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Re: URGENT - CEP Closed Meeting


Friday 6th August 12h30-14h30 in any case clashes with Nomenclature meeting for
me. So, good that it might be changed!

the evening of Saturday 7th August is ok for me.

the evening of Sunday 8th August is already booked for me.


On Jul 22,  2:51pm, Howard Flack wrote:
> Subject: URGENT - CEP Closed Meeting
> The CEP meeting is currently booked for Friday 6th August 12h30-14h30
> FYNE room at SECC.
> Due to a slight mess-up in one of our member's timetable it would be
> helpful if the meeting could be moved to another time (and place). Of
> course, it is not easy to find a suitable slot now and any date and time
> clashes with something, but how about
>    the evening of Saturday 7th August
> or
>  If one of these dates is convenient to everyone we will change to it.
> Otherwise we will stick with Friday 6th 12h30 to 14h30 and the man who
> got 'gatesed' by his implementation of Excel will only be able to attend
> for 30 minutes (Slantje).
>   Saturday clashes with the J. Monteath-Robertson Symposium with Buffet:
> 18.45 - 19.30hrs and followed by the talks. These will be full of
> reminscences. We could thus show willing by participating in the (free)
> buffet and then getting down to business (over dinner or more drinks).
>   Sunday clashes (slightly) with Delegate Reception Sunday 8 August,
> 20:00hrs-22:00hrs Ticket price: �15:00. At that price I am assuming that
> none of you has signed up.
> --
> Howard Flack        http://www.unige.ch/crystal/ahdf/Howard.Flack.html
> Laboratoire de Cristallographie               Phone: 41 (22) 702 62 49
> 24 quai Ernest-Ansermet             mailto:Howard.Flack@cryst.unige.ch
> CH-1211 Geneva 4, Switzerland                   Fax: 41 (22) 702 61 08
>-- End of excerpt from Howard Flack

Professor John R. Helliwell     tel. no.:44 161 275 4694
Department of Chemistry         fax. no.:44 161 275 4734
University of Manchester        email   :John.helliwell@man.ac.uk
M13 9PL                         URL     :http://spec.ch.man.ac.uk/~hell/hm.html

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