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Mirroring of the journals site

  • To: Multiple recipients of list <epc-l@iucr.org>
  • Subject: Mirroring of the journals site
  • From: Pete Strickland <ps@iucr.org>
  • Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2001 13:55:25 +0100 (BST)
Dear All

We are contacting you about an issue that we have discussed in
Chester in the last few weeks. This is, should we continue to
mirror the journals services (i.e. journals.iucr.org) or should
we serve journals only from our main server in London. 

Some of the issues we discussed are:

(1) We have been asked to consider the issue of advertising 
in our online journals by the Promotions Committee. They have 
asked that if an advertiser pays for an advert on a 
particular page of Crystallography Journals Online that the
advert always appears (whether the page is mirrored or not).
We think that we can only do this in a reliable way if the pages
are not mirrored, as some mirror sites cannot take advertising.

(2) We need to provide libraries with usage statistics for
the journals service. We cannot do this fully (including
Contents pages, journal home pages etc.) if these pages are

(3) We are concerned that out of date journals pages may 
persist on mirror servers (this is largely a Chester problem). 
This can probably also be tackled best by not mirroring.

(4) Conversely, we are concerned about the quality of service.
We beleive that this should be OK from the London server,
but would need to keep our ears open for complaints.

Please let us know your opinions on this. We would, of course,
continue to mirror all the other services of Crystallography

Best wishes

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