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RE: Backus-Naur descriptions for STAR and CIF

  • Subject: RE: Backus-Naur descriptions for STAR and CIF
  • From: "Bollinger, John Clayton" <jobollin@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 16 May 2000 23:52:16 +0100 (BST)
Dear all,

My apologies, but lately as I peruse the CIF developers' tools and
resources I am becoming confused about which STAR features are
included in CIF and which are not.  I am particularly confused about
save frames and global blocks.  Hall's original description of CIF,
the one reprinted on the IUCr site, does not mark these features as
excluded from CIF.  On the other hand, the vcif documentation refers
to both as STAR features that are not part of CIF.  To make matters
worse, Nick Spadaccini's new BNF description of CIF includes global
blocks but not save frames.  If a more restrictive CIF specification
has been adopted since 1991 then I have missed it; the specification
adopted for use with version 2 core dictionaries appears to be less,
rather than more, restrictive.  Am I missing something dumb?


John Bollinger
Indiana University
Molecular Structure Center

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