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Draft Phase Identifier Report version 1
- To: phase-identifiers@iucr.org
- Subject: Draft Phase Identifier Report version 1
- From: David Brown <idbrown@mcmaster.ca>
- Date: Tue, 23 Dec 2003 14:15:28 -0500
Dear colleagues, The last discussion of the Crystallographic Phase Identifier Working Group (#6) produced one response which has been duly incorporated in the present document. I have now prepared a first draft of our report to the Commission on Crystallographic Nomenclature which I include below. This draft is intended to stimulate further discussion so it can be refined. It includes a number of editorial comments dealing with matters that need further discussion. There are a couple of items in our terms of reference we have not yet addressed, in particular the requirement that the crystallographic databases agree with our recommendations. Can those of you who represent a database please discuss these recommendations with your colleagues and let the rest of the Working Group know whether your database would have any difficulties in implementing the identifier we recommend? I will need a positive answer from each of you before we can submit our report. Please circulate your comments to the whole group at phase-identifiers@iucr.org before 31 January 2004. If you need more time, let me know, the deadline is can be changed if necessary. Best wishes David Brown *************************************** I.David Brown, Professor Emeritus of Physics Brockhouse Institute for Materials Research McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario Canada L8S 4M1 Tel: +905 525 9140 ext 24710 Fax: +905 521 2773 email: idbrown@mcmaster.ca *************************************** ************************************************************** ************************************************************** DRAFT REPORT OF THE WORKING GROUP ON CRYSTAL PHASE IDENTIFIERS 2003-12-23 1. Introduction --------------- The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) has been examining standards for the electronic representation of chemical information, and as part of this effort it has established a working group to propose an IUPAC Chemical Identifier (IChI) which would uniquely identify any chemical compound appearing in an electronic database. The IChI working group approached the Commission on Crystallographic Nomenclature (CCN) of the International Union of Crystallography (IUCr) to enquire if any conventions existed for a crystallographic phase identifier that might be incorporated into IChI. As the only such convention already approved by the CCN (the Phase Transition Nomenclature) is not readily adaptable for electronic use, the CCN established the Working Group on Crystalline Phase Identifiers to make recommendations that could be of use to the IChI working group. This document is the report of this Group. The Working Group carried out all its discussions by email, initially independently of the IChI project, but the resulting recommendations of the two groups are so similar that incorporating the crystallographic phase information into IChI should be trivial. 2. Terms of reference of the Working Group ------------------------------------------ The group will recommend to the IUCr Commission on Crystallographic Nomenclature: 1. The best method of defining a crystalline phase identifier that uniquely and unambiguously identifies each crystalline phase in a way that would allow it to be used to link the same material appearing in different electronic databases. 2. To recommend the best way in which this identifier can be implemented, including its incorporation in the CCN recommended phase transition nomenclature. Keeping in mind that the primary purpose of the crystal phase identifier is to allow the properties of a given material to be located in different databases, the working group should consult with appropriate crystallographic databases to ensure that the proposed identifier will be acceptable. 3. Membership ------------- The following were appointed members of the Working Group: David Brown (chair) Sidney Abrahams (chair of CCN ex officio) Michael Berndt (Crystal Impact) [deceased] John Faber (ICDD) Vicky Karen (NIST and ICSD) Sam Motherwell (CCDC) Jean-Claude Toledano (Chair, CCN working group on Phase Transition Nomenclature) Pierre Villars (Pauling File) John Westbrook (Protein Databank) Brian McMahon (IUCr, consultant) 4. General considerations ------------------------- Early discussions revealed that many phases have not been sufficiently well characterized to allow an unambiguous assignment of an identifier, and in some cases phases have been incorrectly characterized. In these situations no identifier can be expected to meet the requirements of the terms of reference but an identifier may be able to retrieve a number of possible matches from which the user could make a final choice. For well characterized materials the working group examined two models. In the first an arbitrary character string is assigned to each crystallographic phase by a competent authority (similar to the Chemical Abstracts Registry Number) In the second a character string is generated from the known properties of the compound according to a defined set of rules. The first