Macromolecular dictionary (mmCIF)
Category groups
The following category groups are defined in this dictionary:
- inclusive_group
- Categories that belong to the macromolecular dictionary.
- atom_group
- Categories that describe the properties of atoms.
- audit_group
- Categories that describe dictionary maintenance and
- cell_group
- Categories that describe the unit cell.
- chemical_group
- Categories that describe chemical properties and nomenclature.
- chem_comp_group
- Categories that describe components of chemical structure.
- chem_link_group
- Categories that describe links between components of
chemical structure.
- citation_group
- Categories that provide bibliographic references.
- computing_group
- Categories that describe the computational details of the
- compliance_group
- Categories that are included in this dictionary specifically to
comply with previous dictionaries.
- database_group
- Categories that hold references to entries in databases that
contain related information.
- diffrn_group
- Categories that describe details of the diffraction experiment.
- entity_group
- Categories that describe chemical entities.
- entry_group
- Categories that pertain to the entire data block.
- exptl_group
- Categories that hold details of the experimental conditions.
- geom_group
- Categories that hold details of molecular and crystal geometry.
- iucr_group
- Categories that are used for manuscript submission and
internal processing by the staff of the International Union of
- pdb_group
- Categories that pertain to the file-format or data-processing
codes used by the Protein Data Bank.
- phasing_group
- Categories that describe phasing.
- refine_group
- Categories that describe refinement.
- refln_group
- Categories that describe the details of reflection measurements.
- struct_group
- Categories that contain details about the crystallographic
- symmetry_group
- Categories that describe symmetry information.