![[CIF logo]](https://www.iucr.org/__data/assets/image/0003/125499/CIF_v2.5.jpg)
Core dictionary (coreCIF) version 2.4.5
This definition has been superseded and is retained here only for archival purposes. Use instead '_space_group_name_H-M_alt'
Hermann-Mauguin space-group symbol. Note that the Hermann-Mauguin symbol does not necessarily contain complete information about the symmetry and the space-group origin. If used, always supply the FULL symbol from International Tables for Crystallography Vol. A (2002) and indicate the origin and the setting if it is not implicit. If there is any doubt that the equivalent positions can be uniquely deduced from this symbol, specify the _symmetry_equiv_pos_as_xyz or *_Hall data items as well. Leave spaces between symbols referring to different axes.Examples:
'P 1 21/m 1' |
'P 2/n 2/n 2/n (origin at -1)' |
'R -3 2/m' |
Related item:
Type: char
Category: symmetry