- [SA_scat] FW: Frontiers in Neutron Structural Biology Workshopannouncement From: Urban, Volker S. (02/02/13)
- [SA_scat] =?windows-1252?q?=93The_Impact_and_Future_Directions_of?==?windows-1252?q?_Scattering_Techniques_in_Soft_Matter=94?= From: stephen.king (30/01/13)
- [SA_scat] SAS2012 papers to the Journal of Applied Crystallography- deadline - March 1st [SEC=UNOFFICIAL] From: GILBERT, Elliot Paul (30/01/13)
- [SA_scat] PDRA position available at Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin,Germany From: stephen.king (28/01/13)
- [SA_scat] ICNS 2013 From: stephen.king (18/01/13)
- [SA_scat] Call for access to Synchrotron Beamline Facilities 2013 -EMBL Hamburg, Germany From: Rosemary Wilson (17/01/13)
- [SA_scat] EMBO practical course on "Computational StructuralBiology - from data to structure to function", EMBL Hamburg,15-19 April 2013 From: Rosemary Wilson (11/01/13)
- [SA_scat] ITC 2013: SAXS and computational techniques tostudy intrinsically disordered proteins From: Erica Valentini (09/01/13)
- [SA_scat] EMBO practical course on SAXS and SANS from proteins insolution From: Gabel Frank (08/01/13)
- Re: [SA_scat]Call for access to Synchrotron Beamline Facilities 2013 - EMBL Hamburg, , Germany From: Helena Grigoriew (08/01/13)
- [SA_scat] Oak Ridge National Laboratory Postdoctoral Position inBiology and Soft Matter Division From: stephen.king (20/12/12)
- [SA_scat] Call for access to Synchrotron Beamline Facilities 2013 -EMBL Hamburg, , Germany From: Rosemary Wilson (14/12/12)
- [SA_scat] =?windows-1252?q?=93The_Impact_and_Future_Directions_of?==?windows-1252?q?_Scattering_Techniques_in_Soft_Matter=94?= From: stephen.king (13/12/12)
- [SA_scat] Proceedings of the 15th International Small-AngleScattering Conference now available for download [SEC=UNOFFICIAL] From: GILBERT, Elliot Paul (13/12/12)
- [SA_scat] =?windows-1252?q?=93The_Impact_and_Future_Directions_of?==?windows-1252?q?_Scattering_Techniques_in_Soft_Matter=94?= From: stephen.king (29/11/12)
- [SA_scat] Job opening at NSLS-II: second scientist for the LiXbeamline From: Yang, Lin (17/11/12)
- [SA_scat] ATSAS version 2.5 From: Dmitri Svergun (13/11/12)
- [SA_scat] Project Manager for the International Year ofCrystallography 2014 From: stephen.king (06/11/12)
- [SA_scat] Scattering and Diffraction Techniques for materialcharecterization (sdtmc2012) From: stephen.king (03/11/12)
- [SA_scat] Award of 2012 Guinier Prize to Professor Otto Glatter From: Andrew Allen (01/11/12)
- [SA_scat] Postdoctoral Position at USAXS at the APS From: Jan Ilavsky PhD. (01/11/12)
- [SA_scat] Post Doctoral Position in SANS from Confined Fluids atORNL From: stephen.king (29/10/12)
- [SA_scat] Joint Postdoctoral fellowship at ANSTO and the Universityof Queensland - Small-angle scattering and Plant Cell Walls[SEC=UNOFFICIAL] From: GILBERT, Elliot Paul (29/10/12)
- [SA_scat] Software Development Posts at Diamond From: Alun.Ashton (23/10/12)
- [SA_scat] Update on bids for hosting SAS2018 conference From: stephen.king (23/10/12)
- [SA_scat] =?windows-1252?q?Postdoctoral_Position_=96_Synchrotron_?==?windows-1252?q?scattering_and_analysis=2C_Australia?= From: stephen.king (23/10/12)
- [SA_scat] Update on bids for hosting SAS2018 conference -[SEC=UNOFFICIAL] From: GILBERT, Elliot Paul (23/10/12)
- [SA_scat] Update on bids for hosting SAS 2018 Conference From: stephen.king (03/10/12)
- [SA_scat] Post Doc opening for biological small-angle neutronscattering From: Urban, Volker S. (05/09/12)
