Polycrystal Book Service to close in 1999
After 50 years of service, Polycrystal Book Service is going out of business. This decision is prompted by an inability to find a buyer willing to assume the operation, at any price. Polycrystal will remain in business during 1999 for the primary purpose of selling all remaining stock on hand, including two recently produced Polycrystal publications, Don Ward’s Patterson Peaks and IUCr Teaching Pamphlet Number 20, Betty Wood’s Crystals: A Handbook for School Teachers. Polycrystal will complete the ordering of Acta Crystallographica subscriptions, and turn them over to Munksgaard for future renewals. Orders and back orders still in process will be completed. Listings of remaining stock will be posted on the Polycrystal website (http://www.dnaco.net/~polybook/).Thank you for your patronage for the past 12 years of our ownership, and for your loyalty to Polycrystal over the decades.
from the ACA Newsletter, Spring 1999