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Re: Legal deposit libraries

> I agree with Lachlan: as a scientist I do not see any reason why not to
> permit to scientists to read the e-journals from the repository libraries
> locations.
> However from the business point of view which is also not to be neglected,
> the Union should be careful to avoid unwanted dissemination of the
> information. In his message Peter gave Münskgaard answer which summarizes
> the point. I would be personnaly in favour to give a free copy to Oxford
> library (and also a few others?). A contract should be signed explaining the
> limits of use of this copy together with the intention from Oxford to
> archive the information. Maybe it could be a means to relieve the Union of
> the burden of maintaining long term archives and translating them to new
> supports.

Re: unwanted dissemination.
Wouldn't this be implicite - as per depositing a paper version.
(no duplication and redictribution?)

Though not disagreeing with Yves about a contract - am
wondering if this was too format - it could cause delays
and much red tape?


Lachlan M. D. Cranswick

Collaborative Computational Project No 14 (CCP14)
    for Single Crystal and Powder Diffraction
Daresbury Laboratory, Warrington, WA4 4AD U.K
Tel: +44-1925-603703  Fax: +44-1925-603124
E-mail: l.cranswick@dl.ac.uk  Ext: 3703  Room C14

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