- [SA_scat] Fall BioSAXS beamtime available at MacCHESS From: Richard Gillilan (15/08/12)
- [SA_scat] SAS-2012 - Second Call for Poster Abstracts From: stephen.king (14/08/12)
- [SA_scat] Vacancy for a Software Engineer: BioSAXS and MX automation From: Alun.Ashton (26/07/12)
- [SA_scat] REMINDER: Call for Bids to Host SAS-2018,LESS THAN ONE WEEK TO DEADLINE From: Andrew Allen (25/07/12)
- [SA_scat] SAXS application scientist opening position at Xenocs SA From: marc.malfois (06/07/12)
- [SA_scat] SAXS Scientist position at TUM From: Gabel Frank (02/07/12)
- [SA_scat] Information for users of the Java GUI version of CORFUNC From: stephen.king (25/06/12)
- [SA_scat] Reminder: 10 days remain for Guinier Prize nominations From: Andrew Allen (21/06/12)
- [SA_scat] Postdoctoral Position in Biological SAXS at EMBL-Hamburg From: Dmitri Svergun (08/06/12)
- [SA_scat] Mag. Dr. Heimo Schnablegger From: Andrew Allen (31/05/12)
- [SA_scat] MacCHESS: BioSAXS postdoc position open From: Richard Gillilan (10/05/12)
- [SA_scat] International Small-Angle Scattering Conference - LatestNews on Speakers, Topics,Travel Grants and Prizes - Abstracts close in 2 weeks (18th May 2012)[SEC=UNOFFICIAL] From: GILBERT, Elliot Paul (04/05/12)
- [SA_scat] Postdoctoral position developing magnetic-SANS at BER II From: stephen.king (02/05/12)
- [SA_scat] Postdoctoral Research Scientists - Soft Materials - atORNL From: stephen.king (02/05/12)
- [SA_scat] Fellowships at FDA on Biomolecular Imaging With CoherentX-Ray Scattering From: Badano, Aldo G (29/04/12)
- [SA_scat] Two postdoctoral positions in neutron reflectivity atUppsala University From: stephen.king (25/04/12)
- [SA_scat] =?windows-1252?q?SAS2012_CALL_FOR_ABSTRACTS_REMINDER_?==?windows-1252?q?=96_ABSTRACT_DEADLINE_18_MAY_2012?= From: stephen.king (18/04/12)
- [SA_scat] Post-doctoral fellowship opportunity at FDA: simulationof diffraction and small-angle scattering imaging systems From: Badano, Aldo G (18/04/12)
- [SA_scat] X+: New X-Ray Scattering Analysis Software From: stephen.king (10/04/12)
- [SA_scat] New Posts at Diamond From: nick.terrill (06/04/12)
- [SA_scat] Call for Nominations for the 2012 Guinier Prize From: stephen.king (05/04/12)
- [SA_scat] Call for Bids to Host SAS-2018 From: stephen.king (05/04/12)
- [SA_scat] EMBO Global Exchange Lecture Course, Hyderabad, 29.11-6.12 From: Dmitri Svergun (02/04/12)
- [SA_scat] Posdoc oppotunity in carbon/polymer nanocomposites at theNIST CNR From: stephen.king (01/03/12)
- [SA_scat] Course Announcement - EMBL Advanced Course: HybridStructural Biology Approaches From: Rosemary Wilson (27/02/12)
- [SA_scat] (no subject) From: nick.terrill (16/02/12)
- [SA_scat] EMBO practical course in Hamburg,, October 17-24, 2012 From: Dmitri Svergun (14/02/12)
- [SA_scat] X-ray Postdoc From: nick.terrill (11/02/12)
- [SA_scat] Neutron job oppotunities with NSRRC at ANSTO From: stephen.king (06/02/12)
- [SA_scat] Prof Roberto Triolo From: stephen.king (23/01/12)
- [SA_scat] Beamline Scientist in Biological SAXS at EMBL-Hamburg From: Dmitri Svergun (20/01/12)
- [SA_scat] FW: SANS Career Development Postdoc Position at HFIR/ORNL From: stephen.king (13/01/12)
- [SA_scat] Post Doc in Fluids at Nanoscale Interfaces at Ohio State From: stephen.king (12/01/12)
- [SA_scat] Permanent Beamline Scientist Position at SynchrotronSOLEIL From: PEREZ Javier (10/01/12)
- [SA_scat] Call for access to Synchrotron Beamline Facilities 2012 -EMBL Hamburg, Germany From: Maxim Petoukhov (10/01/12)
