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ICSTI: Ingenta Re-organises

  • To: Multiple recipients of list <epc-l@iucr.org>
  • Subject: ICSTI: Ingenta Re-organises
  • From: Pete Strickland <ps@iucr.org> (by way of Pete Strickland <ps@iucr.org>)
  • Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2002 16:45:24 +0100 (BST)
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Date:         Tue, 17 Sep 2002 10:20:17 +0100
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From: Barry Mahon <mahons1@EIRCOM.NET>
Subject:      Ingenta Re-organises
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I am grateful to NFAIS notes for this item:

Ingenta Re-organizes.  From the Press Release dated 09/16/02:

Following a Board review of its business structure to assess what is now
required to support the Company going forward, the following changes have
been approved:

--  Board changes, including the appointment of a new Chief Operating
Officer (Simon Dessain) , a new Finance Director (William Finlay)  and a
change in internal reporting lines.  Andrea Keyhani resigns, effective
December 31, 2002.

--  A major reorganization of the Company's customer-facing operations
(Closure of the offices in Providence (RI) and Bath (UK).  Remaining two
offices include one in Boston in the US and the other in Oxford in the UK).

--  The raising of �1.14 million in cash, mainly from the group's Directors,
to fund the above program of change.  Ingenta projects a profit for the
fiscal year ending Sept. 30, 2002.

P.S. David Brown will leave in October to join the British Library



Best wishes

Peter Strickland
Managing Editor
IUCr Journals

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