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CEP chair

To:   IUCr President
From: Chair Committee of Electronic Publishing, Dissemination and 
Storage of Information
CC:   Executive Secretary, Members of CEP

Dear Bill,

   The time for IUCr 2005 approaches. I hope it will help you and the 
executive committee to know already that I do not wish to continue as 
chair of the Committee of Electronic Publishing, Dissemination and 
Storage of Information after the congress in Florence.

   I have been a member of this committee since 1993 and its chair since 
1996. It seems to me that the 9-year period allotted to a General 
Secretary and Treasurer or a Journal Editor is well chosen and it is my 
firm intention to do likewise. Free of the task of CEP chair, I'm sure 
to be able to find some other way of serving the interests of the IUCr.

   Each of the members of the CEP has made significant contributions to 
its work in their own particular way. I have appreciated the three 
Presidents, Mrs. GST, the Journal's editor-in-chief and the Executive 
Secretary with whom I have had contact during my term of CEP chair. One 
person who stands out in my mind for enduring a truly thankless task is 
the chairman of COMCIFS.

Best wishes,
Epc mailing list

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International Union of Crystallography

Scientific Union Member of the International Science Council (admitted 1947). Member of CODATA, the ISC Committee on Data. Partner with UNESCO, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization in the International Year of Crystallography 2014.

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