- [SA_scat] Postdoc (m/f) at MiNaXS (P03), PETRAIII, DESY (Hamburg,Germany) From: Roth, Stephan (06/01/12)
- [SA_scat] CALL FOR PAPERS SAS2012 NOW OPEN - SYDNEY - 18-23 NOV2012 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] From: GILBERT, Elliot Paul (16/12/11)
- [SA_scat] SRPS5 meeting, San Francisco, March 2012 From: stephen.king (29/11/11)
- [SA_scat] Variety of permanent & fixed-term positions available atISIS From: stephen.king (24/11/11)
- [SA_scat] Five open positions at LNS/LDM - Paul ScherrerInstitut/Switzerland From: stephen.king (18/11/11)
- [SA_scat] Vacancy for a research scientist at the ILL (biologicalsmall angle neutron scattering) From: stephen.king (07/11/11)
- [SA_scat] First announcement Neutrons and Food 2012 From: stephen.king (24/10/11)
- [SA_scat] Post-Doc in Neutron Reflectometry at Helmholtz-CenterBerlin From: stephen.king (21/10/11)
- [SA_scat] PDRA position availiable in membranes at Oxford From: stephen.king (05/10/11)
- [SA_scat] Call for Satellite Meetings for SAS2012 From: stephen.king (23/09/11)
- [SA_scat] ASAXS Workshop, Berlin, 24-25 November 2011 From: stephen.king (22/09/11)
- [SA_scat] Hiro Tsuruta From: Tsutomu Matsui (30/08/11)
- [SA_scat] PosT-doc offer at I911-4 SAXS station in MAX IVlaboratory, Lund University, Sweden From: stephen.king (18/08/11)
- [SA_scat] Research Fellowship in X-ray Scattering at Liverpool From: stephen.king (10/08/11)
- [SA_scat] Postdoctoral Research Associate in Structure and Dynamicsof Fluids at Nanoscale Interfaces From: stephen.king (04/08/11)
- [SA_scat] Position available with Rigaku - Application Scientist inLife Sciences Division - The Woodlands, TX From: Angela Criswell (27/06/11)
- [SA_scat] Vacancy for a research scientist at the ILL (small angleneutron scattering) From: stephen.king (01/06/11)
- Re: [SA_scat] about RAT and Fixed tube x-ray generator From: Angela Criswell (23/05/11)
- Re: [SA_scat] about RAT and Fixed tube x-ray generator From: s henderson (23/05/11)
- Re: [SA_scat] about RAT and Fixed tube x-ray generator From: Dr. Dillip Kumar Bisoyi (23/05/11)
- [SA_scat] Neutrons in Soft Matter From: Hideki Seto (23/05/11)
- [SA_scat] about RAT and Fixed tube x-ray generator From: koppoju suresh (22/05/11)
- [SA_scat] ISIS scientist wins neutron prize for novel nanosciencetechnique From: stephen.king (18/05/11)
- [SA_scat] FW: Program: SAXS-Workshop (last chance to register) From: stephen.king (13/04/11)
- [SA_scat] Announcing REXS2011 - Resonant Elastic X-Ray Scatteringin Condensed Matter From: stephen.king (25/03/11)
- [SA_scat] Call for Abstracts - GISAXS-2011 From: stephen.king (24/03/11)
- [SA_scat] A Workshop "Computational aspects of the joint use ofSAXS and NMR" in Florence From: Dmitri Svergun (23/03/11)
- [SA_scat] SANS-YuMO User Meeting in Dubna From: stephen.king (28/02/11)
- [SA_scat] Post-doc position at NSLS From: Lin Yang (15/02/11)
- [SA_scat] Closure of the SAS-2009 website From: stephen.king (04/02/11)
- [SA_scat] Interdisciplinary postdoc position in SAXS andbioinformatics at EMBL-Hamburg From: Dmitri Svergun (03/02/11)
- [SA_scat] EUROMAT 2011 in Montpellier in September 2011 From: stephen.king (28/01/11)
- [SA_scat] First announcement: Science & Scientists at ESS meetingin Prague, 22-23 July 2011 From: stephen.king (27/01/11)
- [SA_scat] 17 T horizontal field magnet available for neutronscattering in Europe From: stephen.king (21/01/11)
- [SA_scat] IUCr 2011 Congress - Microsymposium on IndustrialApplications of SAXS and SANS - August 22-29 From: stephen.king (21/01/11)
