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Re: Request for comment (Cracow100

Forwarded on behalf of Sasha (sacha@lcm3b.uhp-nancy.fr) due to 
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Dear All,

Davide Viterbo :
>1 -  I agree with Tassos comment about the 'New' Structural Problems.

OK, I still believe that if we look larger we do see NEW problems (and I
hope WILL SEE more), some example were given yesterday in my previous mail.
Many of these problems "were in the air" for some time (in that sense they
are not new) but NOW they became REAL problem we should attack practically.
        Nevertheless, if this title seems to be too much provocative, "New
algorithms for difficult crystallographic problems" may be better.
        I still believe that we should NOT add in the title neither
"macromolecular" nor "structural" to leave it open for all aspects of

I agree with all others suggestions by Davide.

Best regards,


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