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Draft minutes of the Closed COMCIFS meeting at Florence

  • To: "Discussion list of the IUCr Committee for the Maintenance of the CIFStandard (COMCIFS)" <comcifs@iucr.org>
  • Subject: Draft minutes of the Closed COMCIFS meeting at Florence
  • From: David Brown <idbrown@mcmaster.ca>
  • Date: Thu, 08 Sep 2005 14:46:53 -0400
Dear Colleagues,

I have attached a copy of the draft minutes of the closed meetings of 
COMCIFS that were held in Florence.  Can you please check these and, if 
you were present, let me have any corrections.  I will then incorporate 
these in the final version.

Because not everyone was in Florence, the meetings made no formal 
decisions though there was a surprizing consensus.  Over the next few 
weeks I will be presenting formal proposals to implement the ideas that 
arose from our discussions and will request approval of these from the 
voting COMCIFS members.

Best wishes

David Brown


fn:I.David Brown
org:McMaster University;Brockhouse Institute for Materials Research
adr:;;King St. W;Hamilton;Ontario;L8S 4M1;Canada
title:Professor Emeritus
tel;work:+905 525 9140 x 24710
tel;fax:+905 521 2773

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