Compcomm Newsletter No 1. Jan 2003
(First issue)
(This issue's editor - Lachlan Cranswick)
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Articles/features in this issue
CompComm chairman’s message - Ton Spek
Editor’s message - Lachlan Cranswick
Programming Articles :
Modern crystallographic algorithms and data structures (a very personal approach) - Joerg Bergmann
The Fortran 77 Cambridge Crystallographic Subroutine Library (CCSL) - P. Jane Brown
Cross-platform crystallographic graphics with wxWindows - Richard Cooper
Portable graphic interface for the Fortran program Jana2000- Michal Dusek and Vaclav Petricek
Using the Salford Software Clearwin library for creating GUI's with FORTRAN - Louis Farrugia
State of the Toolbox: an overview of the Computational Crystallography Toolbox (CCTBX) - Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve and Paul D. Adams
Using advanced methods of computer graphics for crystallographic needs - Michal Hušák
Object Oriented programming and fast computation techniques in Maud, a program for powder diffraction analysis written in Java - Luca Lutterotti and Mauro Bortolotti
Crystallographic Fortran 90 Modules Library (CrysFML): a simple toolbox for crystallographic computing programs. - Juan Rodriguez-Carvajal and Juan Rodriguez-Carvajal and Javier González-Platas
Use of JAVA applets for teaching - Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Cross-platform C++ GUI development using Qt - Barry R. Smith
Old Wine in New Bottles: Creating Graphical User Interfaces for FORTRAN programs via Tcl/Tk - Brian Toby
General Articles :
Fitting Equations of State - Ross J. Angel and Ian G. Wood
The Threat of Patents on Crystallographic Algorithms and Software - Vincent Favre-Nicolin
Order through random numbers : Indexing and solving crystal structures from powder diffraction data using Monte Carlo methods - Armel Le Bail
A Protein Crystallographer's Toolkit: Essential programs for successful structure determination - Claire Naylor
Merging data from a multi-detector continuous scanning powder diffraction system - Jon Wright, Gavin Vaughan and Andy Fitch
ccp4i - the CCP4 graphical user interface - Martyn Winn
- Meeting, workshop and school reports
- Future Symposia and meetings relevant to Crystallographic Computing
- Calls for contributions to Newsletter No. 2
Call for contributions to the next CompComm newsletter
The next issue of the Compcomm Newsletter is expected to appear in July of 2003 with the primary theme still to be determined. If no-one is else is co-opted, it will be edited by Lachlan Cranswick.
Contributions would be greatly appreciate on matters of interest to the crystallographic computing community, e.g. meeting reports, future meetings, developments in software, algorithms, coding, programming languages, techniques and news of general interest. Please send articles and suggestions directly to the editor.
Lachlan M. D. Cranswick
Building 459, Station 18,
Chalk River Laboratories,
Chalk River, Ontario,
Canada, K0J 1J0
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