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Re: high pressure saxs.

Dear Dr. Ceolin

	You might want to look at two papers we've published on
high-pressure cells for x-rray scattering:

1) Erramilli et al, "Time-resolved x-ray studies on pressure-jump induced
topological transitions in biological membranes", Proc. SPIE, 2521 (1995)

2) So et al., "Automated pressure and temperature control apparatus for
x-ray powder diffraction studies", Rev. Sci. Instr., 63 (1992) 1763-1770.

						Best regards -- Sol Gruner

On Mon, 17 Nov 1997, Marcelo wrote:

> La Plata 17.11.97
> Dear members of the mailing list.
> I'm Dr. Marcelo Ceolin, University of La Plata, Argentina. Presently I'm a user of the National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory (LNLS) at Campinas, Brazil.
> I'm interested on high hydrostatic pressure SAXS experiments on biological samples but I have no references about high pressure cells. If anyone knows or have something about this topic (diagrams, suggestions, advises, papers, etc.) I will be very happy to receive suggestions.
> yours.
> ******************************************
> Dr. Marcelo Ceolin
> Physics Department, Exact Sciences Faculty
> University of La Plata.
> C.C.67 (1900) La Plata
> Argentine.
> ------------------------------------------
> Tel:	++54-21-39061/252006
> Fax:	++54-21-252006
> e-mail:	marcelo@venus.fisica.unlp.edu.ar
> ******************************************

 Prof. Sol M. Gruner	    Office:	 	607-255-3441
 Physics Department	    Lab:    		607-255-8678
 Cornell University	    Fax:    		607-255-6428
 518 Clark Hall		   
 Ithaca, NY 14853-2501      e-mail: smg26@cornell.edu