- [SA_scat] Call for 2011 access to synchrotron facilities,EMBL Hamburg From: Dmitri Svergun (22/12/10)
- [SA_scat] Instrument Scientist at ESS - Small Angle NeutronScattering From: stephen.king (20/12/10)
- [SA_scat] SAS-2009 Proceedings: now published! From: sas2009 (01/12/10)
- [SA_scat] PhD position available From: Ian William Hamley (25/11/10)
- [SA_scat] ORNL11-18-NFDD - Postdoctoral Research Associate -Instrument Development Group - MISANS From: stephen.king (18/11/10)
- [SA_scat] EQ-SANS Instrument Scientist From: stephen.king (09/11/10)
- [SA_scat] X-Ray Scattering Methods for Characterization ofNano-Materials at MRS Fall 2010 From: iuliana.cernatescu (19/10/10)
- [SA_scat] PDRA position available on I22 Diamond From: nick.terrill (19/10/10)
- [SA_scat] Post-doc position - Membrane Biophysics [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] From: GARVEY, Chris (07/10/10)
- [SA_scat] Job offer: instrument scientist SANS From: stephen.king (27/09/10)
- [SA_scat] Staff Scientist iin biological small angle scatteringatStanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource From: Hiro Tsuruta (01/09/10)
- [SA_scat] Vacancy for a postdoctoral position (soft condensedmatter) From: stephen.king (06/08/10)
- [SA_scat] Neutron Postdoc position open at Oak Ridge NationalLaboratory From: stephen.king (05/08/10)
- [SA_scat] Vacancy for a Research Scientist in NR at ILL From: stephen.king (08/07/10)
- [SA_scat] ORNL10-139-NSSD - Neutron Scattering Instrument Scientist From: stephen.king (01/07/10)
- [SA_scat] ORNL10-137-NSSD: Postdoctoral Research Associate inNeutron Scattering From: stephen.king (28/06/10)
- [SA_scat] Registration now open for Neutrons and Food workshop -Sydney - 31 Oct - 3 Nov 2010 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] From: GILBERT, Elliot Paul (22/06/10)
- [SA_scat] Pre- and postdoctoral Positions in SAXS/Bioinformatics atthe EMBL-Hamburg From: Dmitri Svergun (21/06/10)
- [SA_scat] Reminder: EMBO Practical Course on Solution Scatteringfrom Biological Macromolecules From: Dmitri Svergun (21/06/10)
- [SA_scat] Post Doctoral Fellowship in Food Structure and Dynamics -ANSTO, Sydney, Australia [SEC=IN-CONFIDENCE] From: GILBERT, Elliot Paul (19/05/10)
- [SA_scat] Advertisement for Postdoctoral Research Associate position From: Urban, Volker S. (01/05/10)
- [SA_scat] Positions available in Neutron Reflection at Uppsala/ILL From: stephen.king (29/04/10)
- [SA_scat] NSSA announces election of the 2010 NSSA Fellows From: stephen.king (29/04/10)
- [SA_scat] Register your interest today for the InternationalSmall-Angle Scattering Conference (SAS2012),Sydney - 18-23 November 2012 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] From: GILBERT, Elliot Paul (29/04/10)
- [SA_scat] IMA-2010: 21-27 August 2010 From: stephen.king (25/03/10)
- [SA_scat] ICSAXS - 2010, 23-24 October 2010 - correct URL From: stephen.king (23/03/10)
- [SA_scat] ICSAXS - 2010, 23-24 October 2010 From: stephen.king (22/03/10)
- confirm ef132c37d1039182e3079fecc6466e343e20969c From: sa_scat-request (17/03/10)
- [SA_scat] International Summer School on " The Power of NeutronTechniques in Nano and Biosciences" From: stephen.king (17/03/10)
- [SA_scat] POST DOCTORAL RESEARCH ASSOCIATE, BEAMLINE I22 From: nick.terrill (17/03/10)
- [SA_scat] Meeting Announcement: ICSAXS - 2010, 23-24 October 2010 From: stephen.king (17/03/10)
- [SA_scat] Instrument scientist in Reflectometry at ISIS From: stephen.king (17/03/10)
- [SA_scat] Vacancies for 2 Research Scientists at ILL - LSS Group From: stephen.king (17/03/10)
