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Provisional approval for revisions of existing dictionaries

	I was wondering if we should review our procedures now that we
have the DMGs operating.  It doesn't now seem so necessary that
revisions to the existing dictionaries should be brought to Comcifs for
provisional approval.  If the DMGs are well constituted and Comcifs has
its scouts watching out for problems in the DMG discussions, it should
only be necessary for Comcifs to be asked for final approval.  If problems
are detected at this stage, the DMG would be asked to fix them before
approval is granted.  The advantages of such a change in procedure
	1. Comcifs load will be lightened.  I suspect that most
dictionaries get a rather cursory read from Comcifs members at the
provisional approval stage (and maybe also at the final approval stage). 
	2. The work of the DMGs would be streamlined so that there is
little delay in getting new versions of the dictionaries into circulation
since there would not be a waiting period before final approval.
	3. Many of the changes will be rather minor and will not require
extensive input from the workers in the field.
	4. The DMG discussion lists will make it easier for everyone
interested to follow the discussions and contribute earlier in the

The disadvantages are:
	1. Communication between a DMG and Comcifs might break down, so
that matters of principle are not referred back to Comcifs for guidance.
However, with discussion lists this may be avoided, and Comcifs can always
return a proposal that does not conform to current policies.

	It might be worth considering including all members of DMGs as
auditors of the Comcifs discussions.  In this case they would become more
aware of Comcifs procedures and the philosophical issues that come before
Comcifs and how they are resolved.

			Best wishes

Dr.I.David Brown,  Professor Emeritus
Brockhouse Institute for Materials Research, 
McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Tel: 1-(905)-525-9140 ext 24710
Fax: 1-(905)-521-2773

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