Commission on Crystallographic Computing

Compcomm Newsletter No 1. Jan 2003

(First issue)

(This issue's editor - Lachlan Cranswick)

Downloading the Newsletter

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Articles/features in this issue

Call for contributions to the next CompComm newsletter

The next issue of the Compcomm Newsletter is expected to appear in July of 2003 with the primary theme still to be determined. If no-one is else is co-opted, it will be edited by Lachlan Cranswick.

Contributions would be greatly appreciate on matters of interest to the crystallographic computing community, e.g. meeting reports, future meetings, developments in software, algorithms, coding, programming languages, techniques and news of general interest. Please send articles and suggestions directly to the editor.

Lachlan M. D. Cranswick
Building 459, Station 18,
Chalk River Laboratories,
Chalk River, Ontario,
Canada, K0J 1J0

These pages are maintained by the Commission Last updated: 15 Oct 2021