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Re: 1st Draft of CEP 1999 report

Dear Howard,

OK for me.  You may insist on the fact that Journals on line is very
well received by the users and the fact that the alert list complements
very well this. Remakable work from our friends in Chester.

With best regards,


Howard Flack a écrit :
> Dear CEP,
>   I have to send in a report of the activities of the CEP for the year
> 1999. Could I ask you all to plese read the following first draft and
> let me have your comments.
>   In principle, as a committee, we do not need to send in a report but I
> find it helpful to do so.
> Best wishes,
>   Howard
> <H2>IUCr 1999 Report - Committee on Electronic Publishing, Dissemination
> and Storage of Information</H2>
> <P>
> <I>On-line access of IUCr Journals</I>: Until mid-March 1999 the IUCr
> editorial office continued the project with Munksgaard to provide an
> online version of <i>Acta Crystallographica D</i> on their Synergy
> server operated by Healthgate. Healthgate had been supplied SGML, PDF
> and image files of the journal. As a result of these trials it was
> decided to terminate the project with Munksgaard after many months of
> frustration and delay. It was decided to very actively explore providing
> an IUCr on-line journals service through the IUCr editorial office in
> Chester, England. The IUCr's editorial and R&D staff worked exceedingly
> hard on this project and so succesfully that it was possible to launch
> the new service for all six journals at the IUCr Congress in Glasgow in
> August 1999 under the brand <I>Crystallography Journals Online</I>. The
> development of this prototype was achieved in about three months,
> largely because of the substantial infrastructure already in place at
> the Chester offices, and as a result of the systematic and thoughtful
> development of the computer-based workflow built on top of previous
> investment in equipment and personnel. Subsequently an e-mail alerting
> service has been put into operation and <I>Acta Crystallographica C</I>
> is now also prepared in SGML.
> <P>
> Clearly with <I>Crystallography Journals Online</I> operational a large
> number of other concerns need attention. Amongst these are the questions
> of pricing and subscription policy, electronic archiving and
> preservation policy, marketing, document identifiers, provision of past
> print journals in electronic form, <I>etc</I>.
> <P>
> <I>Information Services</I>: The CEP has continued its task as editorial
> body for the on-line web information services of the IUCr. A high
> priority is set on providing up-to-date information of use to the whole
> crystallographic community. With the launch <I>Crystallography Journals
> Online</I> completed, it is the intention to restyle and rebrand the
> existing pages to become a family of <I>Crystallography Services
> Online</I> clearly emphasising the wide variety of activities and
> interests of crystallographers. The CEP has been approached by
> crystallographers for the setting up of several additional mirror sites
> in areas of the world that currently have poor connectivity.
> <P>
> <I>Glasgow CD-ROM</I>: The CEP collaborated in the project to produce a
> CD-ROM for the 18th IUCr Congress in Glasgow, August 1999 containing
> collected abstracts,  the sponsoring organization's web site, a
> selection from the IUCr's web information service, including the General
> Assembly papers, and the contents of a book <I>Fifty Years of
> Crystallography</I>. The CD-ROM was distributed to all participants on
> arrival and also included in the September issue of <I>Acta
> Crystallographica A</I>. The production of the CD-ROM and the scanning
> of the book provided exceedingly useful experience for future archiving,
> preservation and the electronification of all back numbers of the IUCr
> journals.
> <P>
> The CEP made moves to recover the abstract submission and distribution
> system used by the organizers of Glasgow IUCr Congress. It was intended
> to see to what extent the system could be maintained in working order by
> the R&D group in Chester and offered as a service to organizers of other
> conferences. Most unfortunately it is not possible to report any
> progress.
> <P>
> The CEP met for a long discussion during the IUCr Congress in Glasgow,
> Scotland in August. The chairman of the CEP visited the IUCr editorial
> office in Chester, UK in November 1999. The Managing Editor and R&D
> Officer made a presentation at Journals Commission Open meeting in
> Glasgow entitled <I>Electronification Of The Iucr Editorial Office</I>.
> <P>
> L. M. D. Cranswick, Y. Epelboin, H. D. Flack (Chairman), B. McMahon, P.
> Strickland. 31st December 1999
> --
> Howard Flack        http://www.unige.ch/crystal/ahdf/Howard.Flack.html
> Laboratoire de Cristallographie               Phone: 41 (22) 702 62 49
> 24 quai Ernest-Ansermet             mailto:Howard.Flack@cryst.unige.ch
> CH-1211 Geneva 4, Switzerland                   Fax: 41 (22) 702 61 08

   Professor Yves Epelboin, LMCP, Université P.M. Curie, 
   case 115, 75252 Paris Cedex 05, France
   phone : +33 (0)1 4427 5211  fax : +33 (0)1 4427 3785
   URL http://www.lmcp.jussieu.fr/~epelboin/

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