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SIncris software database

Direct access to SInCris software database:

SInCris software database was available until now either as a full list
which is mirrored on all IUCr Web mirrors or by direct query to a local
database in Paris.

For security reasons the query access will be suppressed for a while
because we had to leave open an entry through our firewall to make it
work. The software will have to be rewritten so that this entry becomes
secure and it may take a while! In the mean time the full list will be
the sole presentation of the database. I have modified the Web pages to
announce this and they should now be mirrored in the different

The query access will be closed on Wesnesday.

With best regards.


   Prof. Yves Epelboin, LMCP, Université P.M. Curie,
   case 115, 75252 Paris Cedex 05, France
   phone : +33 (0)1 4427 5211  fax : +33 (0)1 4427 3785 - 4541
   URL http://www.lmcp.jussieu.fr/~epelboin/
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