The publication of Volume A1, for some time named ‘Volume H’, was approved by the Executive Committee in August 1995. It provides complete tables and diagrams of the maximal subgroups for each space and plane group; for the Contents see the Report for 1995 in Acta Cryst. (1996). A52, 962.
Meanwhile, the data for the subgroup tables are complete and have been checked in several runs by hand, by the mathematical program system GAP, and by ad hoc programs. The homogenisation of the data on isomorphic and on non-isomorphic subgroups that originate from different sources is in progress. Many transformations from unconventional to standard settings have been changed in order to make the tables more user-friendly for the comparison of symmetry-related crystal structures. There are still problems to be settled, in particular for those space groups which are presented twice in Volume A because of different settings. The user’s guide and the theoretical part are in preparation. In addition to the tables, the subgroup relations will be presented in the form of diagrams, separate for translationengleiche and klassengleiche subgroups. These diagrams have been completed.
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IUCr Triennial Report: Volume H. Maximal Subgroups of Space and Plane
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