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RE: Fine-tuning CIF dictionary regexes

John Bollinger wrote:

> For your particular case, it seems that you ought to be able to read a
> regex from the dictionary, prepend a '^', append a '$',  and go.
> Alternatively, some regex engines (e.g. Java's) allow you to exert
> control at the API level over whether or not the whole string, the
> beginning of the string, or just any old part of the string needs to
> match.

A single appended $ did the trick, of course, why didn't I think of

So if the non-universal regular expressions in the dictionary (those
that contain alternations) finished with a $ sign, that would guarantee
(almost?) all regexp engines could match using the expressions in the
dictionary, with no program intervention - worth thinking about.  

cif-developers mailing list

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