During the International Year of Crystallography and the following five years, the IUCr provided over USD 1.6 million in funding to support the crystallographic community.
This support has been provided in the form of Visiting Professorships, funding for scientific conferences and workshops, journal subscriptions and building crystallography capacity in Africa and other parts of the world. In order to continue to fund these charitable activities, the IUCr developed its Associates Programme. All contributions received via the Associates Programme are used to support these activities.
The IUCr welcomes individuals and companies that wish to join the Associates Programme.
Join as Individual Join as Corporate Renew
Individual Associates
Individuals can become an Associate on payment of a joining fee (the joining period is three years). In return they are entitled to a package of attractive benefits such as
20% discount on the fee when publishing an article in an open-access IUCr Journal (IUCrJ, Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, Acta E and IUCrData). Associates also currently pay a lower fee for publishing open access in the IUCr’s hybrid journals.
Downloading of six free articles from Crystallography Journals Online
50% discount on individual price of print copies of International Tables for Crystallography (for personal use)
Discounts on books from the IUCr and other publishers such as Wiley, CRC Press and Elsevier
Corporate Associates
For companies, there are three categories of Corporate Associates, each with different levels of benefits and visibility. Full details are available here.
If you have any questions about the Associates Programme please get in touch: by emailing us at associates@iucr.org or submitting your query via web form.
Donate to the IUCr
Individuals and companies can also support the work of the IUCr by donating to the IUCr Outreach and Education Fund, for more information and to donate, please go here.