Powder dictionary (pdCIF) version 1.0.1
2\q diffraction angle (in degrees) for intensity points measured in a scanning method. The scan method used (e.g. continuous or step scan) should be specified in the item _pd_meas_scan_method. For fixed 2\q (white-beam) experiments, use _pd_meas_2theta_fixed. In the case of continuous-scan data sets, the 2\q value should be the value at the midpoint of the counting period. Associated with each _pd_meas_2theta_scan value will be _pd_meas_counts_ items. The 2\q values should not be corrected for nonlinearity, zero offset etc. Corrected values may be specified using _pd_proc_2theta_corrected. Note that for data sets collected with constant step size, _pd_meas_2theta_range_ (*_min, *_max and *_inc) may be used instead of _pd_meas_2theta_scan.
Appears in list
The permitted range is -180.0 -> 360.0
Type: numb
Category: pd_data