Crystallographic Information Framework

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Macromolecular dictionary (mmCIF) version 2.0.09




   The chiral volume, V(c), for chiral centres that involve a chiral
   atom bonded to three non-hydrogen atoms and one hydrogen atom.

   V~c~ = V1 * (V2 X V3)

   V1 = the vector distance from the atom specified by
        _chem_link_chir.atom_id to the first atom in the
        CHEM_LINK_CHIR_ATOM list
   V2 = the vector distance from the atom specified by
        _chem_link_chir.atom_id to the second atom in the
        CHEM_LINK_CHIR_ATOM list
   V3 = the vector distance from the atom specified by
        _chem_link_chir.atom_id to the third atom in the
        CHEM_LINK_CHIR_ATOM list
   *  = the vector dot product
   X  = the vector cross product

Type: float

Type conditions: esd

Mandatory item: no

Related item: _chem_link_chir.volume_three_esd (associated_esd)

Category: chem_link_chir