![[CIF logo]](https://www.iucr.org/__data/assets/image/0003/125499/CIF_v2.5.jpg)
Macromolecular dictionary (mmCIF) version 2.0.09
Data items in the CITATION_AUTHOR category record details about the authors associated with the citations in the CITATION list.Example:
Example 1 - based on PDB entry 5HVP and laboratory records for the
structure corresponding to PDB entry 5HVP.
loop_ _citation_author.citation_id _citation_author.ordinal _citation_author.name primary 1 'Fitzgerald, P.M.D.' primary 2 'McKeever, B.M.' primary 3 'Van Middlesworth, J.F.' primary 4 'Springer, J.P.' primary 5 'Heimbach, J.C.' primary 6 'Leu, C.-T.' primary 7 'Herber, W.K.' primary 8 'Dixon, R.A.F.' primary 9 'Darke, P.L.' 2 1 'Navia, M.A.' 2 2 'Fitzgerald, P.M.D.' 2 3 'McKeever, B.M.' 2 4 'Leu, C.-T.' 2 5 'Heimbach, J.C.' 2 6 'Herber, W.K.' 2 7 'Sigal, I.S.' 2 8 'Darke, P.L.' 2 9 'Springer, J.P.' 3 1 'McKeever, B.M.' 3 2 'Navia, M.A.' 3 3 'Fitzgerald, P.M.D.' 3 4 'Springer, J.P.' 3 5 'Leu, C.-T.' 3 6 'Heimbach, J.C.' 3 7 'Herber, W.K.' 3 8 'Sigal, I.S.' 3 9 'Darke, P.L.' 4 1 'Darke, P.L.' 4 2 'Leu, C.-T.' 4 3 'Davis, L.J.' 4 4 'Heimbach, J.C.' 4 5 'Diehl, R.E.' 4 6 'Hill, W.S.' 4 7 'Dixon, R.A.F.' 4 8 'Sigal, I.S.' |
Category groups:
Category keys:
Mandatory category: no