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25th July News from ICSTI

News for ICSTI Members July 25th 2001

1. Honour for ICSTI's Treasurer

Bernard Dumouchel, Director of CISTI (Canada Institute for Scientific
and Technical Information) has received the Canadian Association of
Research Libraries' Distinguished Service to Research Librarianship
award for 2001. 
I am sure you will all want to join with me in congratulating Bernard
and in saying how well he deserves the accolade. 

2. European National Libraries to create a European Library

Eight European National Libraries, the Italian Central Catalogue and the
Conference of European National Libraries are to set up a virtual
library which will allow users to access the digital collections of the
participants. The project will also include discussion on archiving
standards between the participants and joint arrangements for dealing
with publishers in the area of legal deposit. 

3. Ginsparg to move

Paul Ginsparg is moving from the Los Alamos National Laboratory to
Cornell University, and his international e-print archive of papers in
Physics will move with him. One of the reasons put forward for the move
is that the archive needs to grow beyond the size that Los Alamos can
support. There was always a feeling that his situation at Los Alamos was
tenuous to say the least, the Laboratory is an unlikely place for the
long term home for such an archive. It should be remembered that the Web
was invented, originally, to obtain access to atomic physics related
papers stored in various labs around the world so there is a precedent.

4. Dublin Core to be a US Standard?

The Dublin Core Metadata Set (Z39.85) will be advanced to ANSI for
approval as an American National Standard. No appeals were filed. ANSI
approval should be confirmed by the end of August.

I am not sure what this means vis a vis the ISO standards work which
Gail Hodge has been keeping an eye on for us. Gail, any comment??

Apropos of digital preservation, standards and progress generally, make
a note in your diary for the 14 and 15 of Feb 2002 when ICSTI with
support from UNESCO, ICSU and CODATA will be holding a seminar in Paris
to review the state of the art in preservation of scientific material in
electronic form and hopefully establishing working groups to create
guidelines, for publishers and others, on digital preservation. 

5. RSC sells CBNB

The Royal Society of Chemistry has sold Chemical Business NewsBase and
the associated newsletter Focus to Engineering Index. RSC wishes to
concentrate on services to the academic sector and CBNB does not fit
with this policy. 

Howard Flack        http://www.unige.ch/crystal/ahdf/Howard.Flack.html
Laboratoire de Cristallographie               Phone: +41 22 702 62 49
24 quai Ernest-Ansermet             mailto:Howard.Flack@cryst.unige.ch
CH-1211 Geneva 4, Switzerland                   Fax: +41 22 702 61 08

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International Union of Crystallography

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