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Re: IUCr Web services

>    It would be best (as with CWW) to drop the list of mirrors from your
> page...

>    In any case, the links should be given to machine names of the form
> http://www.xx.iucr.org


>    The link under "Information Exchange" to the XVIIth IUCr General Assembly
> may be removed 


> In /sincris-top/editor.html  (the SinCris editor page)
> ------------------------------------------------------
>    The logos and links in the top navigation bar are wrong. They read:
Links corrected. As for the logos I have a trouble since I am using netscape 
composer for edition and it does not understand image links in other 

> In /sincris-top/logiciel/result.html  (software full list page)
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> The link at the foot of the page to the logo "/icons/fac.gif" is
> non-portable. Change to "../fac.gif" or "/sincris-top/logos/fac.gif"


> There are a number of links on this page to individual html pages at
> http://www.lmcp.jussieu.fr/sincris-top/logiciel/prg-...
> Can they be changed to relative links? This should be possible if your
> software database is accessed only through the SinCris web pages.

This needs some editing which I will now do.

> I should still like to see the queries to the SinCris database returning
> pages with relative links, so that the Swedish site, for example, could
> query the SinCris database and have pages returned bearing the Swedish IUCr
> logo and links to other files on the Swedish machine. I'm sure this must be
> possible (as is done with the Chester pages).

One agian I do not see how to do that:

- the resulting HTML page  for a query is build dynamically, thus:

Assuming a mirror site M and a client C somewhere else:

   - C asks a query from the index page provided by M.
   - C thus sends a query to Paris which cannot know that a previous query was 
      made by C to M.

> In /sincris-top/index.html  (SinCris home page again)
> -----------------------------------------------------
> The link under "Search by keywords" again points to Paris.

We now use WebGlimpse which needs a database named gwindex.html in the server 
home directory and related cgi-bin. I cannot be sure that it is properly 
running on any mirror (or existing!).

> In /sincris-top/themes/index.html  (SinCris home page again)
> -----------------------------------------------------
>    The navigation bar has incorrect


> In /sincris-top/themes/biologie/index.html  (biology page)
> ----------------------------------------------------------


> In /sincris-top/themes/chimie/index.html  (chemistry page)
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> In /sincris-top/themes/mineralogie/index.html  (mineralogy page)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> "Webb" should be spelled "Web". The other links seem OK.

> In /sincris-top/themes/physique/index.html  (physics page)
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> In /sincris-top/themes/autre/index.html  (other topics page)
> ------------------------------------------------------------

Thanks for the corrections. I cannot understand why I made absolute queries to 
the source server!


 Yves EPELBOIN                                          
 E-mail: epelboin@lmcp.jussieu.fr - http://www.lmcp.jussieu.fr/~epelboin
      Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris VI
      Case  115 -- 4, place Jussieu --  F-75252 Paris Cedex 05
      phone: (00 33)  01 44 27 52 11   --   fax: (00 33) 01 44 27 37 85

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