The Commission held a one-week Summer School on Electron Crystallography - Theory and Practice, at the Universities of Bath and Bristol immediately prior to the 13th International Congress on Electron Microscopy in Paris. The School, which was sponsored by the International Union of Crystallography as well as a number of companies, was attended by 50 students from 21 countries. It was widely regarded as effective in presenting the state of the art in electron crystallography. Further details about the School, which had no other published record, may be found in the article by Doug Dorset in the IUCr Newsletter (1994), No. 2, p. 19.
The Commission is now involved in planning a Winter Workshop on Electron Diffraction and Imaging at Surfaces to be held in Arizona, 2-5 January 1996. Professor M. A. Van Hove of UC Berkeley, California, is chairing the Organizing Committee. A related activity is the round-robin on RHEED computer codes being organized by Professor A. Ichimiya of the University of Nagoya.
The Commission is represented on the Programme Committee for the XVII International Congress of the IUCr in Seattle in 1996 by John Steeds and Doug Dorset.
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[1993] [1995] IUCr Commission on Electron Diffraction report
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