Submission of proposals for books to be included in the IUCr/OUP book series

Recommended procedure

Authors intending to propose a new book or a revision of an already existing book are invited to use the following guidelines.

The proposal should be sent to the Chair of the IUCr/OUP Book Series Selection Committee (Jacqui Gulbis: A copy should also be sent to the Oxford University Press Editor (Sonke Adlung: The proposal should contain at least:

(a) a presentation of the motivation, aims, scope, level, and readership of the proposed volume;
(b) a detailed Table of Contents (with subheadings or chapter abstracts);
(c) a short CV of the presenting author.

It is highly recommended that the following are also submitted:

(d) a sample chapter or part of a chapter;
(e) CVs of all the authors;
(f) a list of related books and brief comments on how they differ from that proposed.

This information will be submitted to the members of the IUCr/OUP Book Series Selection Committee for evaluation.