choice was rejected early on the grounds that we would be unlikely to find a competent authority willing to take on the project. Such an authority would require external funding, since it would have to assign identifiers on request in a timely manner and would have to maintain a public list of the identifiers already assigned. The second choice has the advantage that the identifier can be constructed by anyone with access to the information needed to characterize the material. The identifier can be kept to a manageable size because it only needs to include sufficient information to distinguish between known phases. Even if more information about the phase is available, it is not included in the identifier if it not needed for characterization. For example, OsI3, which is known in only one crystalline form, is fully characterized by its chemical formula alone and no further information, chemical or crystallographic, needs be included. The first component of any phase identifier must characterize the composition and, where necessary, the isomer. Only then does it make sense to identify the crystalline form. Since IChI is designed to identify the composition and topology of the compound, the Working Group's job was to suggest an identifier that would distinguish between the different crystalline forms of a given compound. 5. The IChI identifier ---------------------- Before presenting the recommendations of the Working Group, we give a brief description of the proposed IChI identifier. The IChI working group is recommending an identifier made up of several components or layers: The first (top) layer, which is always present, gives the chemical composition. The lower layers are included only if they are necessary to distinguish between two compounds with the same composition. The second layer distinguishes between different isomers by describing the bond topology. It contains several sublayers or levels, the first gives the bonding topology ignoring all the bonds to metals, cations and hydrogen atoms, the second level adds the bonding to fixed hydrogen atoms, the third adds the bonding to variable hydrogen atom (to distinguish between tautomers if this is needed) and the fourth level adds bonds to metal atoms and cations and is used in the rare cases when a compound forms different coordination isomers. The third layer contains information on chiral centers and is included only when it is necessary to distinguish between stereoisomers. The fourth layer is used to identify isotopically enriched compounds. Further layers can be added as needed. For many compounds only the first layer is needed and for most of the others it is only necessary to add the top levels of the second layer. 6. Recommendations ------------------ A layered structure for the identifier was a feature of the early discussions of the Working Group and the layers that describe the chemistry closely match those proposed by the IChI working group. We recommend that the phase identifier be included as part of the proposed IChI symbol. We recommended that the crystallographic characterization appear in IChI in three additional layers, in the recommendations below labelled as layers 5, 6 and 7. Layer 5. gives the state of matter: gas, liquid, crystal etc. according to the following enumeration list: gas gas phase liq liquid phase sol solid phase of unknown form xtl crystalline solid qxl quasi-crystal amp amorphous solid lxl liquid crystal or other anomalous quasi-liquid phase [Note in draft: These could be reduced to a single letter code if desired.] Only if this flag is set to xtl would layers 6 and 7 be needed. Layer 6. The space group number. This layer contains the space group number as given in International Tables for Crystallography Vol. A. It consists of a number between 1 and 230 that uniquely identifies the space group type. The only ambiguity occurs for space groups such as P41 (76) and P43 (78) that are identical except for their chirality which is more appropriately identified in the IChI stereochemistry layer. Chirality is an important molecular property but the chirality of a crystal, which is often not determined, is usually only of interest if the crystal contain a chiral molecule. Chiral space groups should be treated as equivalent. We recommend that only the lowest number of each chiral pair of space groups be given, but search algorithms should equivalence these pairs in case the higher space group number is inadvertently used. The equivalent space groups are 76=78, 91=95, 92=96, 144=145, 152=153, 169=170, 171=172, 178=179, 180=181, 212=213. Problems in assigning the space group can arise in several situations. Many inorganic compounds have polymorphs with similar structures that crystallize with different, but related, space groups. In these cases it is easy to assign the wrong space group, if only a subcell of the true crystallographic unit cell is reported. Incommensurate modulated structures, which are frequently associated with polymorphism, have additional symmetries that do not appear in the standard table of space groups. Sometimes an average space group can be assigned, but this is not always unique. Quasicrystals cannot be assigned a space group and are best treated as a different state of matter (see above). [Note in draft: A