- [SA_scat] SRMS-MEDSI 2010 - 3rd Announcement, Call for Abstracts From: stephen.king (17/03/10)
- [SA_scat] EMBO Practical Course on Solution Scattering fromBiological Macromolecules From: Dmitri Svergun (17/03/10)
- [SA_scat] Scientific Computing Scientist for SANS and Reflectometry From: stephen.king (17/03/10)
- [SA_scat] Associate Staff Scientist in biological x-ray scatteringat SSRL/SLAC From: Hiro Tsuruta (17/03/10)
- [SA_scat] Neutrons and Food - Workshop Announcement From: stephen.king (17/03/10)
- [SA_scat] Call for abstract NCM11 - NEW Deadline February 12th 2010 From: stephen.king (17/03/10)
- [SA_scat] [SPAM] ASSP Conference on Intrinsically DisorderedProteins in Barcelona From: Pau Bernado (17/03/10)
- [SA_scat] PhD Position in Scattering from Skin Lipid Membranes atLeiden, NL From: stephen.king (17/03/10)
- [SA_scat] ATSAS 2.3 announcement From: Dmitri Svergun (17/03/10)
- [SA_scat] New Diamond Light Source Vacancy From: nicholas.terrill (17/03/10)
- [SA_scat] Postdoctoral Research Associate for Developing theSpin-Echo Grazing Incidence Scattering (SERGIS) From: stephen.king (17/03/10)
- [SA_scat] Post Doctoral Fellowship at ANSTO From: stephen.king (17/03/10)
- [SA_scat] Postdoctoral Research Associates in SANS and NeutronReflectometry Data Reduction and Analysis From: stephen.king (17/03/10)
- [SA_scat] Postdoctoral Position at MacCHESS From: Richard Gillilan (17/03/10)
- [SA_scat] International Conference on Neutrons in Biology - Oct25-28, 2009 - Santa Fe, NM From: King, Stephen (STFC,RAL,ISIS) (17/03/10)
- [SA_scat] Postdoctoral researcher opening, SSRL/SLAC,Stanford University From: Hiro Tsuruta (17/03/10)
- [SA_scat] Postdoc position Ames Laboratory From: King, Stephen (STFC,RAL,ISIS) (17/03/10)
- [SA_scat] Postdoctoral Fellow time-resolved small-angle X-rayscattering From: Bunk Oliver (17/03/10)
- [SA_scat] Advertisement for Instrument scientist to build 2ndSmall-Angle Neutron Scattering Instrument at the OPAl Reactor,Sydney, Australia [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] From: GILBERT, Elliot Paul (17/03/10)
- [SA_scat] Your chance to view the bids for SAS-2012 & SAS-2015 From: Diamond SAS2009 (17/03/10)
- [SA_scat] SAS-2009: your last chance to register! From: Diamond SAS2009 (17/03/10)
- [SA_scat] SAS-2009: Registration will close June 19 From: Diamond SAS2009 (17/03/10)
- [SA_scat] Postdoctoral Research Associate in Ames Laboratory From: King, SM (Stephen) (17/03/10)
- [SA_scat] Vacancy for the Head of the Large Scale Structures Groupat ILL From: King, SM (Stephen) (17/03/10)
- [SA_scat] SAS-2009: 'Early-Bird' Registration deadline ends 1 May From: Diamond SAS2009 (17/03/10)
- [SA_scat] Small Angle Light Scattering - Data Analysis From: Michael Girard (17/03/10)
- [SA_scat] Synchrotron Radiation & Polymer Science IV - 8-11September 2009 From: King, SM (Stephen) (17/03/10)
- [SA_scat] SAS-2009: 1 month to abstract deadline From: Diamond SAS2009 (17/03/10)
- [SA_scat] Postdoctoral Position at ANSTO in Biomembranes From: King, SM (Stephen) (17/03/10)
- [SA_scat] Second instrument responsible position at the GKSSoutstation at FRM II (SANS-1 instrument) From: King, SM (Stephen) (17/03/10)
- [SA_scat] Practical Workshop on Characterization of ProteinComplexes in Structural Biology From: Maxim Petoukhov (17/03/10)
- [SA_scat] Postdoc position in the UK From: King, SM (Stephen) (17/03/10)
- [SA_scat] ASAXS workshop in Berlin: Deadline for registrationextended till March 31, 2009 From: King, SM (Stephen) (17/03/10)
