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Cifsas dictionary
- Subject: Cifsas dictionary
- From: Marco <Malfois@embl-hamburg.de>
- Date: Mon, 24 Aug 1998 09:55:19 +0200
- Organization: EMBL
Dear All, below you will find a draft of a one-dimensional SAS data format prepared following the discussions at the Denver X-ray conference (Aug'97), Workshop at NIST (Jan'98), canSAS'98 (Grenoble, Feb'98) and ACA'98 (Arlington, July'98) meetings. The idea was to have a simple interchangeable format which can be written/read by the data aquisition and analysis software. A consensus seemed to be reached on an ASCII format for one-dimensional data which includes: - a self-described header containing all relevant information about the sample and instrumental conditions; - raw or reduced data in a table form. The above structure was implemented by defining a dictionary serving as a common basis to make the files self describing. This dictionary was realized as an extension of CIF (Crystallographic Information File), which is a standard means of information interchange in crystallography. Similar "extension" approach has been developed, e.g. for the powder crystallography data. Adhering to CIF allows to use numerous public domain programs developed for this format (you may read all about it at the UICr WWW page). Please note that the draft below concerns only 1D data. For 2D files, a portable binary format would probably be required, which is out of scope of the current project. Your comments/suggestions/extensions/criticism are welcome. Please put them on the SAS listserver or send directly to Malfois@EMBL-Hamburg.DE or Svergun@EMBL-Hamburg.DE. If a consensus will be reached, the project will be extended to develop relevant tools for this format. Any standard is meaningful only if it is going to be used! The information below includes: 1. A short description of the names used 2. An example of a sasCIF file 3. A "sasCIF extension" to a CIF dictionary.
sasCIF dictionary (draft) Description of the names used M.Malfois, D.Svergun, July 1998 PUBLIC INFORMATION ### All included in the core CIF dictionary BLOCK INFORMATION # Some relevant CIF dictionary entries are also listed _audit_Block_code_ Identifies uniquely the current data block _audit_Creation_date_ _audit_Update_Record_ History _sas_block_data_id Uniquely identifies the current SAS data block SOURCE INFORMATION _diffrn_radiation_source X-ray tube, neutron reactor... _diffrn_radiation_probe Source of radiation (X-rays/Neutrons) _diffrn_radiation_wavelength radiation wavelength in A. _diffrn_radiation_monochromator Its type # Assumed: x=equatorial direction, y=azimuthal direction _sas_beam_collimation_slit_x Collimation slits in cm _sas_beam_collimation_slit_y _sas_beam_size_x Beam size on the sample in cm _sas_beam_size_y _sas_beam_divergence_x Beam divergency in radians _sas_beam_divergence_y _sas_beam_collimation_distance In cm _sas_beam_sample_detector In cm _sas_beam_delta_lambda (Delta lambda) /lambda DETECTOR INFORMATION _diffrn_detector general class of detector _diffrn_detector_type Model or name of the detector used _sas_det_beamstop_x Beamstop size on X, cm _sas_det_beamstop_y Beamstop size on Y, cm _sas_det_pixnum_x Number of detector pixels in X direction _sas_det_pixnum_y Number of detector pixels in Y direction _sas_det_pixsiz_x Pixel size, X direction, cm _sas_det_pixsiz_y Pixel size, Y direction, cm _sas_det_center_x Beam center, X coordinate in cm from left _sas_det_center_y Beam center, Y coordinate in cm from bottom _sas_det_rad_step Radial step to group pixels for circular average (cm) _sas_det_mer_fact # of channels merged together (1D-detector) _sas_det_rotation Tilt of the detector (degrees) _sas_det_sector_width In degrees (for sectorial average) _sas_det_sector_orientation In degrees with respect to X direction SAMPLE INFORMATION _chemical_compound_source_ _diffrn_ambient_temperature