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Parsing of comments in BNC definition

  • Subject: Parsing of comments in BNC definition
  • From: James Hester <jrh@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 23 Nov 2000 09:48:30 GMT
Hello people,

I guess this is probably question to Nick, and forgive me if I've
overlooked something.

I'm currently trying to implement a parser using the draft BNC
definition, but am confused about the parsing of comments.

To demonstrate, if I have a data block heading

data_block#53 _a_data_item

does the production

<data_heading>          ::= <DATA_> <non_blank_char>+

suck up the #53 as well (# is listed as a non_blank_char)?  Or does

<data>     ::= { <wspace>+ <data_name> <wspace>* <blank> <data_value_1> }

mean that #53... -> comment -> wspace mean that '#53 _a_data_item' can
be considered as the whitespace before the data name?  This question
applies in a number of other places as well, where '#' might occur as
part of a data value.

I await enlightenment,

James Hester, ANBF                             KEK
e-mail: jrh@anbf2.kek.jp                       Oho 1-1
Phone: +81 298 64 7959                         Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305
  Fax: +81 298 64 7967                         Japan

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