- [SA_scat] Small-Angle Scattering Postdoctoral Position in MaterialsPhysics at ANL From: King, SM (Stephen) (17/03/10)
- [SA_scat] Workshop on SAXS in Structural Biology at SSRL From: Thomas Weiss (17/03/10)
- [SA_scat] PhD Studentship: SAS Investigations ofMultibandSuperconductors From: King, SM (Stephen) (17/03/10)
- [SA_scat] canSAS Session at SAS-2009 From: King, SM (Stephen) (17/03/10)
- [SA_scat] SAS-2009 - Abstract & Registration Deadlines EXTENDED! From: Diamond SAS2009 (17/03/10)
- [SA_scat] ASAXS-workshop Berlin: Registration now open From: King, SM (Stephen) (17/03/10)
- [SA_scat] SAS-2009: Call for abstracts & Registration From: Diamond SAS2009 (17/03/10)
- [SA_scat] SAXIER Meeting - Liverpool, 16 Feb 2009 From: King, SM (Stephen) (17/03/10)
- [SA_scat] Synchrotron and Neutron Advances in EnvironmentalGeochemistry and Mineralogy From: King, SM (Stephen) (17/03/10)
- [SA_scat] 1st announcement: ASAXS workshop, May 14-15, Berlin,Germany From: King, SM (Stephen) (17/03/10)
- [SA_scat] Call for Abstracts: GISAS 2009 From: King, SM (Stephen) (23/01/09)
- [SA_scat] Call for abstracts - GISAS2009 From: King, SM (Stephen) (23/01/09)
- [SA_scat] SAS-2009: Registration is now open! From: Diamond SAS2009 (23/01/09)
- [SA_scat] SKIN-2009: 1st Announcement From: King, SM (Stephen) (23/01/09)
- [SA_scat] 2 postdoctoral positions (Ionic Liquids) From: King, SM (Stephen) (23/01/09)
- [SA_scat] SANS Post-Doc at ORNL - Application link corrected From: King, SM (Stephen) (23/01/09)
- [SA_scat] SANS Post-Doc at ORNL From: King, SM (Stephen) (23/01/09)
- [SA_scat] Australian postdoctoral position in protein X-rayandneutron scattering From: King, SM (Stephen) (23/01/09)
- [SA_scat] LENS SANS Workshop -- 1st Announcement. From: King, SM (Stephen) (23/01/09)
- [SA_scat] postdoc position in LBNL From: Peter Zwart (23/01/09)
- [SA_scat] Full power at the ISIS second target station From: King, SM (Stephen) (23/01/09)
- [SA_scat] Call for Nominations: SAS-2009 Awards for Excellence From: King, SM (Stephen) (23/01/09)
- [SA_scat] PDRA Positions in Biophyics with Scattering at Liverpool From: King, SM (Stephen) (23/01/09)
- [SA_scat] Postdoctoral Fellowship - Structural Biology (in Sydney,Australia) From: King, SM (Stephen) (23/01/09)
- [SA_scat] Call for Bids to host SAS-2012 & SAS-2015 From: King, SM (Stephen) (23/01/09)
- [SA_scat] A PDF of SAS texbook available for download From: King, SM (Stephen) (23/01/09)
- [SA_scat] Advertisement for SANS Instrument Scientist at the BraggInstitute, Sydney, Australia From: King, SM (Stephen) (23/01/09)
- [SA_scat] GISAS2009 Satellite Conference - 1st circular From: King, SM (Stephen) (23/01/09)
- [SA_scat] FISH SAS Data Fitting Program - new release! From: King, SM (Stephen) (08/08/08)
- [SA_scat] Tandem INSTRUCT Workshop From: King, SM (Stephen) (05/08/08)
- [SA_scat] First neutrons measured at the ISIS Second Target StationProject: Sunday 3 August 2008 13:08 BST From: King, SM (Stephen) (04/08/08)
- [SA_scat] [SPAM] ASSP First neutrons measured at the ISIS SecondTarget Station Project: Sunday 3 August 2008 13:08 BST From: King, SM (Stephen) (04/08/08)
- [SA_scat] [SPAM] ASSP SANS analysis and modeling position From: Paul Butler (28/07/08)
- [SA_scat] SAS-2009 - New Website From: Diamond SAS2009 (24/07/08)
- [SA_scat] [SPAM] ASSP NCNR SANS scientist Position From: Paul Butler (22/07/08)
- [SA_scat] Research position at Brazilian Synchrotron LightLaboratory From: King, SM (Stephen) (11/07/08)