possible solution would be to add the letter m to the space group number to indicate that the true structure has an incommensurate modulation. A letter s might be added to indicate the presence of an undetermined superstructure] Layer 7. Wyckoff Sequence ------------------------- In the rare event that two phases of the same compound have the same space group, the Wyckoff sequence can be given. This is a list containing the Wyckoff letters associated with the occupied special positions (sites of high symmetry). Details of the special positions and their Wyckoff letters for all 230 space groups are given in International Tables for Crystallography Vol. A. Each letter is accompanied by a number indicating the number of symmetry-independent atoms occupying sites of that kind (the default number is 1), e.g, 'a d i6' or 'adi6'. The enumeration list contains all the letters of the alphabet plus 'alpha' and the letters are listed in alphabetic order. Before determining the Wyckoff sequence it is essential that the structure be standardized using the program STRUCTURE TIDY (or other program using the same algorithm) Details are given in Parthe, E., Gelato, L.M. (1984). Acta Crystallogr. A40, 169-183. Parthe, E., Gelato, L.M. (1985). Acta Crystallogr. A41, 142-151. Gelato, L.M., Parthe, E. (1987). J. Appl. Crystallogr. 20, 139-143. END OF DRAFT REPORT OF WORKING GROUP --------------------------------------- SOME FURTHER POINTS THAT NEED DISCUSSION ---------------------------------------- There were two other possible items we considered including in the identifier: the Bravais symbol and the reduced cell. Are these needed in IChI? The Bravais symbol is redundant if the space group is given. If the space group has not been determined, the Bravais symbol may be known, though there cannot be many examples of this, and if the space group cannot be determined, would the Bravais symbol be reliable? The reduced cell has proved itself useful in finding the same phase in different databases, with the composition, if given, used as a secondary key. Further, if the reduced cell is known, it is most likely that the space group is also known. Are there any occasions when the reduced cell would be needed to differentiate two different phases with the same space group and Wyckoff sequence, or should the reduced cell be used at a higher level? The above recommendations, if acceptable, would fulfill one requirement of our terms of reference, namely to define an identifier that would distinguish between two different crystalline phases. Two others items in our terms of reference still have to be addressed. 1. Would IChI, extended to cover crystalline phases as described above, be an acceptable identifier for inclusion in all the crystallographic databases? I would like to hear responses to this question from each of the database representatives on the Working Group. 2. How can this identifier be implemented, including its incorporation in the CCN approved Phase Transition Nomenclature? Details of the implementation, including the format, will have to be decided by the IChI working group if it is to be part of the layer structure of IChI. We should work closely with them. Details of the approved Phase Transition Nomenclature can be found on the IUCr web page: Look for Commissions, Commission on Crystallographic Nomenclature, CNOM on-line information, and Structural Phase Transition Nomenclature. The phase transitions are identified by the two phases that bracket the transition, so the nomenclature is more properly a nomenclature of the phases themselves. The information given in the Phase Transition Nomenclature includes: 1. the common symbol used to identify this phase (e.g., alpha, II, etc.), 2. the temperature (and pressure) range in which it is stable, 3. the Hermann-Mauguin symbol and number of the space group (more than one space group may be given, or the Bravais symbol may be given if the space group is not known), 4. Z, the number of formula units in the conventional unit cell (though the formula unit is not defined within the symbol), 5. the ferroic properties and 6. the structure type. Any field may be omitted if inapplicable or the value is not known. The intent of this symbol is to include the maximum amount of information about the phase, whereas the philosophy of IChI is to include only the minimum needed for phase identification. The phase transition nomenclature was not designed for uniqueness nor for electronic coding. On the other hand IChI is primarily intended to provide a unique identification for use in computer-based systems. The two symbols therefore are complementary and serve different purposes. Both include the space group, but otherwise there is little overlap between them. The Phase Transition Nomenclature could be extended by adding the IChI, but it is not clear what advantage this would provide. Would it be better to recognize, that since the two symbols are designed for different purposes, they are best kept separate? End of queries for discussion ----------------------------- End of document _______________________________________________ phase-identifiers mailing list phase-identifiers@iucr.org http://scripts.iucr.org/mailman/listinfo/phase-identifiers
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