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Re: World Database of Crystallographers: New Specification

> This indicates the approach we are planning to take, subject to 
>   (a) approval of the WDC General Editor and the EPC Chair

  You have the full approval of the EPC Chair.

 Here are some comments for your consideration, stimulation and aid.
They are in a very haphasard order:

(1) Extra functionality needs to be provided to log the
acceptance/rejection work of the National/Regional/General Editors. If
an editor fails to respond in a reasonable lapse of time, the next
higher layer of editor must be alerted in order to step in and take
appropriate action.

(2) At the functional level, the analysis of the rejection of a
new/delete request is perfectly in order. However at the operational
level, the General Editor must provide guidelines for his editors
explaining how they should handle a rejection. 

(3) The persons having the responsibility for the WDC_INSTITUTION and
WDC_SOCIETY information need to be given more functional power. New or
changed data indicating adherence to an institution or a society needs
the approval on that point by the person responsible. Similarly these
same people should have the capacity to remove (and perhaps add suject
to a PERSON's approval) an indication of belonging to an institution or

(4) WDC_IUCR_ROLL as defined contains current information only. The IUCr
has complicated rules for membership of commissions etc which limit the
number of consecutive triennial periods a person may stay on the
commission. I suspect that the execsec may well like to have historic
information available in ROLL. Also I wondered whether the structure of
IUCR_ROLL is fine enough for the execsec to be able to produce his lists
of members of committees and commissions. 

(5) In INSTITUTION, PERSON, and SOCIETY, 'country' should be
'country_id'. Also for the purposes of the administration of updates, I
think these three might also contain 'date_of_last_update'.  That way on
a regular basis (once a year) you can request updates by e-mail for
records that have not changed in the intervening period.

(6) In INSTITUTION and SOCIETY, 'contact_person' should be a pointer
'contact_person_id'. Also these two should have 'contact_email' .


Howard Flack        http://www.unige.ch/crystal/ahdf/Howard.Flack.html
Laboratoire de Cristallographie               Phone: 41 (22) 702 62 49
24 quai Ernest-Ansermet             mailto:Howard.Flack@cryst.unige.ch
CH-1211 Geneva 4, Switzerland                   Fax: 41 (22) 702 61 08

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