Crystallographic Information Framework

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Protein Data Bank exchange dictionary (pdbx) version 1.0521




   A listing of the method or methods used to phase this


abinitio phasing by ab initio methods
averaging phase improvement by averaging over multiple images of the structure
dm phasing by direct methods
isas phasing by iterative single-wavelength anomalous scattering
isir phasing by iterative single-wavelength isomorphous replacement
isomorphous phasing beginning with phases calculated from an isomorphous structure
mad phasing by multiple-wavelength anomalous dispersion
mir phasing by multiple isomorphous replacement
miras phasing by multiple isomorphous replacement with anomalous scattering
mr phasing by molecular replacement
sir phasing by single isomorphous replacement
siras phasing by single isomorphous replacement with anomalous scattering

Type: ucode

Mandatory item: yes

Category: phasing