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Re: Mirroring of the journals site

>From Peter Strickland:
> We are contacting you about an issue that we have discussed in
> Chester in the last few weeks. This is, should we continue to
> mirror the journals services (i.e. journals.iucr.org) or should
> we serve journals only from our main server in London. 

> (4) Conversely, we are concerned about the quality of service.
> We beleive that this should be OK from the London server,
> but would need to keep our ears open for complaints.

What speed will the server in London be connected to the internet?

i.e., what would the theoretical speed it should be able
to hit into JANET with?


Is it possible to do some bandwidth testing to other
parts of the world (initially with this London server) -
if there are big bottlenecks to some other contenents -
see if mirroring agreements could be made that allow
adverts to be placed on the required servers (i.e., 
South Africa, Japan, Australia if required)

If mirroring looks like it could be necessary:

How will the adverts be served? - if they are being done
by a third party server (mirroring should not cause
a problem).  If the adverts will be locally placed - 
daily to twice-4 time  daily mirroring (easily feasible with rsync)
should be able to handle this as well.  Using a proper
mirroring system such as rsync should made mirroring
highly effective and reliable  http://rsync.samba.org
If a large number of files - some tweaking may
be required - but not hard to do.  Also rsync will
delete copies of files on the remote mirror that
have been removed from the master mirror if required.

What type of revenue is projected from advertising?
Is it worth doing?

It should be possible to automatically get the relevant
parts of the remote web usage logs.  Just a bit more setup on
the mirroring side.  A cron job doing a grep through the 
logs then a send to Chester (rsync again or something similar)

My opinion is that if mirroring is necessary - using
a modern protocol such as the opensource rsync would
technically get the job done.  The crux is that there
would be more setup - and the need for a user account
on the remote machine.  I have an account on the 
CCP14 regional mirrors in Canada and Australia for
just this purpose (though the Australian mirror hasn't
been functional as I cannot convince the sys-admin to
install the latest Proftpd -firewall nuances).  Though 
this would not be such a problem with HTTP.


Lachlan M. D. Cranswick
Geochemistry - Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University
PO Box 1000, 61 Route 9W Palisades, New York 10964-1000 USA
Tel:  (845) 365-8662   Fax:  (845) 365-8155 
E-mail: lachlan@ldeo.columbia.edu  WWW: http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu
       CCP14 Xtal Software Website: http://www.ccp14.ac.uk

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