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Re: Appointment to CEP

  Simon will be making a visit to Chester 'next Thursday, subject to
final travel
arrangements.' Shortly afterwards he will be doing the day to day work
of editing Crystallography (News) Online, a venture in which we all wish
him good luck and for which we are all available for advice at any time.
It will be a bit galling to receive e-mails addressed 'Dear Howard' but
I think this is better than the 'Dear Sir or Madam' that
news.online@iucr.org receives from time to time.

  I hope the good man is already signed up to epc list as things are
already heating up in Geneva with the move of IUCr 2002 from Jerusalem
to Geneva. Some of the Israelis are coming here for the day on the 18th
May. We'll see what comes out.
(An aside for Lachlan: If you think of organizing a Computer Fayre for
this do, you should soon contact the Congress organizers with your
requirements concerning the program and equipment. The program committee
is M. Kaftory, the 'local' organization is J. Bernstein. It is a waste
of time sending such stuff directly to me as this is a conference
organized by the Israelis)
Howard Flack        http://www.unige.ch/crystal/ahdf/Howard.Flack.html
Laboratoire de Cristallographie               Phone: 41 (22) 702 62 49
24 quai Ernest-Ansermet             mailto:Howard.Flack@cryst.unige.ch
CH-1211 Geneva 4, Switzerland                   Fax: 41 (22) 702 61 08

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International Union of Crystallography

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