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Re: WDC - Updating procedure

Howard Flack wrote:
> I received an "Extracts from draft Executive Committee Minutes,
> Arlington, VA, USA 15-17 July 1998" from Mike Dacombe.
>    8. Medium- and long term-term development
>    8.1 Committee on Electronic Publishing, Dissemination and Storage of
> Information.
>   A report by the Chair of the Committee, Dr H.D. Flack, was noted.
> [[Thats very nice of them but I don't remember writing one. May be it
> was the one from last year]]  The Executive Committee felt that it would
> be useful to have links between the World Directory of Crystallographers
> database and other appropriate directories. There should also be an
> announcement in the IUCr Newsletter encouraging readers to update their
> entries as necessary.

I do not understand wht "links between WDC and other appropriate
directories mean? 

I should work back, together with Brian, about updating procedures, as
soon as we may find some time.

>   8.2 Electronic publishing and SGML project.
>   [[A report of what Peter saw in the USA and he told the executive. I
> see no point in copying it here because I feel lazy. If Yves wants a
> copy I'll fax it.]]
I take your word. Do not fax it. Thanks

>   8.4 Internet Services
>   It was noted that the Chester site received about 5000 request per day
> [[Do we know anything about the mirrors?]] and the crystallographic
> NeXus CD ROM project of Mr L.M.D. Cranswick was continuing in
> cooperation with the EPC. This project involved the production of a
> standar writable CD ROM for low-volume, low-cost distribution in the
> Third World and contained extracts from Web sites, PC-based
> crystallographic software, Web browsing software and some general
> interest software.

I cannot answer for many different reasons:

- I believe a number of requests are take from the caches thus do not
appear in my logs.
- I cannot distinguish easely requests for IUCr from others. My count is
more than 200 000 requests last month.

However my estimate is about 500 as Brian's, but is very approximative

About Nexus:
There is no difficulty in distributing a public software domain (is it
necessary?) such as netscape. I have to write the authorization to be
signed by the appropriate webmasters to reproduce their information.
This can be done in a couple of days.

The main point is financing and this is in the hands of the Exec

With best regards,

  Yves EPELBOIN                                          
 E-mail: Yves.Epelboin@lmcp.jussieu.fr -
      LMCP, Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris VI
      Case  115 -- 4, place Jussieu --  F-75252 Paris Cedex 05
      phone: (00 33)  01 44 27 52 11   --   fax: (00 33) 01 44 27 37 85

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