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August news for ICSTI members

News for ICSTI Members August 1st 2001

1. MIT Initiative raises issue of IP rights in Academia 

MIT earlier this year announced that it would make all of its course
material available online at no cost. Although this will open a vast
store of information to individuals worldwide, legal scholars note that
it also poses a challenge to traditional notions of intellectual
property in academia. Already, there is an understanding, often
explicit, between universities and professors that the university has a
stake in innovations developed on university time, at university
facilities, and using university funding. The American Association of
University Professors suggests that a notion of "joint works" presents
the best avenue for universities seeking to claim a share of
intellectual property rights when faculty members' work is being
transferred to the Internet. This notion holds that if faculty members
are placing work on university Web sites, by university mandate, and
using university tools to do so, then the university should be able to
make a claim for co-ownership of that intellectual property. (National
Law Journal, 23 July 2001)

2. Another archiving initiative

Four major academic presses (Harvard, Blackwell, Chicago, and Wiley) are
working under a grant from the Mellon Foundation to design an online
journal archive to solve persistent problems of accessibility and
long-term preservation.  The new archive will eventually contain all 900
journals published by the four presses. The group will work out
appropriate "rules of access"

Again, I wonder what this means for other initiatives. I think our
seminar in Feb 2002 will be very apt, if it isn't already too late!!


3. … and here is another wrinkle…..

Content ID is a content identification metadata standard promulgated by
the Content ID Forum, whose members are mostly Japanese, with some from
the U.S. and Korea.  The Content ID Forum is now working with the
International DOI Foundation to harmonize the Content ID standard with
the DOI standard.


4. … and a conference

The new information order and the future of the archive
The UNIVERSITY of EDINBURGH, 21-23 March 2002 

THE electronic revolution of the last decade has transformed the nature
and the potential of the public collection. It is now possible to
envisage libraries, museums, and art galleries which are accessible, in
part or in whole, online. The publishing industry is in a state of
turmoil as it makes the transition to electronic dissemination of its
productions; scholarly research has been revolutionised by the resources
of the internet including online publishing, email, scholarly lists, and
the formation of new databases. E-commerce is in the process of
transforming the retail book trade. What, in this context, is the future
of the archive? 
For further information, or to propose a paper, please contact Professor
John Frow, Director, IASH, University of Edinburgh, Hope Park Square,
Edinburgh EH8 9NW <j.frow@ed.ac.uk> or consult the conference web site
at www.ed.ac.uk/iash/future.events.html. 

Howard Flack        http://www.unige.ch/crystal/ahdf/Howard.Flack.html
Laboratoire de Cristallographie               Phone: +41 22 702 62 49
24 quai Ernest-Ansermet             mailto:Howard.Flack@cryst.unige.ch
CH-1211 Geneva 4, Switzerland                   Fax: +41 22 702 61 08

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