temperature in K _diffrn_ambient_environment air, vacuum... _sas_sample_name Sample description _sas_sample_concentration In g/l _sas_sample_thickness In cm _sas_sample_transmission _sas_sample_time For kinematic measurements _sas_sample_strain _sas_sample_pressure any other parameters ??? _sas_sample_orientation Sample normal/beam _sas_sample_monitor sample calibration channel value _sas_sample_buffer_composition _sas_sample_buffer_pH _sas_sample_matrix_monitor matrix calibration channel value _sas_sample_exposure measurement exposure time TREATMENT INFORMATION _sas_trt_detres_made data normalized against response Y/N _sas_trt_detres_block Detector response data block _sas_trt_matrix_made Matrix/buffer scattering subtracted Y/N _sas_trt_matrix_block Matrix/buffer scattering block _sas_trt_matrix_transmission Transmission of the matrix/buffer _sas_trt_background_made Background subtracted Y/N _sas_trt_background_block Background scattering block _sas_trt_background_transmission Transmission of empty cell _sas_trt_raw_data_file acquisition data file(s) _sas_trt_raw_data_date date/time of raw data file _sas_trt_date date/time of primary data treatment DATA INFORMATION _sas_data_type Possible types: $Sample, $Matrix, $Detector, $Background _sas_data_title _sas_data_momentum_transfer momentum transfer (Q,q,s,S,h,k,m....) _sas_data_momentum_factor Scaling factor of the above quantity to 4*pi sin(th)/lam [A-1] _sas_data_intensity scattering intensity _sas_data_stat_error standard deviation _sas_data_syst_error e.g. from radial average etc _sas_data_scaling_factor Scaling factor for the intensity and errors _sas_data_group_factor # of pixels contributing to this point _sas_data_resolution Width of Gaussian resolution function
##################################################### # Example file illustrating description # # of a small-angle scattering experiment # # with data names from the core CIF # # and sasCIF extension dictionaries # # # # Warning: was NOT checked against the CIF rules, # # just gives impression on how a sasCIF # # file would look like ... # ##################################################### data_TEST_publ _audit_block_code 1998-07-09_Exa_for_sasCIF _audit_creation_date 1998-07-08 _audit_creation_method "from PD example file" loop_ _publ_contact_author_name _publ_contact_author_email _publ_contact_author_phone _publ_contact_author_fax " M.Malfois" , Malfois@EMBL-Hamburg.De , +49(40)89902148 , +49(40)89902149 , " D.Svergun" , Svergun@EMBL-Hamburg.De , +49(40)89902125 , +49(40)89902149 , _publ_contact_author_adress ; EMBL c/o DESY Notkestrasse 85 D-22603 Hamburg Germany ; _publ_section_title "Chicken egg white lysozyme" _diffrn_radiation_source "Storage ring DORIS, beamline X33" _diffrn_radiation_probe "Synchrotron radiation X-rays" _diffrn_radiation_wavelength 1.5 _diffrn_radiation_monochromator "Bent crystal" _sas_beam_size_x 0.2 _sas_beam_size_y 0.5 _sas_beam_sample_detector 150 _diffrn_detector "Gas-filled proportional" _diffrn_detector_type Quadrant _sas_det_beamstop_x 0.5 _sas_det_beamstop_y 0.5 _sas_det_pixsiz_x 0.01 _sas_det_pixsiz_y 0.01 _sas_det_center_x 2.0 _sas_det_center_y 2.2 _sas_det_sector_width 45 _sas_det_sector_orientation 22.5 _diffrn_ambient_temperature 277 _diffrn_ambient_environment air _sas_sample_name ; Chicken egg white lysozyme in solution ; _sas_sample_concentration 15 _sas_sample_buffer_composition "150mM NaCl, 40 mM Na acetate" _sas_sample_buffer_pH 4.25 _sas_sample_thickness 0.2 _sas_sample_transmission 0.6 _sas_sample_exposure_time 600 _sas_trt_detres_made Yes _sas_trt_matrix_made Yes _sas_trt_background_made Yes _sas_trt_date 07-Jul-1997 _sas_block_data_id "07-09-98 02:46am|Exa_for_sasCIF|Diff" _sas_data_type Sample _sas_data_title "Lysozyme difference data" _sas_data_momentum_factor 0.62831 _sas_data_scaling_factor 1e-6 loop_ _sas_data_momentum_transfer _sas_data_intensity _sas_data_stat_error 5.210180E-02 , 86.182260 , 6.284270 5.384985E-02 , 84.223050 , 5.760499 5.559791E-02 , 82.234630 , 5.395226 5.734596E-02 , 78.108730 , 5.148366 5.909401E-02 , 77.326730 , 4.874490 # ..... truncated for brievity 5.258238E-01 , 5.752596 , 6.161484E-01 5.275719E-01 , 4.321647 , 6.167618E-01 5.293199E-01 , 5.015543 , 6.191652E-01 5.310680E-01 , 5.677856 , 6.121474E-01 5.328161E-01 , 5.151685 , 6.183262E-01 # The file may contain other data sets (matrix scattering, # another sampls(s), detector response etc) identified by their # own _sas_block_data_id #--eof--eof--eof--eof--eof--eof--eof--eof--eof--eof--eof--eof--eof
############################################################################## # # # SAS CIF Dictionary # # --------------------- # # # # CIF data definitions specifically for SAS applications. # # These are in addition to those defined in the Core CIF Dictionary 1996. # # # # The DDL commands used in this dictionary are defined in "ddl_core.dic". # # # ############################################################################## data_on_this_dictionary _dictionary_name cif_sas.dic _dictionary_version 0.1 _dictionary_update 1998-08-17 _dictionary_history ; 1998-08-17 Initial definitions ; #......................... Block/Dataset names data_sas_block_data_[sas] _name '_sas_block_data_[sas]' _category category_overview _type null #............................................................. data_sas_block_data_id _name '_sas_block_data_id' _category sas_block _type char _definition ; It is used to assign an unique id code to a data block. ; #......................... Beam Information data_sas_beam_[sas] _name '_sas_beam_[sas]' _category category_overview _type null #............................................................. data_sas_beam_collimation_slit_ loop_ _name '_sas_beam_collimation_slit_x' '_sas_beam_collimation_slit_y' _category sas_beam _type numb _enumeration_range 0.0: _units cm _units_detail 'centimeters' _list both _definition ; defines the collimation slits in the equatorial and axial direction. ; data_sas_beam_size_ loop_ _name '_sas_beam_size_x' '_sas_beam_size_y' _category sas_beam _type numb _enumeration_range 0.0: _units cm _units_detail 'centimeters' _list both _definition ; defines the beam size on the sample ; data_sas_beam_divergence_ loop_ _name '_sas_beam_divergence_x' '_sas_beam_divergence_y' _category sas_beam _type numb _enumeration_range 0.0: _units rad _units_detail 'radians' _list both _definition ; defines the beam divergency ; data_sas_beam_collimation_distance _name '_sas_beam_collimation_distance' _category sas_beam _type numb _enumeration_range 0.0: _units cm _units_detail 'centimeters' _definition ; defines the collimation distance ; data_sas_beam_sample_detector _name '_sas_beam_sample_detector' _category sas_beam _type numb _enumeration_range 0.0: _units cm _units_detail 'centimeters' _definition ; defines the distance sample/detector ; data_sas_beam_delta_lambda _name '_sas_beam_delta_lambda' _category sas_beam _type numb _enumeration_range 0.0: _definition ; defines the quantity (Delta lambda ) / lambda Lambda being the wavelength ; #......................... Detector Information data_sas_det_[sas] _name '_sas_det_[sas]' _category category_overview _type null #............................................................. data_sas_det_beamstop_ loop_ _name '_sas_det_beamstop_x' '_sas_det_beamstop_y' _category sas_det _type numb _enumeration_range 0.0: _units cm _units_detail 'centimeters' _list both _definition ; defines the beamstop size. ; data_sas_det_pixnum_ loop_ _name '_sas_det_pixnum_x' '_sas_det_pixnum_y' _category sas_det _type numb _enumeration_range 0.0: _list both _definition ; defines the number of detector pixel in x and y direction. ; data_sas_det_pixsize_ loop_ _name '_sas_det_pixsize_x' '_sas_det_pixsize_y' _category sas_det _type numb _enumeration_range 0.0: _units cm _units_detail 'centimeters' _list both _definition ; defines the pixel size in x and y direction. ; data_sas_det_center_ loop_ _name '_sas_det_center_x' '_sas_det_center_y' _category sas_det _type numb _enumeration_range 0.0: _units cm _units_detail 'centimeters' _list both _definition ; defines the beam center on the detector in x and y directions. The X coordinate is defined from left and the Y coordinate is defined from bottom. ; data_sas_det_rad_step _name '_sas_det_rad_step' _category sas_det _type numb _enumeration_range 0.0: _units cm _units_detail 'centimeters' _definition ; defines the radial step to group pixels for circular average. ; data_sas_det_mer_fact _name '_sas_det_mer_fact' _category sas_det _type numb _enumeration_range 0.0: _definition ; defines the number of channels merged together for the 1D-detector ; data_sas_det_rotation _name '_sas_det_rotation' _category sas_det _type numb _enumeration_range -180.0:360.0 _units deg _units_detail 'degrees' _definition ; defines the tilt of the detector ; data_sas_det_sector_ loop_ _name '_sas_det_sector_width' '_sas_det_sector_orientation' _category sas_det _type numb _enumeration_range -180.0:360.0 _units deg _units_detail 'degrees' _list both _definition ; defines the sector width for sectorial average and the sector orientation with respect x direction. ; #......................... Sample Information data_sas_sample_[sas] _name '_sas_sample_[sas]' _category category_overview _type null #............................................................. data_sas_sample_name _name '_sas_sample_name' _category sas_sample _type char _definition ; A description of the specimen such as the source of the specimen, identification of standards, mixtures, etc. ; data_sas_sample_concentration _name '_sas_sample_concentration' _category sas_sample _type numb _enumeration_range 0.0: _units gl-1 _units_detail 'gramme/liter' _definition ; The sample concentration. ; data_sas_sample_thickness _name '_sas_sample_thickness' _category sas_sample _type numb _enumeration_range 0.0: _units cm _units_detail 'centimeters' _definition ; The sample thickness ; data_sas_sample_transmission _name '_sas_sample_transmission' _category sas_sample _type numb _enumeration_range 0.0: _definition ; The sample transmission ; data_sas_sample_time _name '_sas_sample_time' _category sas_sample _type numb _enumeration_range 0.0: _units s _units_detail 'seconds' _definition ; A description of the sample in case of kinematic measurments. ; data_sas_sample_strain _name '_sas_sample_strain' _category sas_sample _type numb _enumeration_range 0.0: _definition ; The sample strain ; data_sas_sample_pressure _name '_sas_sample_pressure' _category sas_sample _type numb _enumeration_range 0.0: _units Pa _units_detail 'Pascals' _definition ; The sample pressure ; data_sas_sample_orientation _name '_sas_sample_orientation' _category sas_sample _type numb _enumeration_range -180.0:360.0 _units deg _units_detail 'degrees' _definition ; defines the angle between the sample normal and the incident beam. ; data_sas_sample_monitor _name '_sas_sample_monitor' _category sas_sample _type numb _enumeration_range 0.0: _definition ; Sample calibration channel value ; data_sas_sample_buffer_composition _name '_sas_sample_buffer_composition' _category sas_sample _type char _definition ; A description of the buffer used ; data_sas_sample_buffer_ph _name '_sas_sample_buffer_ph' _category sas_sample _type numb _enumeration_range 0.0:14.0 _definition ; Buffer ph ; data_sas_sample_matrix_monitor _name '_sas_sample_matrix_monitor' _category sas_sample _type numb _definition ; Matrix callibration channel value ; data_sas_sample_exposure _name '_sas_sample_exposure' _category sas_sample _type numb _enumeration_range 0.0: _units s _units_detail 'seconds' _definition ; Exposure time of the sample ; #......................... Treatment Information data_sas_trt_[sas] _name '_sas_trt_[sas]' _category category_overview _type