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  • To: Multiple recipients of list <epc-l@iucr.org>
  • From: Yves Epelboin <Yves.Epelboin@lmcp.jussieu.fr>
  • Date: Wed, 12 Jul 2000 11:25:58 +0100 (BST)

Since the meeting is in Paris, I can attend at minimum cost for the

Anther point : I will be in Nancy but, for personal reasons, I will not
be there all the time. 

Questions :
- do we aintend to have a meeting (although Howard will not be present).
If yes, when?
- who shall report to the EC and when?

With best regards,


Howard Flack a �crit :
> For the information of the CEP.
> > Paris, 10 July 2000
> >
> > Dear Member,
> >
> >
> > The dramatic impact of the new technologies on the distribution of
> > information is being particularly felt in science, where many of the
> > innovations such as the World Wide Web were initiated. The new developments
> > provide enormous potential benefits for the scientific information chain
> > and hence for the progress of science. But there are real difficulties in
> > developing a new paradigm that meets the needs of science in an effective
> > way.
> >
> > In early 1996 UNESCO and the International Council for Science (ICSU) Press
> > convened a major international conference on Electronic Publishing in
> > Science to study these issues from the perspective of practising scientists
> > world-wide. It involved the broadest spectrum of experts representing the
> > international scientific unions and associations, librarians and
> > information scientists copyright specialists, publishers (both commercial
> > and learned-society) and information brokers. It also attempted to achieve
> > wide international participation through the constituencies of our two
> > organizations.
> >
> > The experience and knowledge shared in the lectures and discussion groups
> > enabled the Conference to make a number of important recommendations on how
> > the interests of the international community of scientists can be best
> > served by electronic publishing. It gave rise to a number of follow-up
> > activities that have examined certain issues in more detail and tracked the
> > continuing changes. The Conference itself is generally considered to have
> > been something of a milestone event in consideration of the impact of
> > electronic publishing in science.
> >
> > There have been major developments in the field of science publishing since
> > then. It now seems appropriate to review the situation, and we propose to
> > convene a second Conference, at UNESCO Headquarters on 20-23 February 2001.
> > It will provide the same effective blend of lectures by international
> > experts and interactive break-out sessions. Subjects to be covered will
> > include: the changing nature of the editorial process; legal issues of
> > copyright; archiving in an electronic environment; the search and
> > referencing function; issues relating to large data sets; ethical and
> > privacy issues; and economic models of electronic publishing. Again, it is
> > intended to involve a wide participation, geographically speaking, since
> > one major concern for both organizations is how the changes brought about
> > by the new technologies are likely to impact on scientists in less
> > scientifically developed countries. Another issue is the way in which
> > science interacts with the general community and serves national
> > development.
> >
> > We should be grateful if you would inform us whether your Union wishes to
> > nominate an expert in one or more of the fields directly concerned by
> > electronic publishing in the sciences to attend this conference (overall
> > attendance at the event is being limited to 250 persons). Participation
> > would be at the individual's own expense - or that of the
> > organizations/bodies they represent - though it is hoped that limited funds
> > would be available to assist travel and accommodation costs in cases of
> > genuine hardship.
> >
> > Overall attendance at the event is limited to 250 persons and the
> > Organizing Committee reserves the right to select those participants who
> > appear likely to make a significant contribution to the discussions. It may
> > therefore not be possible to accommodate all those who are nominated.
> >
> > We should welcome receiving a provisional application from your nominee(s)
> > by 10 September 2000 the latest. A form is provided for this purpose as an
> > Appendix. On the basis of the nominations received, formal invitations are
> > expected to be sent out in early October, along with full details of
> > speakers, accommodation, etc.
> >
> > I very much look forward to the active participation of the ICSU family at
> > this Conference, and look forward to receiving your nominations and
> > possible comments.
> >
> > Yours sincerely,
> >
> > Roger Elliott
> > Chairman, ICSU Press
> > email: r.elliott1@physics.ox.ac.uk
> >
> > The Application form and a hard copy of the letter is being sent by mail.
> >
> > Rohini T. Rao
> > ICSU Secretariat
> > 51 Boulevard de Montmorency
> > 75016 Paris, France
> > Tel (33 1) 4525 0329
> > Fax (331) 4288 9431
> > E.mail: rohini@icsu.org
> --
> Howard Flack        http://www.unige.ch/crystal/ahdf/Howard.Flack.html
> Laboratoire de Cristallographie               Phone: 41 (22) 702 62 49
> 24 quai Ernest-Ansermet             mailto:Howard.Flack@cryst.unige.ch
> CH-1211 Geneva 4, Switzerland                   Fax: 41 (22) 702 61 08

   Prof. Yves Epelboin, LMCP, Universit� P.M. Curie, 
   case 115, 75252 Paris Cedex 05, France
   phone : +33 (0)1 4427 5211  fax : +33 (0)1 4427 3785
   URL http://www.lmcp.jussieu.fr/~epelboin/

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