- [SA_scat] Ron Ottewill From: King, SM (Stephen) (03/07/08)
- [SA_scat] MRS GISAXS Symposium, fall 2008 From: Ben Ocko (18/06/08)
- [SA_scat] IUCr Crystallographic Computing School 2008 From: Dmitri Svergun (26/05/08)
- [SA_scat] 1st Asia-Oceania Neutron Scattering Summer School (SANS &NR) From: King, SM (Stephen) (23/05/08)
- [SA_scat] Associate Staff Scientist in biological x-ray scattering.SSRL, SLAC, Stanford University. From: King, SM (Stephen) (08/05/08)
- [SA_scat] Post-Doctoral Fellow & Post-Master Assistant,Bio-SANS at ORNL From: Myles, Dean A. (22/04/08)
- [SA_scat] Re-post: Postdoc-Position microfocus SAXS/WAXS beamlinePETRA III From: King, SM (Stephen) (09/04/08)
- [SA_scat] Associate Professor/Senior Lecturer in Neutron Scattering From: King, SM (Stephen) (03/04/08)
- [SA_scat] protein solution scattering post-doc position at NSLS From: Lin Yang (03/04/08)
- [SA_scat] Postdoc-Position microfocus SAXS/WAXS beamline PETRA III From: Roth, Stephan Volkher (02/04/08)
- [SA_scat] Annoucement: The SANS Toolbox From: King, SM (Stephen) (12/03/08)
- [SA_scat] SAXS Beamline Support Scientist at Diamond From: King, SM (Stephen) (06/03/08)
- [SA_scat] EMBO Practical Course on Solution Scattering, Hamburg,19-26 October From: Dmitri Svergun (06/03/08)
- [SA_scat] FW: PostDoctoral Position From: King, SM (Stephen) (10/12/07)
- [SA_scat] Two 5-year postdoctoral positions in structural biologyat Grenoble From: King, SM (Stephen) (12/11/07)
- [SA_scat] Positions available in SAXS at Diamond From: King, SM (Stephen) (05/11/07)
- [SA_scat] 2nd Announcement: Surfaces & Interfaces in Soft Matter &Biology, 21-23 May 2008 From: King, SM (Stephen) (18/10/07)
- [SA_scat] BCA Industrial Group SAS Special Interest Meeting 2-3July 2007 From: King, SM (Stephen) (04/06/07)
- [SA_scat] 2x Post-doctoral positions,The Australian National University From: King, SM (Stephen) (04/06/07)
- [SA_scat] Surfaces and Interfaces in Soft Matter and Biology : theimpact and future of neutron reflectivity - A Symposium inHonor of Robert K. Thomas From: King, SM (Stephen) (30/05/07)
- [SA_scat] HSC6 - Hercules Specialised Courses - October 2007 From: King, SM (Stephen) (30/05/07)
- [SA_scat] SAS-2009 - 1st Announcement From: King, SM (Stephen) (30/05/07)
- [SA_scat] Post-doc position in metallurgy and SANS at LLB-Saclay From: King, SM (Stephen) (30/05/07)
- [SA_scat] SANS/USANS instrument scientist postion at NIST From: Paul Butler (30/05/07)
- [SA_scat] Vacancy in Small Angle Neutron Scattering at ILL,Grenoble. From: timmins (30/05/07)
- [SA_scat] Neutrons in Biology 2007 - Call for Abstracts From: King, SM (Stephen) (30/05/07)
- [SA_scat] postdoctoral position in nanostructured polymericmaterials From: King, SM (Stephen) (30/05/07)
- [SA_scat] CANSAS V : October 28-31, 2007 From: King, SM (Stephen) (21/05/07)
- [SA_scat] New Small-Angle X-Ray Scattering (SAXS) related weblog. From: Brian Pauw (21/05/07)
- [SA_scat] Neutrons in Biology - 2007,July 11-13 - Call for Abstracts From: King, SM (Stephen) (16/05/07)
- [SA_scat] Vacancy for Beamline Scientist on ID02 at ESRF From: King, SM (Stephen) (27/04/07)
- [SA_scat] Software issues From: Paul Butler (20/12/04)
- [SA_scat] Postdoctoral Research Associate Position in GrazingIncidence Small Angle X-ray Scattering at Argonne NationalLaboratory From: Thiyagarajan, Pappannan (16/12/04)
- [SA_scat] Job Vacancies in SANS, NR & Biomolecular Sciences at ISIS From: Steve King (18/11/04)
- [SA_scat] Neutron Scattering from Biological Systems From: Steve King (21/10/04)