null #............................................................. data_sas_trt_detrep_made _name '_sas_trt_detrep_made' _category sas_trt _type char loop_ _enumeration yes no _definition ; Data normalized against response ; data_sas_trt_detrep_block _name '_sas_trt_detrep_block' _category sas_trt _type char _definition ; Detector response data block ; data_sas_trt_matrix_made _name '_sas_trt_matrix_made' _category sas_trt _type char loop_ _enumeration yes no _definition ; Matrix/buffer scattering subtracted ; data_sas_trt_matrix_block _name '_sas_trt_matrix_block' _category sas_trt _type char _definition ; Matrix/buffer scattering block ; data_sas_trt_matrix_transmission _name '_sas_trt_matrix_transmission' _category sas_trt _type numb _enumeration_range 0.0: _definition ; The matrix transmission ; data_sas_trt_background_made _name '_sas_trt_background_made' _category sas_trt _type char loop_ _enumeration yes no _definition ; Background subtracted ; data_sas_trt_background_block _name '_sas_trt_background_block' _category sas_trt _type char _definition ; Background scattering block ; data_sas_trt_background_transmission _name '_sas_trt_background_transmission' _category sas_trt _type numb _enumeration_range 0.0: _definition ; The transmission of empty cell ; data_sas_trt_raw_data_file _name '_sas_trt_raw_data_file' _category sas_trt _type char _definition ; Acquisition data file ; data_sas_trt_raw_data_date _name '_sas_trt_raw_data_date' _category sas_trt _type char _definition ; Date and time of raw data file acquisition. Dates and times should be specified in the standard CIF format 'yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss+zz'. Use of seconds and a time zone is optional, but use of hours and minutes is strongly encouraged. ; data_sas_trt_date _name '_sas_trt_date' _category sas_trt _type char _definition ; Date and time of traetment Dates and times should be specified in the standard CIF format 'yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss+zz'. Use of seconds and a time zone is optional, but use of hours and minutes is strongly encouraged. ; #......................... Data Information data_sas_data_[sas] _name '_sas_data_[sas]' _category category_overview _type null #............................................................. data_sas_data_type _name '_sas_data_type' _category sas_data _type char loop_ _enumeration sample matrix background detector _definition ; data type ; data_sas_data_title _name '_sas_data_title' _category sas_data _type char _definition ; data title ; data_sas_data_momentum_transfert _name '_sas_data_momentum_transfert' _category sas_data _type numb _list yes _definition ; Momentum transfert values ; data_sas_data_momentum_factor _name '_sas_data_momentum_factor' _category sas_data _type numb _definition ; Scaling factor of the momentum transfert to 4*PI sin (theta) / lambda in A-1 ; data_sas_data_intensity _name '_sas_data_intensity' _category sas_data _type numb _list yes _definition ; Scattering intensity ; data_sas_data_stat_error _name '_sas_data_stat_error' _category sas_data _type numb _list yes _definition ; Statistical errors associated to the scattering intensity ; data_sas_data_sys_error _name '_sas_data_sys_error' _category sas_data _type numb _list yes _definition ; Systematic errors, e.g. from radial average etc... ; data_sas_data_scaling_factor _name '_sas_data_scaling_factor' _category sas_data _type numb _definition ; Scaling factor for the intensity and errors. ; data_sas_data_group_factor _name '_sas_data_group_factor' _category sas_data _type numb _list yes _definition ; Number of pixels contributing to this point. ; data_sas_data_resolution _name '_sas_data_resolution' _category sas_data _type numb _list yes _definition ; Width of Gaussian resolution function. ; #--eof--eof--eof--eof--eof--eof--eof--eof--eof--eof--eof--eof--eof
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