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I received the following a few minutes' ago from the central IT division
of the university. It would be interesting to hear your comments and
experiences on this type of technology especially in relation to
protecting the electronic publications of the IUCr. 

I have not yet had the time to look at it myself. It's just possible
that the vpn information on the university's web site can not be
accessed by you from the outside (i.e. like a FORTRAN manuel - you have
to know it all before you can understand it.)

Your french is good enough that I don't have to translate it, I hope.


1/ L'accès à VPN (Virtual Private Network) est en place : les
utilisateurs qui, depuis
l'extérieur, font appel à un fournisseur d'accès Internet  et qui
veulent accéder à l'Intranet de
l'université (Périodiques électroniques, web reporting SAP....) peuvent
en bénéficier dès
maintenant en suivant le mode d'emploi suivant :

VISITING GENEVA? See http://www.unige.ch/crystal/ahdf/geneva02.html

Howard Flack        http://www.unige.ch/crystal/ahdf/Howard.Flack.html

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International Union of Crystallography

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