Modulated and composite structures dictionary (msCIF) version 1.0.1
Definition of the higher-dimensional basis with respect to which the Miller indices are defined. The three-dimensional basis used to index the additional wave vectors should be clearly indicated.Examples:
; a*,b*,c* (reciprocal basis spanning the lattice of main reflections) and q (incommensurate with respect to a*,b*,c*) ; | Typical choice for a one-dimensional incommensurate structure. |
; The diffraction pattern can be indexed with four integers based on the reciprocal vectors a*~1~=a*~11~, a*~2~=a*~12~, a*~3~=a*~13~, a*~4~=a*~21~. a*~1j~ (j=1,2,3) index the main reflections of the 1st subsystem. a*~21~ is incommensurate with a*~11~. ; | Common choice for a misfit layer compound composed of two subsystems that have in common two reciprocal vectors. Extracted from van Smaalen [Crystallogr. Rev. (1995), 4, 79-202]. |
Type: char
Category: cell