Macromolecular dictionary (mmCIF) version 2.0.09
Data items in the ATOM_SITES_ALT category record details about the structural ensembles that should be generated from atom sites or groups of atom sites that are modelled in alternative conformations in this data block.Example:
Example 1 - based on PDB entry 5HVP and laboratory records for the
structure corresponding to PDB entry 5HVP.
loop_ _atom_sites_alt.details . ; Atom sites with the alternative ID set to null are not modeled in alternative conformations ; 1 ; Atom sites with the alternative ID set to 1 have been modeled in alternative conformations with respect to atom sites marked with alternative ID 2. The conformations of amino-acid side chains and solvent atoms with alternative ID set to 1 correlate with the conformation of the inhibitor marked with alternative ID 1. They have been given an occupancy of 0.58 to match the occupancy assigned to the inhibitor. ; 2 ; Atom sites with the alternative ID set to 2 have been modeled in alternative conformations with respect to atom sites marked with alternative ID 1. The conformations of amino-acid side chains and solvent atoms with alternative ID set to 2 correlate with the conformation of the inhibitor marked with alternative ID 2. They have been given an occupancy of 0.42 to match the occupancy assigned to the inhibitor. ; 3 ; Atom sites with the alternative ID set to 3 have been modeled in alternative conformations with respect to atoms marked with alternative ID 4. The conformations of amino-acid side chains and solvent atoms with alternative ID set to 3 do not correlate with the conformation of the inhibitor. These atom sites have arbitrarily been given an occupancy of 0.50. ; 4 ; Atom sites with the alternative ID set to 4 have been modeled in alternative conformations with respect to atoms marked with alternative ID 3. The conformations of amino-acid side chains and solvent atoms with alternative ID set to 4 do not correlate with the conformation of the inhibitor. These atom sites have arbitrarily been given an occupancy of 0.50. ; |
Category groups:
Category key:
Mandatory category: no