- [SA_scat] CANSAS-IV Web Resource & CanSAS Wiki From: Steve King (28/09/04)
- [SA_scat] USANS Opportunities at NIST From: JDB Science LLC (11/09/04)
- [SA_scat] (no subject) From: JDB Science LLC (27/07/04)
- Re: [SA_scat] RNA SAXS programs: calculate Rg, P(r) From: Tobin Sosnick (10/07/04)
- Re: [SA_scat] RNA SAXS programs: calculate Rg, P(r) From: Cristiano Luis Pinto de Oliveira - mestrado (02/07/04)
- RE: [SA_scat] RNA SAXS programs: calculate Rg, P(r) From: Thiyagarajan, Pappannan (22/06/04)
- [SA_scat] RNA SAXS programs: calculate Rg, P(r) From: Tobin Sosnick (21/06/04)
- RE: [SA_scat] Mica discs From: Krueger, Joanna (15/06/04)
- RE: [SA_scat] Mica discs From: Wim Bras (11/06/04)
- [SA_scat] Mica discs From: RJWu (11/06/04)
- [SA_scat] non-flat sample cell windows From: Richard Gillilan (09/06/04)
- RE: [SA_scat] Windows for SAXS cryostat From: Robert Stroud (02/06/04)
- RE: [SA_scat] Windows for SAXS cryostat From: Wim Bras (01/06/04)
- [SA_scat] Wim Bras's reply From: JDB Science LLC (01/06/04)
- Re: [SA_scat] Windows for SAXS cryostat From: Richard Gillilan (01/06/04)
- Re: [SA_scat] Windows for SAXS cryostat From: Tomoaki Kamiyama (31/05/04)
- [SA_scat] Windows for SAXS cryostat From: JDB Science LLC (29/05/04)
- [SA_scat] Actions from canSAS-IV From: Steve King (17/05/04)
- [SA_scat] Fwd: NOBUGS 2004 From: JDB Science LLC (23/04/04)
- [SA_scat] Fwd: Multilayer X-ray Optics for SAXS From: JDB Science LLC (10/04/04)
- [SA_scat] Ready problem with Rigaku RU200 From: David A. Mannock (09/04/04)
- [SA_scat] Updated SAS website From: JDB Science LLC (06/04/04)
- [SA_scat] GISAXS WORKSHOP AT BNL on May 17, 2004 From: Ben Ocko (30/03/04)
- [SA_scat] GISAXS WORKSHOP AT BNL on May 17, 2004 From: JDB Science LLC (29/03/04)
- [SA_scat] EMBO Course on Scattering from Biological Macromolecules,Hamburg, Oct 2004 From: Dmitri Svergun (07/03/04)
- [SA_scat] Beam Line Scientist position opening. Stanford SynchrotronRadiation Laboratory, SLAC, Stanford University. From: JDB Science LLC (05/03/04)
- [SA_scat] ACA USAS sessions,abstract deadline extended to 8 March 2004 From: JDB Science LLC (02/03/04)
- [SA_scat] Fwd: NeXus files for SAS raw data storage From: Steve King (20/02/04)
- [SA_scat] Vacancy for SAXS Scientist at BioCAT, APS From: Steve King (10/02/04)
- [SA_scat] CANSAS-IV, 12-14 May 2004, Places now limited! From: Steve King (09/02/04)
- [SA_scat] USAS sessions at the ACA Meeting,17-22 July 2004 in Chicago From: JDB Science LLC (22/01/04)
- canSAS-IV, 12-14 May 2004, Registration open! From: Steve King (04/12/03)
- Re: (no subject) From: Takahashi Yasuhiro (29/11/03)
- (no subject) From: JDB Science LLC (20/11/03)
- Re: helical ribbon From: Dr. H.K. Sahu (18/11/03)
- RE: Helical Form factor From: JDB Science LLC (06/11/03)
- helical ribbon From: Claudio Ferrero (05/11/03)
- Position in SAXS at EMBL-Hamburg From: Dmitri Svergun (04/07/03)
- International Consortium on Ultra-Small-Angle Scattering, ORNL 9-10 July From: John D. Barnes (16/04/03)
- No Subject From: Dmitri Svergun (22/03/03)
- ATSAS 2 SAS Analysis package From: John D. Barnes (22/03/03)
- American Crystallographic Assn 2003 From: John D. Barnes (14/02/03)
- NOBUGS 2002 - Final Submission Date From: JDB Science LLc (30/09/02)
- SANS Opportunity at Oak Ridge Natl Lab From: JDB Science LLc (25/09/02)
- NOBUGS 2002 Abstract submission extension to 20 Sept From: JDB Science LLc (06/09/02)
- New List Server From: JDB Science LLc (05/09/02)
- Initial message From: Brian McMahon (05/09/02)